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What were they thinking introducing her like that? I hated her immediately.

Wait until you see her next scene

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that the bitch from 4 Non Blondes?

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>Sign language waifu died for this cunt

Holy fuck she can't get killed fast enough

I stopped watching after the show runners fucked over Chandler Riggs. Did anything ever happen with the Just Survive Somehow chick? They built her and Carl up, then nothing happened


She ded

I didn't think purple and pink fabrics were allowed to exist in this show.

not gonna lie, she cute

What the fuck. Social justice rhetoric has really dug its claws into every fucking thing.

fucking this, hottest chick on the show in a while

I always wanted her to sing into my pee pea

Wow, I’m shocked. What’s even the point now? Watch for Darryl and Michonne?

From the context it seems that the others don't like what she's saying.

I always got the feeling it was the comics creator putting this garbage in to appease the sjw crowd that's infiltrated the scene. Probably one of the reasons he ended the comic abruptly.

she's "missing"

Michonne's gone now as well. Not dead, just wandered off to look for Rick.

Negan is the only reason to watch now in my opinion. Dude just oozes charisma.

Michonne's gone too


>Negan is the only reason to watch now in my opinion. Dude just oozes charisma.
i like him but he got shittier once the rick vs. negan thing was over

Nah he's been amazing lately.

The worst part? No one there cares about her SJW bullshit since it's the apocalypse but she continues to ramble on like any delusional bitch would.

Why do they keep trying to shove fags, dykes, and SJW shit into The Walking Dead? Do they not realize that a huge chunk of their audience is southern rednecks who saw Daryl and Merle during season 1 and went “Wow, they’re just like me!” and are put off by this stuff?

The absolute worst part is that the world went to shit in 2003(in the comics) yet everything about her character is from the mid to late 2010s

Rick AND Michonne are gone? What the heck man

I just gave up on TWD and FTWD when they just killed off characters for stupid reasons. Can't believe they're making a Rick and Michonne films. Darryl and Negan only reason the series is not cancelled

oh shit, just realized that. heh

They’re making spinoff movies about them because neither of them want to spend like 9 months a year working on a tv show anymore.

i think both got tired of the show dragging on with no end in sight and decided to jump ship while they could

So essentially Norman Reedus and Jeffrey Dean Morgan are keeping the show afloat?

Looks like braids

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SJW stuff started earlier it's just it took the internet and millennials/zoomers to make it look normal and not the batshit insanity that it is. So she was probably just a hold out from the early internet.

yep basically

she ended up meeting and helping those 2 people trying to keep up with that large caravan headed to god knows where so her finding rick is put on hold for now but yeah shes done with the show

only andrew lincoln is up for making the movies. i think negress actress is done with the whole walking dead stuff

lol Jesus was never anything.

Didn't the apocalypse take place in the early 2000's? PC culture wasn't as big back then. It certainly wasn't in any media for sure.

I pretty much just watch the show for Negan. If they kill him off Im done.

in the comics? yeah. the show apocalypse started in 2010

I guess it makes more sense in the show than the comics but still. Kind of cancer to find a way to shove in all the politics into a fucking zombie apocalypse where none of that matters anyway.

I genuinely forgot this character even existed.

Yeah the apocalypse in the comics started in like 2003, where people were definitely NOT PC.


What has happened to culture? Everything is garbage leftist nonsense. I feel like I’m in a bad dream but I can’t wake up.

She started fucking the Savior that was a prisoner at Hilltop, became Sadiq's apprentice to learn medical care, and then got beheaded by the Whisperers. Her character's purpose was pretty much over after Carl's actor got fired.

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I'd that Eugene's gf?

It'll end one way or another because their entire ideology is built on unsustainable nihilistic self loathing

Worse case scenario they all get beheaded by Muslims they imported

Here here. I pray it ends soon. Godspeed user.

shame that they killed off the only qt character besides beth

You mean best case scenario after there gone we can kill the muzzies and they wont scream and cry about it.

I seriously thought Tara was the most attractive woman on the show when she first joined

Unfortunately then she ate until that was no longer the case

But even her first episode where she befriends the Governor, she was breathtaking. Pushed buttons in my heart.

Completely forgot any of these characters existed.

fucking gay

She was cute in season 4, shame she ballooned up by the time she set foot in Alexandria.

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And Kirkman decided to end his legacy with this. Fucking hell he shit the bed hard at the end.

She lives

Also couldn’t this be approving of white genocide. Like she’s truly happy to see there’s less whites.


The show peaked with Governor.

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>ywn live to see based Governor and Negan interacting

Cant Eugene just fucking die already? I'm tired of his Yas Forums incel bullshit. And that goblina whore he's in love with.

the show lost like 80 million people already. can't afford to lose more.