Old Marty is a loser because he didn't become a rockstar...

>Old Marty is a loser because he didn't become a rockstar, just a husband with an office job and his own house and children.

Wow, the 80s had some impossibly high standards.

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His own house in a wealthy part of California mind you, he was going very well for himself

You’re missing the real takeaway here: back in the 80’s even after royally fucking your life up this was about as far as you could conceivably fall. Now imagine the same scenario today.

everyone was on cocaine

Remember American Beauty with the tragic life of the upper-middle class guy who lived in a giant house, had a car and got a job on McDonald while planning to fuck his daughter's best friend?

>having a loving wife and family is "losing"
why was i ignoring the blackpill for so long, i could've swallowed it when i first saw this 20+ years ago

in the 80s you could be a pizza delivery driver and own a home while supporting a family


you unironically gave me something to think about bro...

>tfw don't even own one fax machine

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Doesn't he lose his house in this scene? Like the mortgage defaults or something?

>He's a loser because he didn't follow his dreams
Most parents unironically think like this.

No that's not what it's saying. The message was that Marty didn't get to follow his dreams and play music so he ended up as an old man, filled with regret.

I do, but the line connection has a problem.

he gets fired by Fujitsu

He's a loser because he let his pride be his downfall
>gets called a chicken
>ruined his hand in a car accident
>gets fired in the future

Yeah but isn't it followed by him losing the house? I'm sure there's something involving him losing the house, or the threat of it

Where was Hill Valley supposed to be anyway? It looked like a middle-sized town somewhere rural, not a suburb of any particular city. If that's the case homes wouldn't be particularly expensive, in the 80s anyway.

>June 1989 median home price: $122,800
>June 1989 average home price: $153,600
>1989 minimum wage: $3.35
>"A good Domino's driver in a big market can earn $8 to $10 an hour" - NY Times, 1989 article nytimes.com/1989/08/29/business/fight-on-quick-pizza-delivery-grows.html
>Under the NY Times conditions, a good pizza driver in a large market would be making $1280-1600 per month before tax
>Assuming a modest 15% total personal tax rate, the driver would make $1088-1360 per month after tax
>Assuming a
>June 1989 30 year fixed rate mortgage: 10.2%
>Monthly rate would be $1096
>The driver would be spending 81%-101% of his monthly income on his mortgage, and then still have to pay for his family, their food, and everything else
Your post was wrong.

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What did Needles want him to do anyway? Some kind of insider trading thing?

No a pizza delivery driver could not single-handedly buy a house. This wasn't the 50s where you could buy mass produced matchboxes made for veterans.

But, upward mobility in the 80s was huge. You just needed a cheap degree from a state school and you were set for a decent middle class job.

Somewhere in northern California.
His specific neighborhood in 2015 used to be upper class (Marty thinks he is doing well for living there) but the police taking Jenifer home say that it is a dump that should be torn down.

Probably embezzling corporate assets or accounts.

Did they not know CPR back then?

Attached: What's CPR.jpg (439x461, 111.05K)

I'm not American but I always assumed it was somewhere in country California, especially with the wild west past

One tie would be bad enough. Two ties would be intolerable.

He lived in a shitty neighbourhood and got fired. Did you not watch the movie fag? He also cared too much what other people thought cause he still listened to fags like Needles

The whole series feels california as anything, except for the bits in 3 that were filmed in Arizona. Whereved it is, it's south west / west coast. Obviously.

Every American movie in the 80s was set in California.

The neighbour only became shitty when they traveled back to the present. In the future it was still a great place.

>looks into camera
>I think he stole his wallet
>I think he stole your wallet
>Yeah, he stole his wallet

what was this guys problem

That's mostly true. Universities have been flooded with students. On the flipside, anyone who actually has use for a degree can get one now.

That feels pretty quick for suburban decay. Makes you wonder what happened.

Biff happened, the entire town/city is run down. Did you watch the movie?

Damn why have I never noticed this. What the fuck. Indiana Jones taught in Connecticut though.

No it wasn't. It was being built in 1985 and was shitty by 2015.

Bill is a loser in the 2015 where Hilldale is shit.

Some were set in Chicago

>80s Japan futurism
Any other movies for this?

Those are just John Hughes films though.

that's a lot of effort just to debunk a lazily crafted shitpost on Yas Forums
have you ever considered doing something useful with your life, user?

Michael J Fox was relentlessly handsome.

Blade Runner
Zeta Gundam

I don't think Hill Valley was particularly wealthy. Don't the future cops say that his house is in a bad area?

No, he takes part in a business scam and gets found out


A bad area where you can nuke yourself a full Pizza Hut™ pizza and eat it while watching nine separate TV channels simultaneously.

The funniest part is the 80's were only 30 years ago. In just 3 decades we've lost everything. The American dream is dead, never to return. A literal nightmare became reality. We live in the worst case scenario, yet 30 years from now even this shit will seem like paradise.

I find the meme of "rubber band collectors in [X era] could afford mansions but I can't even feed myself today" to be extremely harmful in the amount of sorrow it causes, and I find debunking it to be something useful. A great weight was lifted off my shoulders when I learned that no, average people in prior decades were not living better than I am today, and I like to share that feeling with people.

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The first movie established his father in the original timeline as a pathetic pushover and yes man that Marty was trying to avoid becoming, in the 2nd it's what he has become. That's the actual problem.

This is the highest standard of living in the history of the world. I think you may be projecting your own struggles onto American society.

The eighties were 40 years ago

By 40 you mean 90

>*blocks your path*

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>highest standard of living in the history of the world
that objectively doesnt mean anything

It's pretty amusing to watch films from the 80s/early 90s and they treat Japan like this indomitable force of capitalism, which was true to some extent. Like Marty McFly says "All the best stuff is made in Japan!"

>80's were only 30 years ago.

>We live in the worst case scenario
Come on now, 9/11 was just a really really big detour

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I read this post and I appreciate the time and effort you took to debunk that retards comment

pretty much describes the 90s as well

The thing that no one seems to realize is, how the FUCK did they predict wall mounted, flat, 16:9 tvs in 1989?

You're too smart to be in this place friend

forgot pic

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>This is the highest standard of living in the history of the world.

For who? The cost of living keeps rising dramatically. The average wage has not risen to match it. Not even close. For most of us they're not even in the same universe anymore.

If you work a blue collar job and want to have a family and own a home, then both you and your wife (male) need to work full-time, so you'll be literal slaves to one financial institution or another for most of your lives, interest rates guaranteeing that you'll basically be paying rent to live in your own your house which you'll probably lose due to some future financial crisis/stockmarket collapse/bank foreclosure/divorce, and while you're busy developing a heart condition and high blood pressure from the stress of your shattered life your kids will be molested at their overpriced daycare and you'll have to pay for their inevitable gender transition surgery/therapy/suicide/funeral.

>wall-mounted, flat
That's always been the ideal screen, pic related
Isn't that theatrical ratio?

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He started drinking onions lattes, that's the real reason why he became a loser in his later years.

lol Yas Forums censors the s word