Is there any movie you downright regret watching?
Not just a bad movie that was a waste of time. I mean something that truly stuck with you forever and changed you in a negative way. If so, why?
Is there any movie you downright regret watching?
Not just a bad movie that was a waste of time. I mean something that truly stuck with you forever and changed you in a negative way. If so, why?
Other urls found in this thread:
the hostel films, a serbian film, martyrs, salo
Spring Breakers
It left such a gross taste in my mouth for the beach and sub tropical areas.
overall, it's very offputting
I still can't believe they did all that without a proper reason to justify it.
Doom: Annihilation. That movie was cheeks dawg
There was a Madea movie I saw about six months after my dad died of cancer, this was around 2011? I think it was Madeas Family Reunion. Anyways I saw it on a date with a girl and the climax of the movie the matriarch of the family dies of cancer and it made me cry like a bitch during my date. Shit was fucking embarrassing. She told everyone in school. I hadn’t been too open about my pops dying but one of my friends came in clutch on the damage control and told people about what happened so some people had some sympathy for me I guess. A lot of qts thought it was cute that I would show my emotions like that and some even went as far as calling that girl a cunt for exposing some shit like that. But still I got roasted and couldn’t even defend myself really. That, along with the fact that by the time the school year was ending the school security was searching me every other day for contraband, led me to leave the school.
Holy Mountain
turned it off after 5 minutes but I still regret that minor investment
The AVGN Movie. I could never watch him again after that.
Damn user. At least you can pull the "I can't be racist, i've cried at Madea" card if ever needed.
do not make me sperg and write an essay about Martyrs, it is the best horror movie ever and transcends the genre
It's juvenile self indulgent shit.
I feel you on that one. Not only it made me realize James is a fucking retard but it made me disgusted with myself since i was such a big fan prior and was rooting so hardly for him. I still have flashbacks at being a teenager being fascinated with his behind the scenes videos and legit being angry wondering why Hollywood won't give this genius a chance.
Fuck you James, you fucking fallen idol cunt.
you have no soul or capacity for empathy
I’m also Half Cuban (the nappy haired kind) so it’s kinda hard for me to be accused of racism. The only person who ever accused me of racism was an Asian guy in my squadron.
The King of Comedy
what a vile film
well-made, and just emotionally ugly. i hated it. i hated that it existed. it made me feel unpleasant for days
I'm glad I didn't donate to him, but he grifted so much money from his fans during that time. At least we got Mike's videos to laugh at while James was making his shitty movie.
Just had to watch After Hours with the family.
Scorsesee is a fucking hack
Enlighten me
Also, Star Wars episode 8. I can't get over it.
>At least we got Mike's videos to laugh at while James
Amen to that brother. James lost his spot as head of Cinemassacre letting Mike's talent flourish. At this point im still subscribed for Mike content, if he's not there i don't even watch it.
Gay Achivement Unlocked: Cry at a Madea Movie
Sorry man. Why were you searched everyday?
sicario, what an amoral shitshow i was hoping at the end aliens would come in and kill everybody
call me a pussy but the ending of Casino still haunts me and I've only seen it once maybe 10 years ago.
Guards wanted some Madea kino for themselves.
street fighter origins Chun Li
everyone involved with that should be black listed in hollywood!!!
Had a reputation for being involved in shady shit
Martyrs (original) is legitimately great. Love the absolutely fucking bleak ending.
its just torture porn no different than green inferno
The Elephant Man. Very uncomfortable and tragic.
Human Centipede 2.
I thought the first one was a dumb, kinda goofy movie. Not good, and mostly boring but it wasn't that bad. Then my friend decided to show me the biggest "gross out" parts from 2 and some of it stuck with me a bit too long and I wish I didn't see it.
Knock Knock
that ending unironically pissed me off and for weeks i got mad every time it came back to my mind
What makes you say that?
>Is there any movie you downright regret watching?
Donnie Darko
The Libertine
The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus
Damn, sorry about that bro. Not gonna lie I laughed cause you said that, but also felt deeply touched. My dad died from cancer too, in 2014. I'm pretty sure I've started crying at other weird shit like Madea too.
Yea it was definitely a weird time in my life. I kinda laugh at it now. But I still regret going through all that shit.
>The only person who ever accused me of racism was an Asian guy in my squadron.
user are you in the Air Force 3D1X3? Was the Asian guy a Korean named Seo? I was in tech school with him lol.
it is absolutely not torture porn. It's about the conflict between power/knowledge and love/faith that is at the heart of many religious problems and is applicable outside religion as well. It's an indictment of the people who do evil for power and knowledge, and a testimony to those who suffer immensely and focus on love anyway. All the cult leader cares about is whatever metaphysical knowledge the martyr can give her, but the only reason she was able to reach martyrdom is that she stops fighting back and remembers her love for her friend.
While they satisfied my viewing curiosity, I will go ahead and state A Serbian Film, and The Human Centipede trilogy of movies.
Naw senpai Navy. I’d really like to hear your story though.
The King of Comedy is too well made for its own good. It portrays the most pathetic, sad, broken man and you end up catching his emotions. Watching the movie, you feel like him for 2 hours, and come away deflated and nauseated.
but dude THE FOURTH WALL lmao
Oh well yeah the girl making fun of you and being in school in general sounds horrible. I dropped out when my dad died. My life has been kind of a wreck for the last 6 years.
a serbian film is basically just edgy porn with dumb edm music. The second Human Centipede though I doubt i'd ever watch that again. Just so unpleasant
Yea, I know it’s hard man and the older you get the harder it gets. Like I never really spoke to my dad . It’s different talking to your dad as a 14-16 year old than it is talking to him as an adult. I wish I could have that one conversation with him now that I’m 26.
My life was a mess for a while but then I picked myself up. But idk, I know not everyone can do that.
I didn’t expect these feels.
Not anyhing too big, but he developed quite a reputation among the people who graduated around the same time as me. Mainly for his constant comments on American culture & his victim complex. Example:
>Me & Friend having a conversation on break
>He's sitting in front of us
>Chimes in and says: "You know that's a really American thing to say"
>reply "well why don't you go back to Korea then"
>gets up out of his seat and walks out of the classroom
>5 minutes later he comes back in crying and we get called into the instructor supervisor's office where he proceeds to chew us out
He also argued alot with the Staff Sergeants in our class.
Were all gonna make it bros.
my mom took me to see super babies 2: baby geniuses when I was like 4 and it was the first and only time I walked out of the theater. It really fucked me up because that was like the first time in life I learned things could be shitty
Lol that sounds shitty. I avoid overly sensitive people like the plague in the military. Shits stupid, and all it takes is one sensitive sack of shit to go to your chain of command and accuse you of racism/harassment and you’re fucked.
There was supposed to be a sequel with Keanu's redemption arc where he's fucking up these bitches:
This is my kanon ending.
The Butterfly Effect. The kid bully in that was literally the bully I had in elementary school. I can handle pretty much anything, but if I see a carbon copy of something in my life, then it's unsettling.
Requiem For a Dream; the Reefer Madness of the 2000s.
Batman V Superman
What a waste.
Based Cubans btfoing the sensitive Asian wimp
The baby scene?
Yeah dude my mom divorced my dad and I didn't see him very much. Last spoke to him when I was 16 right before he died. He was really smart, I wish I could have asked him what his opinion was on all this bullshit.
Polar on netflix.
This movie was so bad I was literally sent into an epileptic seizure.
Yes exactly. It was just unnecessarily cruel and disgusting.
Nazis at the Center of the Earth