Bout to fire this baby up on Netflix. What am I in for?

Bout to fire this baby up on Netflix. What am I in for?

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Gay rape, I am not kidding.

It's definitely a chick show, but the first season is a guilty pleasure of mine. Just a very comfy show idk

imagine being such a pleb that a gay rape scene is a big deal to you

Hey, he asked what he was in for.

Frank Randall, the man who was literally cucked to death.

Some great ass and tits, good acting, and enjoyable drama. My girlfriend loved the novels so I sat to watch it with her because we like spending time together; I'll usually do something else like read or scroll my phone, but Outlander has genuinely arrested my attention at times. It's a romp through multiple pivotal moments in history with good humor and slice of life stuff thrown in. Plus time travel. I like it a lot and will probably give the first novel a read. I can't pinpoint why, but it gives me a (very) mild Lord of the Rings vibe. Heroes, villains, wide green vistas and good music.

I liked the first couple seasons. I stopped watching when they headed to the Americas.

Isn’t this a show for females


Funny how women complain about muh patriarchy, but they all love to retreat into places like the Shire. Just look at youtube comments in Lotr music videos, for example. You'll find women longing to live in environment such as that. Why are women such two-faced scum bros?

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My parents watched this so I assumed it was lame. Is it? I don't know how they found it because they've never watched anything on nerflix that I haven't put on for them.

Eh, it's a fair midground with a good sci-fi foundation. Ronald D Moore, classic Doctor Who callbacks, and punished Frank (you'll figure that out). I'd be more wary of the actually pozzed gay shit that passes for "dude" shows now. You'll roll your eyes a bit at the romance stuff maybe, but it's certainly a lot more than that. Also, Jaime is one of the few straight white male characters these days allowed to be a masculine strong straight white man.

Because no one is happy in the world the way it is. I doubt they'd be happy in the shire though too.

>Because no one is happy in the world the way it is
really makes you think

Everything I want to know is how often am I going to get to enjoy a sexual Juu de veev from that girl in the poster. Does she understand the reason she was cast in this role or is it a feminist show?

You see her ass and tits quite a bit. She's a babe.

The sex scenes are like how premium cable used to be, so there is plenty of gratuitous nudity.

The off-screen car crash death genuinely made me chuckle, it was like Poochie on the Simpsons.
At least Black Jack buttfucked Frank's love rival so he got some sort of revenge.

Incredibly long sex scenes as characters struggle to remove cumbersome 18th century clothing.

>At least Black Jack buttfucked Frank's love rival so he got some sort of revenge.
Huh, I never thought about it that way.

To be fair, Jaime didn't know he was doing anything wrong. She was the one who was in the wrong. So even though I enjoyed seeing her tits and all, I don't really root for her character so much. Hard to think that.

Hard to think *past* that

Can't cheat on your husband if he hasn't been born yet.

Yes. Yes you can.

rape, why do these chick shows have so much rape?

wealth beyond measure

Who WASN'T raped in Outlander?

Nigga it’s a harlequin romance novel series. Nothing but a thin excuse for female self-inserts to get dicked.

Negro-friend, I admit it is partially that, but there is more. You'd know that if you put the KFC down and actually watched it with more than surface level understanding.

Claire (ish)
Maybe Jamie's sister
Jamie's French adopted son
Jamie's daughter

Pretty much everyone related to Jamie got raped. The dude is cursed.

bros is roger really dead?

This pleases me. I finally have a show to binge in quarantine

It's really pretty good, and some of the acting is next level. But Claire's internal monologue on some episodes is so overpowering that it becomes infuriating. Worth watching but expect some utter shit lows to balance out the frequent pretty good.

What really stays with me is Captain Randall wickedly preparing to rape Jamie's sister and partially tearing off her clothes, which proved she had quite mouthwatering tits. Also a scene in which old Bill Paterson was approached by multiple prostitutes whose attractiveness has got to have been completely inauthentic to the period.

How's season 5?

it was hot. imagine having a big buff man willingly submit to anything you want him to do to you, and hes the straightest dude there is. he probably had jamie licking his asshole for hours

>main badguy from early seasons is a flaming homosexual
>first reaction is to try to rape claire

Men, women, children. He's not picky.

Only watched the first season and liked it a lot. Does it hold up?

the last season sucks, once claires daughter and her boyfriend become main characters.

This. Each season before that felt distinct and like it moves the story forward in big steps. Once in America it feels like it all bogs down and just meanders. Starting to get into the Revolutionary War now so maybe it'll pick back up.

Why would I willingly subject myself to what is clearly written by and for women?

Season 2 is great too. Kind of drags after that.

Porn for women. That's what Outlander is. It's a faithful adaptation of a glorified women's aisle romance novel.
Tobias is the only good thing in the entire show. What a great job inhabiting such a ridiculous character.

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>Tobias is the only good thing in the entire show.
There is more but clearly he is amazing in everything he does. Any lesser actor would have made this character (and Frank for that matter) cartoonish at best. Of course that is more for an "Actors that elevate everything they are in" thread.

I literally can't think of something else I liked in Outlander besides Tobias other than I like that they shot on location.
He was able to make Black Jack look like something more than a teenager's boy's love slashfic fantasy. What a guy.

>Why would I willingly subject myself to what is clearly written by and for women?

It is immersed in some really cool, dramatic history stuff. If you have any interest in the period of the Jacobites or 18th century Scotland it's great. It's sensibly written and isn't any kind of grrrrl power nonsense.

>Season 2 is great too.

The sets and costumes for that season are incredible.

they bring up the Barbary slave trade at one point..which was pretty based in this otherwise female audience targeted romance show disguised as a sci-fi period drama.

Has any show given less of a fuck about the aging process?
>Why yes of course I've aged 25 years, can't you see my single strand of grey hair that I'm about to dye black?
>Of course I'm in my early 50s, these reading glasses are obvious proof of that

I kind of wish more shows would do it. Forget about CGI and aging makeup, just tell the audience they're older and make them deal with it.


The history stuff is what I like. Sure, it's not ideal but it is cool to see some of the 18th century stuff. That said the American Revolution is way overdone and I'd rather them have been involved in things that don't get as much attention, like the French and Indian War or even more European stuff that gets missed. So much history, and so little variance from the stereotypical stuff.

It really is a mix of female and male interest though. It's as close as we come these days to something that tries to be balanced that way. There is feminism, for example, but it's more first wave feminism and early second wave. No militant lesbian nonsense or trannies. I like that the amount of focus on appealing to female viewers is not all encompassing. Say what you like, Jamie is a traditional male figure and that is rare these days.

I don't want to dis the show as I liked the first few seasons as well but the sci-fi foundation you speak of is bare-bones.

I remember there's a bit in the 3rd season where she goes to the future (her present) and brings a piece of fabric with her which a scientist examines and finds 300 year old bacteria or something on it. If she didn't age going through the portal then why would the bacteria on the fabric? It's not very well thought through from a sci-fi point of view.

This is just how it has to be for this story. I think the "suspension of disbelief" about their ages is a reasonable ask.

I agree that there are holes and that they could do more, but again, it's a well done show and I can forgive the things like that. Much better that the majority of modern stuff that descends into special effects and woke propaganda.

My wife and my mum love it, it is oddly compelling to watch and I find myself actually caring about it when it's on. I don't think it's sci fi though, the stones are magic and the most modern piece of tech is a scaple she brings back to the past. It's fantasy surely?

Oh don't get me wrong I like it, probably the best option they could take.
Glad they didn't recast them with actual mid-50s actors considering the amount of sex scenes there are.

True that. I can only give praise to the show as like many here it drew me away from the things I was focusing on while my girlfriend watched it.

If you aren't at least a little gay for Jaime you're not a well-adjusted straight male.

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How did two supermodels produce such a plain daughter?

Wealth beyond measure, Outlander!

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Brianna's actress sure was a shit choice.