>tell 40 people to kill themselves
>they do it
can you really do this?
Tell 40 people to kill themselves
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of course
If a famous celebrity told fans to kill themselves at least 40 would
Sure. A handful of people got the entire world to self-isolate just by saying there’s a bad flu going around.
This nigga did it with 900 people.
The world was boring as fuck before the internet. Of course they'd go along with a Star Trek cult that tells them "drink this kool aid, put on these nikes and you'll be flying with Halley's comet!" Not like they had much else going on besides drink and stare at the ceiling
No, but if you tell 100 trannys to kill themselves I'm sure 40 of them would.
to be fair a ton were just murdered
Yes, it's all about power, letting your minions know you have the power over them and they're worth nothing more to you than just replacable slaves, brainwashing, and providing them with food/shelter or something to make them hooked onto you.
The way you talk and how you show your emotions towards them is a huge thing as well. That's why Hitler, Jones, Charles Manson, and other cult leaders succeed.
There's a reason why people obeyed such demands, of course him being a charismatic leader is one but there's a fear that the US government would arrest and turn them into slaves of some shit so death is the better solution.
>kill yourself or be shot
Doesn't seem like they had much of a choice
You guys ever hear the recording? You can hear the children sobbing, like they know what is happening :^(
If you told bunch of people to kill themseles and they did, can they charge you with a crime?
Because I must tell a 100 trannies a day to kill themself and nearly half of them do.
People are far dumber than you give them credit for.
Remember #cutsforbieber?
Why? Did you want to fuck the lgs before their death or something?
Those are rookie numbers bro.
what was his motivation?
They were probably not just gonna be shot on site, Only if they fought back. Jones and his posse basically pressured the parents by killing the kids first which made the parents easier to convince to kill themselves.
wasnt that hashtag orchestrated sort of like bikini bridge?
then how do i get a harem of teen(18-19) to have orgies with. how do i convince them it's part of the prophecies
If I really wanted to, I'm sure I could find a couple dozens who would do what I said
Pussy. Except for the guy OP posted (he was closet faggot who castrated himself) every single cult leader's main goal is to get a harem.
Find a place where damaged teens congregate (rehab, support groups, halfway houses) and convince them you’re Jesus.
>Oh I love you, you're so special
>I want to share your love with everybody!
>This is my friend, Shaniqua, and this is her friend, Dequaneese.
>Let us all show how much we love each other!
Just hook 40 simps.
I've listened to the speech he gave as they drank the poison, have you? The listing fuckwit is a heartless cunt, and all the simpletons were convinced.
A harem is a trapping of power, not power itself. A guy satisfied with a harem can be neutralized by sending pussy at him, the power-obsessed motherfucker has what he thinks are higher goals.
Ultimately, the winner over all is the utterly false power tripper with no values other than the upper hand, no sense of right or wrong beyond what's right or wrong for him.
*lisping, he was a shitty speaker and his followers were red-state level IQ
Starting a cult is spectacularly easy
>find a group of super insecure people who are looking for purpose and direction
>quickly weed out the spineless and gullible from the free thinkers
>tell them you have the solution to all their problems, present a simple idea to them that seems to give their whole life meaning, make them feel loved and accepted and part of a community
>gradually separate them from the outside world, give them tasks that start of easy and playful and progress to mental torture
>wait until they are completely broken and then rebuild them with standard operant conditioning tactics
after that mass suicide is a breeze.
my moms from around that area and they didn't know that was going on until they read it in american news papers
imagine being this chad
most cult leaders are insane narcissists
>red-state level IQ
>majority of his following was hippy faggots from cali and niggers
It's becoming more and more clear american people are the dumbest arrogant entitled sheep NPCs ever.
the internet existed back then you retarded fucking infant
Dude probably lived a life which very few men in history ever did. A cult of personality is a powerful thing.
People are sheep and cults target the emotionally vulnerable. If you give very insecure people a feeling of emotional fulfillment, they will follow you to the ends of the earth. They feel they are part of a secret world and receive hidden gnosis from the cult. You can easily seduce weak people by making them feel special.
It's also the fact that the first thing cults do is destroy your Independence, financially, socially and physically until you basically have to rely on them to do anything.
He didn't really tell them. They had the choice between drinking the poison or getting shot by Jones's thugs. At least the Heaven's Gate people chose to commit suicide
their website is still online too. if you send them a email they still respond
I'm pretty sure they ascended, bros. Christians believe crazier things, never mind muslims.
Why didn't they choose to live?
peer pressure mostly. Once the ball got rolling it seemed like the only way out.
Makes me wonder if this was a CIA mind experiment to test the okinawa civilian suicide phenomenon under lab conditions.
>tfw he named his suicide group the away team and had uhura's brother kill himself
It's weird how susceptible hollywood types are to cults. Nichols' brother killed himself for a comet and that girl from Battlestar Galactica was in a sex cult.
Its eerie to think about how 40 different points of consciousness were simultaneously just wiped away. Did they realize what they were doing? Not looking for some generic cynical "people are dumb" answer because there was obviously more to it than that
I've told more than 40 "people" to kill themselves on Yas Forums this year alone and the year is young.
it's more like vulnerable people are easy to manipulate.
They thought everyone was going to die anyways and they were getting on the lifeboats by astral projecting into a comet or some shit.
No. Death is scary only because of hell. Suicide is a triumph of consciousness and absolute end of suffering.
Not from BsG but from Smallville, she did nothing wrong.
My previous Allison Mack
For years I saw this image and just thought this guy was George Carlin, not gonna lie.
They didn't die, they're already where they wanted to be watching us.
He convinced the dudes to castrate themselves first. After that, suicide doesnt seem so illogical
He forced most of them not really conceived an hero
>can you really do this?
You can if you're Based Applewhite.
>red-state level IQ
Ironic since his followers came from blue states and he declared his cult as communist.
Why are Americans so stupid?
For some reason I genuinely hate Jim Jones whereas Marshall Applewhite comes off as more sympathetic, I think it has to do with the latter losing his wife and not forcing his followers into their suicide pact.
tbf a lot of the nibbas had guns pointed at them
All these american cults aint got shit on these Shoko Asahara followers.
Yeah, and in the next 100 years it will happen on a huge scale as neural interface links all of mankind in unprecedented ways.
Ah yes the red state area of San Francisco led by a guy who was a committed socialist and received monetary funding from the Soviet Union with a diverse community.
trying too hard
>branch davidians
Thats a sad story bro...
>Boilard died the next day from the damage inflicted by the procedures, but claiming to have the power of resurrection, Thériault bore a hole into Boilard's skull with a drill and then had other male members (along with himself) ejaculate into the cavity. When Boilard inevitably did not return to life, her corpse was buried a short distance from the Ant Hill Kids' commune.
Never heard of those, fucking wow
Why do all psychopaths have really wide glares. I know a guy in my class who had the same stare. He was really nice in the beginning then he got arrested for trying beating up his gf I think. Kinda weird that they're easy to tell. Bundy, that theranos chick all had the same stare.
i have always wondered, why did no one play dead or instruct their children to do so?
Yes. You could convince people you are a living god, and have them pay you so they can stare at you for 20 minutes as you heal their ailments with your mere presence. People are that fucking stupid, too many for comfort. And there is a guy who does that btw.
This was basically just a meaningless "religion" to get people to support the post-revolutionary government; I would more compare it to the shit China does with it's "state sponsored religions" moreso than actual cults.
That said France has had its own share of weird fucking cults too, they're just billed more as esoteric secret clubs than weird proselytizing Christian groups.
90s website kino
You cab still contact them and get a vhs mailed to your house
There were, and some did. There were a handful of survivors that outplayed the gunmen by hiding or playing dead or just not being in the commons at the time. One husband learned what was happening and ran to get his wife but she had already drank the poison and forced their toddler to do the same.