Heavily Pregnant Dyke in Six-Inch Heels Edition
Heavily Pregnant Dyke in Six-Inch Heels Edition
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I started watching in season 2 and love it. Season three is even better. I tried to go back and watch season 1 but it’s ass so I quit during episode 2
gotta see it to be it
will money lynch be back?
They better not squander Ed Harris.
is it opposite day here?
it's all a simulation bro
They did it last episode too, wtf. They can't make a fight scene that's not silly.
>serac acquires the data egg
that better no be the finale plot twist.
he was in the credits for ep 2 but did not appear what's the trick?
I don't know why the show is being so secretive about RoboHale's host identity. It's not like the answer has room to be a big twist; all the major characters are spoken for.
God why is she so fat?
He's in the credits for every episode because he's still considered a main cast member. He appears in next week's episode, though.
So question did Halle really lover her son or that was just a code to get in contact with the Insight Co creator?
>he didn't drop westworld
>he still looks forward to it
>he's still talking about it on Yas Forums
haha you're so stupid. You are LITERALLY retarded. Funny thing is, one of you sperglords wants to insult me because you just can't help yourself. I already left the thread fuck westworld and fuck you, idiot.
Then who is it, just a random? Unless Delores copied Elon's Exwife brain ball?
Also why didn't she share the code with Delores, and be like, hey I got this radom sound bits on my phone you know what is up with that?
Sit down user.
When a daddy loves a mommy very much, he goes pee pee in her bottom, then she goes poo poo in the loo.
When she flushes the pee pee and poo poo, a stork will eat the pee pee poo poo and barf a newborn on the door step and that's where babies cum from.
This season feels like it was written by a 16-year-old who religiously browses Reddit.
>All these one-liners
>Fight scenes that wouldn't even make sense in a video game
>Le scary big data and algorithms
>Trying to turn Caleb into the next Elliot or Joker
>Scene where character BTFOs some asshole in a cool-looking way (True Detective and Silicon Valley did it, too)
>16-year-old who religiously browses Reddit.
this season was literally written by women.
There is feminist themes and gynocentric social order all over the place.
>16-year-old who religiously browses Reddit.
>this season was literally written by women.
I don't see the contradiction.
other than an unhealthy obsession with reddit
Angela or Clementine is my guess. Presumably somebody (the bodyguard guy maybe) is the host that played as Dolores's dad. Unless it turns out it's someone that we didn't know was a host or something, which is a cheap trick the show has already done one too many times.
I thought Clem, based on the way she was talking.
it's cuck trash
Was Hale even that evil? She just seemed like your average Machiavellian executive.
i saw this is ozark as well the jews are up to something with this 'working pregnant woman' madness, i don't know what it is but it cant be good
Why is season 3 in Valencia?
I thought Clementine was killed at the battle of the gate since she was programmed to make the host fight each other. Also Robo Halle thanked the pedo for reminding her that she was a predator too. Also didn't Angela blow her self up to destroy the cradle?
Watch as it's Trevor from GTA.
There are behind the scene clips at the end of each episode. They chose Valencia for the postmodern architecture.
>gets a couple EMTs killed for a chance to fuck some robot pussy
What a fucking peace of shit, I hope he gets betrayed and murdered.
the westworld setting is dystopian in case you haven't noticed
Reading the prior Westworld thread, why the fuck don't anons realize yet that Serrac obviously is meatball AI.
>Heavily Pregnant Dyke in Six-Inch Heels
i will now watch your show
any based male characters this season?
it's not that, it's the messaging that is being given to audience
>any based male characters this season?
nope. female writers and directors
>Lisa: Jon, you know that boy-looking stick-figure bitch from the Terminator movie?
>Lisa: she's a strong female. Let's steal her look.
>Jonathan: Oh, you mean that one played by the girl in that Black Mirror episode? The one with the lurid interracial lesbian characters?
>Lisa: YAAAAAAAS! Interracial lezbeans! Tessa will love it!
Haven't watched this show since season 1. Are you guys fixated on the female characters or is that literally all there is? Seems like all the main characters are strong females.
They're beautiful little traps.
So is Teddy inside Hale?
Animeworld so I can have my 2D waifus
I was about to say the same thing. A good friend. F
>you're the first real thing that has happened to me in a long time
Some one actually got paid writing this
No, Teddy was a male and thus expendable. He's been replaced for S3 by Caleb who is like Teddy but more suitable for the setting.
This series was conceived as a five-season story. The endgame was never the Westworld park. The endgame is a discussion of consciousness, the maze.
S1 leads to the rebellion.
S2 is how the robots escape the park.
S3 is how the robots infiltrate our world.
S4 is how they end/dominate our world?
S5 is MiB in the future, however many hundreds or thousands of years, and whatever the fuck is going on there.
Nice bait lol.
if this is true they shouldve changed the plan once they realized how much people loved the park setting, seriously this was set to be the next GOT after S1 now its just gonna be like any other HBO show
is MiB a robot too now?
is based Jimmy Simpson in it?
And this everybody, is how you ruin a tv series by pozzing it savagely to the point where every time some feminist crap pops up you want to switch it off thus the ratings, if anyone could post them please lol.
MiB is a robot. They revealed that at the end of S2.
>we really need to address the scourge that is white, incel, pedos molesting little black boys
>because that is a thing that happens
>wouldn't it be great if Charlotte used her robot powers to completely own one of these sick weirdos?
>watching this trash
i miss season 1, this stuff doesn't really tickle my fancy
season 2 was just ok, except for the indian episode which was great
Season 3 is of high quality but Evan and Tessa are so utterly unlikable it's killing it. Aaron Paul makes Evan slightly more tolerable but his character is useless. I don't hate it like Season 2 but they really need to ratchet it up a notch.
As someone who was really disappointed in S2, I'm loving S3 and the obvious theme of AI vs AI with humans, the ones who created both, being pawns exactly like those they created.
checkmate white males
The way the ratings are going it doesn't look like there will be a season four but maybe it'll get pozzed feminist points and funds to keep going lol.
I root for this guy for the sheer stupidity of it working like they describe.
Another shit episode but at least it doesn't have Maeve.
i feel the same s2 was boring as ass but s3 is getting kinda interesting, only thing is dolores needs more screen time so i can properly give her a wank
damn, this was an awful episode. why was dolores spooning her own dad?
anyway, next episode is a based MiB episode. Time to shut down some robohomos permanently
>caleb thinks dolores is the only real thing in the world but dolores is a robot
>aren't we smart
the nolans are nothing without their shaky camera trick
>user will have chicken tendies and a sprite
When did you guys realize you could totally accept the kind of relationship, status, and gender power dynamics portrayed in HBO's Westworld and why was it the diner scene where Dolores orders for Caleb?
Yes, she murdered my bicurious wife in cold blood.
well that's stupid
so then who was jimmy simpson?
do robots age?
Jimmy Simpson is MIB, detective
>why was dolores spooning her own dad?
because what if our interracial lesbian couple was actually... incestuous!
There’s a robot clone of MiB in the future. Present day MiB is human.
not it is not
MiB is a human-host hybrid,
he doesn't age but he can build an older body for his brain-ball
I too would vomit my strawberry shake on Dolores
mamma mia!!
this mib bullshit almost makes me want to start watching season 2 and 3