Best movies/shows set in Australia?

Best movies/shows set in Australia?

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I forgot that name of the documentary where its about how australians live in terms of working, going around, and fighting others over a jar of vegemite. Everyone had weird outfits, weird accents, and almost non-existent laws

>Why... why won't you die?
*spiders laughs and swirls a glass of wine*

>Best movies/shows set in Australia?
havnt seen one i really liked. there was a show i liked as a kid called round the twist

The Proposition
The Rover
Both Guy Pearce kino

Imagine being scared of a spider as a male. Jesus put a glass over it and paper under the glass and chuck the poor bugger outside.

Looks like the spider won this round. How will Perth man ever recover?

>not hitting it with a sledgehammer


Attached: Quarrelsome+scrawny+gnat_deac71_7466522.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

And letting millions of tiny baby spiders crawl out of the egg sack you just crushed open?

australia nigger, australia

To be fair it is an Australian spider, I heard there’s that one type that will legit chase you and can bite through your shoe.

It's cute you think a glass can fit over it or paper can hold its weight. We use a bucket and a piece of chipboard

Female funnel web, very aggressive and poisonous, but only found in shitney, so you kind of deserve it

Imagine being scared of a huntsman

We have wolf spiders in North America, not nearly as big as a huntman's, but god fuck them so much. They don't build webs either, so they're always on the ground and that means they can also RUN FAST AS FUCK.


Pissed me off when Guy Pearce kills the midget gun dealer in Rover


Imagine not being scared of poisonous spiders. Literally brain damage caused by genetic malfunction. Like people who aren't scared by heights.

Darwinism is still in play.


I've never seen anyone mention that show. I watched it on Nickelodeon back in the day.

>the fucking shaky camera
I'm dying

yeah imagine being scared of a creature that can straight up kill or severely injure you what a retard

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Most recent one I saw was The Rover starring Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson. Rob was great in it. Great acting. I thought the movie was a waste of time though.

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Mad Max?

Best Australian film coming through

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do you have ten foot wide glasses in your house?

>scared of a huntsman
i used to catch them in my hat at school when i was a kid.

>glass over it and paper
Dude this spider can likely tank a 9mm round without dying.

I fapped to this when I first saw it

theres been a couple Yas Forums threads about it before or maybe they were just australian themed threads where someone posted the round the twist intro. i cant remember which.

Huntsman are fucking based, big enough they can't hide and completely uniterested in me

Wolf Creek 2 is probably the most accurate fictional depiction of Australia.

nice normie meme fag

Australian spiders are so big they have health bars.

it will never not be hilarious to me that this was produced by some american company that had only ever made industrial videos for sheet metal or some shit, and end up making one of the best films in the world, let alone the best australian film

god the film industry here is so fucked

he deserved it

the spiderpill is real boyos

>Guy Pearce kino

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McLeod's Daughters

What is the point of putting it outside? Everyone I know in Australia just crushes them and puts them in the bin. Well, except the braindead environmentalist hippies.

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If it's not Mad Max then I'm especially curious.

The virgin film school the Chad welding

The Road Warrior desu

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>muh secret club

I would never kill a huntsman, wtf is wrong with you?

>muh secret club

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Why wouldn't you kill them? What else would you do to them? Do you leave snakes alive, too?

huntsman don't bite and are not venomous and don't make webs everywhere, they just stick to their spot and eat files, huntsman are based, sure i'll put them outside, but a huntsman has never and will never harm a human

>actually having this saved

Why did nature create something spooky?

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Such a retarded line of thought. If you see them in your house, you kill them. Same goes for flies. Stop living in a pigsty.

nah, most things I would kill, not a huntsman or a daddy long leg, but basically anything else

Fat Pizza/Pizza

>oh no please don't make fun of reddit

god 4channel is just as shitty as ever 90% of this thread is spiders and the other 9% is arguing over muh reddit gold

Documentary called Cunnamulla

Fuck those fucking fuckers. Not going to that land of the lost, ever
Black Sheep

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