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Are there any kinos about Opium war or Boxer rebellion
Cooper Long
Kevin Price
here you go
Josiah Nguyen
>antagonize the only people who solved the problem
>w-we couldn't d-deal w-with i-it s-so they m-must be l-lying
lmao western nations resting on their laurels and delusional exceptionalism when they're just flesh and blood monkeys
Parker Brooks
Aaron Diaz
>solved the problem
Are there people who unironically believe any of that government’s claims after they fucking lied about the virus in the first place and blacked out coverage of it?
Angel Diaz
>the only people who solved the problem
also caused
CCPDF out in full force
Dylan Phillips
well maybe if you'd stop shoving literally any fucking thing into your mouths this problem wouldn't have existed
Jordan Adams
already been posted with
Heston kino about how 7 completely different peoples can unite with the purpose of fucking over China
Matthew Turner
the various nations' militaries marching at the end was pretty cool
Lucas Reed
Why does China lie?
Ethan Sanchez
Boris Johnson doesn't understand than virual infections cannot be stopped once it starts. Apparently many people in the world do not know this fact.
Nicholas Baker
What do you mean "he doesn't know"? He simply doesn't like that the Chinese are publishing bogus numbers.
Justin Cruz
>your betters
Nice try Chang Wang, then how come plenty of Chinese doctors got punished for spreading information regarding the virus as it was appearing?
Stupid retarded chink you are a disgrace
Gavin Sanders
Comon guy at least try a little harder when you're trolling.
Parker Sanchez
How about the Shaw Brothers' "Boxer Rebellion"?
Evan Carter
>western journalism
lol 1 week ago all of your shills were saying China was doomed and how western infrastructure was superior and could easily handle the threat.
Look where you are now little pinky.
Christian Price
This is all a global sham to go to war against china
Ayden Perry
Boris is a smart man. I expect him to be a logical person, unlike Trump. 3 million people infected in China seems like a relief to me. That's basically nothing.
Jose Kelly
any kinos about a nation trying to destroy the world?
resident evil?
Jonathan Moore
no fucking shit
Isaac Rogers
People all over the world should have crucified for stuffing your mouth with dirty diseased pigs.
The only thing that saved you is your lying propaganda media.
Zachary Diaz
>Look where you are now
Shooting the shit on the internet. Is that suppose to be bad?
Grayson Butler
Cmon, no one in the UK government has talent. They spent months denying corona as serious and then 180d and lockeddown later. They’re now threatening 6 month lockdowns which will no doubt eclipse that of US and some EU counfries
David Thompson
>loss of 21 million cell phone users in two months
Oh no no no no
John Cruz
>5 million citizens leave wuhan under travel ban
>not chinas fault
David Green
Go back to plebbit you degenerate teenage.
Chase Anderson
That would still put it below America
Joseph Hall
What’s with the ramping of Pro-Chinese shilling on here lately?
Dylan Baker
>knew the virus existed and was being transmitted to humans
>censor any news of it at home and abroad
>silence the doctor who discovered it who later mysteriously dies from the "virus" despite being young and healthy
>too much info has leaked over lockdowns so admit to it to public
>CCP cocksucker head of WHO says there's no issue
>despite lockdowns let citizens of those cities travel the world
>critical mass
>beg for supplies from western world despite being the centre of manufacturing
>stop reporting on numbers, claim everything is going well to boost stock markets and currency
>infections crippling the western economy, Chinese investment in European and American/Canadian companies surges to new highs, taking advantage of the situation
>Cuck all western media outlets to not allow them to say the virus originated in China or say anything about the open air wild game markets
>despite getting 17 tonnes of supplies from the USA and 16 tonnes from Canada, ship a measly 10k masks to each country so western media laps it up and praises China more
I hope the truth comes out.
Ayden Hernandez
They CCP has been engaging in full-blown media shilling all over the west currently. They were before, but it's ramped up now due to the corona shit.
Luis Russell
Me? I'm quarantined but not really. I'm free to walk the streets and go to anything that's open. My school is online so I'm saving on gas. Granted a lot of shit closed but a lot of fucking food places are still open as well as mechanics which I just found out I need and can freely go to.
Evan Gray
>the only people who solved the problem
If China has developed a working vaccine and isn't sharing it, they deserve to be nuked.
Charles Hall
Are the Han the most delusional race of all time?
Jaxson Miller
So when's the war?
Western nations were already shifting manufacturing to other places because China was getting expensive. Now that'll accelerate after the collective "maybe all of our shit being made in one sneaky underhanded place is a bad idea" notice. You can't tell me China has been building warships at the feverish pace it has and doesn't intend to use them.
Jack Carter
Chapocels doing major damage control
Elijah Peterson
Bioshock: Infinity
Brayden Jones
>become economically dependent on china because you're stingy and want them to work kids to death for cheap shit
>suddenly mad when your globalist house of cards starts to collapse
dumb westoids
Caleb Morgan
If you don´t think there aren´t anywhere near a whole to half a million confirmed cases and you easily can double or triple their death toll, and don´t believe that China isn´t fixing their reported numbers
Just good for you. Good for you, now go back and turrning burgers at McD
Aiden Cook
When half the Europe was closing their borders, UK was doing nothing, still going to pubs, football matches and Boris was like "who cares, herd immunity and shit" and now they're blaming China
Austin Richardson
Based on topic poster
Bentley Clark
no one causes disease, user
the outbreak started there, and they were swift to contain it.
I'm not a particular fan of the China shills, but that's just not a reasonable argument. China deserves blame for their response, but not for the actual pandemic itself.
Most of that can actually be attributed to one Indian guy apparently, disease experts are trying to trace the vectors and have found the major 3 have been a soccer game between Spain and Italy where some guy went and got a lot of people sick, the original market in Wuhan, and some Indian retard who took a vacation through Europe and touched everything.
Caleb Sanchez
should have stayed in your place chink. now millions of chinks will die in radiation.
Bentley Parker
I'm not even Chinese I think their society is shit. Westerners outsourced everything to them and are now surprised that they've become dependent on china and that china is expanding, sheer arrogance.
Owen Jackson
britcucks bow to the chinese master race
Owen Green
that seems unlikely, china's military is (currently) the strongest and largest in the world. And they have nukes, too.
No one's picking an actual fight with them because unless everyone got together and declared war on china at the same time, china would win.
Also see M.A.D., huawei electronic control, etc. Going to war with China is just a shitty idea, they can turn off so much of our tech with the flip of a switch, have way better manufacturing and food production, have more people... every metric that determines who wins wars points to them.
>hurrhurr rest in raditiation chink
is just redneck jingoism, no actual military expert thinks that's a feasible option. Right now we're working on undermining them culturally so that they revolt from the inside, that's worked far better with china in the past than all-out war.
Nathaniel Davis
The SARS epidemic started in China, this was due to the unsanitary conditions in the animal markets. Following the SARS epidemic they banned these markets. However, they lifted this ban after only a year and did nothing to improve the conditions that the animals are kept in. If it happened once there is no reason it wouldn’t happen again. The Chinese without a doubt knew this but kept the industry open because it’s valued at about 150billion dollars a year. If you want to shift blame away from the Chinese you can blame government bodies for being too interested in monetary gain to do anything about the situation. Singapore and Russia both took actions against the spread as early as late January, while most western nation waited until mid March to do anything.
Kayden Baker
Thomas Peterson
>that seems unlikely, china's military is (currently) the strongest and largest in the world
They aren't, stop coping.
David Peterson
talk is cheap. they wont do anything. the corporate bean counters will run the numbers and decide even with the massive cost of corona its still a little bit cheaper to manufacture in china and that will be that.
Jeremiah Butler
>According to Chinese government propaganda numbers, 2,535 people in Wuhan have died of the virus
>Based on cremation figures, Wuhan residents estimate more than 40,000 have died of the virus
Ryder Williams
Now say that aircraft carriers are just floating tombs. Dance for me, /leftypol/ monkey.
Jonathan Carter
>I hope the truth comes out.
So do I user, it'd be unbelievable
>revolt from the inside
Isn't that what was happening in HK and other places around the world? Wouldn't be surprised if they released the virus in a cooperative effort to stop the protests locally and in other countries.
Cooper Morales
they are, objectively.
America spends more money on their army, but china can field more people with comparable quality weaponry
and ultimately what wins wars between nations is who can afford to grind the most meat
this isn't controversial, aside from boomers who think "these colors don't run" facebook posts translate to military strength and retards who get all their info from US Army ads, it's pretty widely accepted that china at the very least rivals america militarily, and probably surpasses it, though they're secretive about how much they have so it's hard to put exact figures on it.
that's why the joint chiefs have been focusing on non-conventional methods for chinese containment in the last decade: because they know that if it comes to conventional battle, there's genuinely a very good chance that america loses.
Carson Garcia
The only potentially positive outcome of the pandemic is companies around the world starting to bring back manufacturing within their borders.
Jonathan Barnes
oh no, our aircraft carriers are our main asset that gives us an undisputed advantage
we have way better area control and mobility thanks to our carriers and mobile bases.
>Isn't that what was happening in HK and other places around the world?
yeah, exactly, there's increasingly strong evidence that the CIA is at least partially responsible for keeping unrest going in HK, and trying to get Tibet and a few other provinces to rebel as well. And we know for a fact that the american government is heavily funding the HK efforts
I, too, would not be too surprised if china at least took advantage of the virus to suppress dissent. In fact, I'm pretty positive that's what they're doing
Nathan Lewis
I've worked a lot with American military. Merely putting China on their level because they can field people with rifles is laughable.
America wins by way of crushing logistical might. China could certainly withstand any land invasion that enables them to utilize their ant farm number of bugs, but in any other scenario they get annihilated. Their biggest weakness is one that isn't quantifiable though. Like Russia and a lot of other nations, they aren't remotely battle hardened. America now has a significant amount of nco with fighting experience, even if it is with opium farmers in trashcanistan.
America is also in NATO and at even if only France and England got on board, that's enough to tip it well in their favor.
Asher Ross
A reckoning? What the fuck are you going to do to a nuclear power of 1 billion with unstoppable economic growth and influence? Absolutely nothing mate. China will replace the mutts as the sole global superpower very soon and there's nothing any of us can do about it.
Until then, try to focus on preventing your country from becoming Muslim majority within the century.
Kayden Adams
>there's genuinely a very good chance that america loses.
Pretty unlikely, actually. The American military is fantastic at force projection, unlike the Chinese. So while America and China both enjoy the benefit of the Pacific as a buffer between their land armies, America can more easily bypass it and bring the war to China's doorstep. China would have to fight a defensive war while keeping a lid on its population. Not a good situation for the CCP.
Wyatt Watson
>unstoppable economic growth and influence
China's problem has always been thinking it's unstoppable only for it to be proven, time and again, so very very wrong.
Wyatt Powell
just like how the the war of 1812, the great depression, korean war, vietnam war, iraq war, and afghanistan went?
Dominic Scott
>I'm pretty positive that's what they're doing
Unrest in HK went for over twelve months, same with France. Iran, Iraq, Spain, Brazil. U.S and U.K. Might've forgotten a few but looked like it was starting to happen in more and more places. Just seems to coincidental that unrest was in the streets and now no one is allowed to be outside thanks to a pandemic virus.
Gabriel Sanders
>only people who solved the problem
I know they don't have a cure or even a fucking plan other than killing everyone who dares talk to western media but If they are hiding a cure for this the absolute pounding they would get from Europe, America, Russia and Australia would be so extreme that even the Japs would be sympathetic to them.
Cameron Taylor
Because if it was honest no one would ever want to work with them.
Jason Kelly
Of course the blame lays on the Chinese government, not the people. The Chinese government repeated the same initial cover up attempt it did with Sars.
People object calling it a Chinese virus because that will generate hate discrimination and potential violence against Asians and Chinese who have nothing to do with the virus beyond association due to their ethnicity.
Colton Evans
You make the mistake of forgetting that the US has to cover multiple theatres. They can't and won't bring all assets to a conflict with China. If the conflict is on the Asian mainland, China can bring pretty much everything they have since they don't have the same globe spanning commitments as the US.
Evan Morales
>while keeping a lid on its population
A war is the one thing that could bring the dissenters around to supporting the CCP, even if only as an ally of convenience.