Get comfy bros.
Get comfy bros.
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What are you his lawyer?
Please do not defame either indirectly or directly the name and or intelectual property be it as sole right holder or shared ventures regarding Mr. Zack Snyder. Such actions fall under label and will be considered actionable moving forward to be presented in a court of law within the state of California.
kino. who the fuck was that mickey mouse voice at the start
>that part where he reveals he gives his wife flowers in the bath like the movie
God bless this man.
kek good one user
I will when you release your fucking cut, Zack.
Man I don't know what to think about him. I dislike all of his movies except 300 and Watchmen Director's Cut. He's simultaneously really intelligent and well read and also completely juvenile and borderline retarded.
What I can say, even though I hate most of his filmography, is that he has a very distinct style and he clearly has a strong vision in all his movies, which cannot be said for a lot of blockbuster film directors.
This is shit for niggers and so y boys. Capeshit belongs in the trash.
He has dyslexia.
>He's simultaneously really intelligent and well read and also completely juvenile and borderline retarded.
I saw 300 5 times in theaters and actually liked suckerpunch
he's one of us. slow mo and machismo. thats all we need.
comfy bros
While he struggles with execution, I think his ideas and handle on the film as a visual medium is virtually unmatched in Hollywood.
Kind of like George Lucas, he just needs a good team of people around him to filter his ideas into something coherent.
It's coming to HBO max
Best commentary I seen in a while.
Fucking based.
this, while somtimes the context of whats happening in the scene or in dialog may seem a little convoaluted, alot of his intention and story telling is done by the visuals
This is comfy as fuck.
Based visual director.
Holy fuck. I just noticed that the shot of Bruce in the cloud of bats *is* the Bat Symbol from below.
>If you don’t break some equipment, you’re probably not doing it right.
Fucking. BASED.
He actually cares about his fans, which is more than most directors do.
I like how when the cop’s shooting at Bruce, we’re seeing it how *he* sees it. We know how he’s moving like that - the grapple - but to him, obscured by the dimness of the room and the gun smoke, he sees him like some sort of supernatural creature.
Zack’s confirming every single thing DChads have been saying for years, about Bruce, Clark, *and* Lex.
What did he say?
I like these guys.
I completely agree.
My cooming will be endless.
All the stuff concerning how Bruce has lost his way, how Clark’s unaware of the image he’s presenting to mankind, and how Lex lords his intellect over people through metaphors and word games as a means of both assessing them as well as amusing himself.
This guy will be perfect for Star Wars
I guarantee you can't make it through to the end of this.
Some of the best quotes:
>"28% on RT? That's rude..."
>"Oh, yeah... All those guys Batman shot...? They're all FINE!"
>"Henry's not as ripped as I am unfortunately."
>"Harry's doing a good job pretending to be human."
>"They should make a sequel to this movie."
>There’s my car.
How can one man be this based?
>>"They should make a sequel to this movie."
kek. whedon btfo
I’ve thought this for a long time now.
He also has a Barbie collection.
Fucking kek.
Fucking BASED.
Ikr? Give him something like KOTOR or a Sith Lords movie where he can go nuts with the symbolism and Force magic.
I love Zack so much, he's so chill
He actually a Star Wars fan too so it's a match made in heaven.
And there it is - 57:40.
The imagery is there to convey how mankind sees him, not to convey what he is.
Post Zach Snyder's hero's journey shirt
>"his scream echos into the world and awakens the motherboxes"
I love the little details he put into his film and linking to his cut of JL.
Something I’ve noticed about Zack’s storyboards is that he’s always concerned not only with imagery, but how it’s lit. He always indicates the direction the light’s coming from. That fascinates me.
I miss them so much bros...
We got 3 movies with Henry and Zach, and 2 with Ben. Don't be sad because it's over, be happy because it happened
This whole discussion about the time travel at about 1:10 is cool as hell.
before I start is this the directors cut, ultimate cut or the theatrical?
Any cast or actors that get to work with Zack are honestly lucky
Ultimate Cut.
I'm getting chills
based zach, thanks
Honestly any of them are fine Ultimate add's scenes but you really dont need them to get the whole movie
You mean the special one he designed for the charity thing? This one?
Zack confirms the meaning of the kryptonite scene between Lex and Mercy: Lex does not share.
i've seen it many times, I was asking which one he was watching so it would sync up with the commentary
I absolutely agree.
>Holly Hunter: genetically gifted human being
Based as FUCK.
Yes you do. While there are some minor things that could have been left out of the ultimate cut for pacing the event in Africa that spurs the main plot into action is borderline incomprehensible in the theatrical cut - specifically we never learn in that version HOW Lex framed Superman for mass murder or the false witnesses he produced to turn the world against him.
Also the character development is much more balanced in Superman's favour in the UE compared the theatrical cut where you actually see him being a reporter and disagreeing with Batman's methods leading them into collision course.
There's a bunch of other things but overall the ultimate cut just flows much better as a movie.
Pretty sure Zack's disowned the theatrical cut and only considers his ultimate edition as canon.
Zack talking indirectly about Bruce’s world being the Underworld.
This man is an absolute master of greenscreen usage.
good, regardless he should've confirmed which one he was watching in the yt description or at least his intro when he's telling people exactly when to start
There's a few gaps in this video where the feed cuts out. Here's a more complete version someone posted separated into 2 parts:
Part 1:youtube.com
Part 2:youtube.com
Also the bit at the end with his JL tease: