Pitch a movie idea, last two digits are the RT score
Pitch a movie idea, last two digits are the RT score
Crocodile With Hands
It's a monster movie about a big crocodile with front arms that are long and dexterous like a humanoid. It does usual crocodile monster things but can also use its hands to tip over boats, open doors, strangle or drag people, and so on.
Sophia Lillis and I get married at a wedding
a movie about RE 1 starring her as Rebecca
Remake of Return to the Blue Lagoon, with Ever Gabo Anderson and Henry Cavill.
Honestly would be okay with that, in terms of creature features that's a pretty good score.
Kittens :(
>Henry Cavill
remember when vr found this fuckin actress?
Wonder if she did a JAV?
Who's that pretty boy?
My unfinished novel
Chimpanzee Rape Gangs of San Fransisco
a film about the reign of the Emperor Nero, starring Leonardo DiCaprio
A boy falls in love with a girl. Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well. But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush. Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
are in the UCSC film program? I might know you
This would absolutely become huge. 9/10 concept
bretty good
3 hours of peolpe being raped by futas
One girl shits in a cup and another drinks from it. This continues for a few minutes until they throw up.
Half of the film shows an optimistic view on the coronavirus
Half of the film shows a pessimistic view on the coronavirus
Intercut all arthouse like 100%
Rated R Scooby Doo film taking place in 80s LA in which Fred and Shaggy are detectives and Scooby is shaggys dog and they investigate the disappearances of several young socialites and uncover a cult that worships demons and drink blood. The socialites were seen kidnapped by people dressed as various movie monsters. Along the way they meet Velma, whose dad is in the cult, and Daphne, who's trying to find out what happened to her friend. They don't manage to take down the cult, they do however manage to escape with their lives and the last scene is them headed towards the Mexican border
stop you're hurting me
been done in the 80s it was a blaxploitation film that ended with mexicans killing everyone
was very precient considering how spics outbread the nogs 10:1
A Hitler and Stalin buddy cop movie where they gotta stop WW1 from breaking out in an alternate history Europe. At some point in the film they fight a giant spider, that's all I got so far.
Finds a way
A man goes the distance just to sniff the fart of the girl of his dreams
Its called "Money Talks"
Its about a Jewish banker on Wall Street who gets a heart attack and is dying in the hospital. Hes guided by spirits through his life and makes a conversion at the end.
18-hour long kinomagnus about a 20 year-old young college boy (played by me) who develops Stockholm syndrome after getting kidnapped by a reclusive older Christian woman (played by Eva Green) who seeks to explore her repressed sexual desires...in violent ways
RT doesn't like it cuz it paints Jews in a bad light
It's Brie Larson reading feminist articles with little to no sources in a deadly serious way. Her tits are of course smooshed together like her late night show appearance the entire time and ever now and then it cuts to Leslie Jones going DAAAYUMMM WOMAN and clapping like a seal after an article/reading finishes.
Will there be cock and ball torture??
Just make Terminator 1 but with Shaggy being sent into the past to save Velma, and Fred is the Terminator. Daphne and Scooby-Doo are for a spin-off series about the Charlie The Robot becoming conscious during the Machine Wars, and trying to learn about humanity with Miner 49'er.
20 minutes of two women fucking with hats on. One of them has a cucumber.
A worldwide plague targets snowbunnies and they all die
this better be a fucking kinomagnus you twat
It tells the life of a cat thourgh various incarnations, from being a jaguar in the heart of the amazon to becoming a docile household spoiled cat, he hates this at first but needs to learn to love his new life, the entire movie questioning if this is the right thing to do or not
>that top right
muh heart. Why can't girls be cute again?
smearing shit on the wall followed by screaming, drinking, and punching through walls. All one shot and shot on a sony handycam, and then he tapes the tape out and smokes it
The Anthem Of The United States Of America.
The Kikerunner starring Mel Gibson
No that idea fucking sucks
A 10-hour kino about me and Ever Gabo falling in love with each other and ending in us eloping.
Yup. There’s a scene where she ties the main character on a bed naked and kicks him in the balls repeatedly. No cuts, no music. Only the sound of her heels slapping on his balls, his screams, and her grunts. He starts with a limp dick, then gets hard when she first takes off her shirt and skirt (leaving on her underwear). Then her gets limp again at first then he gets hard again when the pain starts to become unbearable until he cums.
A loving glimpse at important moments throughout life as Chloe and I celebrate our lives together. Scenes include, but are not limited to, camping trips, road trips to Florida, engagement and subsequent marriage, raising our 2 kids, a family trip to the Grand Canyon, and finally our peaceful death in each other's arms.
Harry Houdini spy thriller.
A late 20s feminist vlogger who works for Jezebel and a mid 40s MRA investigative reporter who works for Daily Wire.
Both make deals with their bosses saying they will get into a relationship with a 'normal' person, hide their gender political leanings and after the relationship gets serious they will try to red pill the other one. Their attempts will lean into every conspiracy theory, every bit of lunacy, everything that makes people make fun of that line of thinking.
Because of a standard rom-com third act misunderstanding both of them end the movie abandoning their former beliefs and fully embracing the other person's.
Title: It Was My Privilege
>Jesus and the apostles crew a Lancaster Bomber
>Together they annihilate Dresden in a firestorm
Supposedly she did lingerie catalog photos
Winona Ryder, Alison Brie and Kat Dennnings in Udder Insanity: Jewess Addition
Inna 70s a coke-abusing metal singer, a gourmet chef, a bounty hunter, a cop turned gym owner and a criminal chemist are stuck in vegas when creepy asshole with voodoo relics makes some patient zeroes. A powerful casino mob boss offers safe passage out past the growing quarantine if they plunder a rival's vault and makes sure he doesn't escape too.
Gone with the wind remake, but with an all black cast.
Local man gets dubs
It's a movie about BOLOs, the giant sentient tanks of Keith Laumer's creation.
Perfect for a meme movie, Fund it
An international convention for Elvis impersonators gets quarantined by the military when a zombie virus begins to spread around the convention hall. Shot as a found footage film.
>multiple patient zeros
I’m not sure that’s how it works user
I haven't seen this for a long time
Make it a trilogy
An alternate history where me and my high school crush get married and she doesn't end up a drugged up whore and I do something with my life
Wpuld only be interesting if they all inexplicably stay in character
Power Rangers but with a lot more swearing
Black screen for three hours.
40k film with a 10 million dollar budget, made by the astartes guy, DoH guy and Brolin working together
I run into vjuice at a coffee shop and she falls in love with me.