Literally everyone I know is talking about this documentary, calling it one of the best they've seen...

Literally everyone I know is talking about this documentary, calling it one of the best they've seen. Is it worth the watch or is it overhyped?

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Its pretty much a train wreck so its awesome
until it becomes pro-peta propaganda
then it becomes gay

guy fucks lions and lynches incels. It’s pretty based

Based trash kino. The dude with 10 wives is also a nuclear sized redpill on women kek

literally no matter what your politics are on any issue raised in the doc, it's entertaining and provokes genuine reactions. That's why everyone is talking about it, it's impossible to pretend you don't like it at least on a surface level.

Why are the popular netflix documentaries such garbage?
Feels more like an A&E series than anything. I feel like I come out stupider after watching one.

A little bit of both. If not for the corona I don’t think as many people would be talking bout it. But it is really fucking entertaining. It’s one of those things that like said, you are going to have an opinion about one way or another once you are done watching it.

It's very good, but sort of overhyped because half the country is fucking quarantined and people need something to talk about and the documentary is batshit insane enough to have near endless discussion

from everything I’ve read it seems like a real-life trailer boys. Accurate?

The first episode made me think it was the gayest shit I've ever seen. Then I watched the rest of the series in one sitting. I don't know how these people existed for so long without me ever hearing of their batshit insane shenanigans. Straight up 9.5/10 and it will make you think a tranny is based.

The main guy is like Danny Mcbride character

The guy a the long blonde hair at the end who was drunk and sad had me in my feels.
“You ever walk a tiger?”

it's overhyped but worth the watch

I don't feel sorry for anyone in that special. Everyone is a shithead in their own way.

Its based as fuck. Watch it.

Him, the one armed girl, the legless guy the husbands did nothing wrong except get caught up in this clusterfuck.

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my mom was talking about it but had to stop watching because there was too much about his gay lifestyle.

I feel bad for Jeff Lowe only because somehow, in a series full of meth mouth, mullets, and amputees, he manages to look like the biggest fucking douchebag of them all, just solely on his /fa/ choices

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you forgot meth

>solely on his /fa/ choices
He's also a scummy con man/wife beater who deserves to be in jail more than Joe.

yeah, but he's getting all that pussy

meth was one of the husbands

He’s like the holy grail of manlet cope

its pretty dank

I don’t think he is doing too many things inherently illegal, not like Joe was with the fraud and what not. I think he is just really good at convincing dumbasses like Joe and Tim that he has enough money to be a partner with them and fucks them over at the end of the day, legally. I know people like that IRL.I think they deserve the same amount of prison time for the murder for hire plot though, but he flipped first sooooooo

>Is it worth the watch or is it overhyped?
It's both if i'm allowed to be honest

I genuinely feel really sad about Travis suicide.

Usually I like any documentary as long as it's edited well, but I found Tiger King getting a bit boring after the first episode

I've always feared going out in a really stupid way like that. One freak accident is the difference between life and death

It's pretty low brow but it's one of the most interesting documentaries i've seen

He 100% set Joe up with the murder for hire charge. Joe has been shit talking Carole for years but randomly decided to act on it then? Even the supposed goon he hired worked for Lowe, same with the fat fuck. They basically goaded him into saying some shit they could use in court and all lied to get him convicted. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if they were working for Carole the whole time and it was their plan all along.

was he based?

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I feel bad for the animals more than anyone else in the film. Those animals are fucking beautiful and majestic and deserve much better than being locked in a cage. What’s sad is that they cannot ever be released in the wild. It blew my mind that there are more in captivity in the States than there are in the wild. It’s like, if they decided to breed for the good of the animals instead of $$$ they could really do some good for those creatures in the wild. I also felt bad for Travis’ mom, more than him. He was a misguided weirdo with a drug addiction. His mom seemed to genuinely care for him and it must have been hard to be tweaking at your sons funeral and having some limp wrist talk about your sons balls.

it was pretty based how mad he got when the interviewer brought up the fact he was running a cult

I really wish Phillip Seymour Hoffman was alive to play this guy in the biopic.

stupidity isnt an accident

>Its a polygamist zoo manager reminisces about his deceased straight husband's balls during the eulogy in front of his mother episode
if this entire thing isnt kino, I don't know what is

In the late 80s, my uncle was 100% set up to take the fall for all the guys that were dumb enough to get caught selling coke and he was the one that ended up doing 17 years. But guess what, at the end of the day, he was still selling coke.

Reason I say this was because, despite the fact that he was “set up” he most definitely wanted to participate in the conspiracy to have her clipped. Just because you are the fall guy, it doesn’t make you innocent of whatever you are accused of. While I do feel like they did him dirty, he was not a saint in this matter either. He did give that dude a fucking down payment on a murder.

its legit great

We have the most luxurious lions, just tremendous big cats.

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until the accusations made against him at the end

*his mother that was tweaking

It’s very well put together, especially if you goin completely blind. The first half of the show introduces more crazy shit on such a regular basis it really keeps you invested. By the end though everything really takes a backseat to Joe, when the beginning sort of made it seem like there’d be more resolution for all the characters. Joe’s story is still pretty great though, and the other stuff while less consequential is still interesting (especially Doc, what the fuck).

user are you a sociopath? She was grieving.

>grooming teenage girls with tigers so they'll have sex with him
im thinking based

Ok guys I'm going to watch it now. Thanks

Fuck that would be amazing

>It’s very well put together
I felt like it was 5 episodes too long. There were times where I felt I was rewatching an old episode

think it's a sshitty gimmicky series..

lol I never said Joe was innocent just that lowe is a fucking scumbag as well.

And using some sort of upper.

He’s the man we wish we could all be. Absolutely based.

For sure he was. I’m waiting to see him, Stark and Carole get to prison soon. On what? Idk yet. Doc and Scarface are the only ones that probably are the least shady out of all these shady fucking people. And that’s saying something.

Its pretty fucking hilarious and off the walls. This man literally convinced 2 straight men to be his husband.

Joe has to be a bottom, right?

He’s a top according to himself

I feel bad for the old man who was shooting the reality show, who lost it all, and didn't backup anything. He was right he had a million dollar show on his hands. People would have been eating a reality tv show about that guy up no fucking doubt. I really feel for that man.

i bet he's looking at the success of the netflix show and thinking "that could have been me"

joe didn't, free meth did

That’s some prison shit right there.
Yea I didn’t feel too to bad for him compared to the cats and Travis’ mom. I mean it must have sucked but his dumbass should have backed that shit up off the jump.


Definitely. Even I'm pissed, Joe's fucking hilarious and extremely entertaining. He's probably a genius.

Different angle: If Joe didn't sperg out and burn down his crocodillain home he probably wouldn't be in prison right now but possibly a successful reality star.

imagine sitting there knowing that if you kept your backups in a separate location, you would be a millionaire.

>He was right he had a million dollar show on his hands
except he really didn't. You don't spend years filming that shit saving up video and not go anywhere from it. He was using Joe just like everyone else. If he actually had a show, he would have sold it way before he filmed it for years.

Joe sabotaged it all by burning down the building.

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If Joe didn’t rip off Bit Cat Rescue he wouldn’t be in prison right now. Him losing that lawsuit is what made him bring Jeff in and which is what ultimately got him locked up.

I definitely see him with a show on A/E similar to Dog the Bounty Hunter.