What really killed the Egyptians?
Why is this ugly boy so infuriating?
White women can't dance.
She's cute!
why is she so weird looking?
why can't I stop watching it?
This is what the wall looks like
highly fuckable
Who’s this actor?
with a glory hole, yes
jesus fuck, why do white women age like this? absolutely disgusting.
i'd love to fuck her mouth tbqhwy lads
Why are Amerimutts so obsessed with projecting their degeneracy on everyone and thinking an entire race behaves the same way?
You age like shit for the same reason you are the fattest fucking nation in the planet: because you eat garbage, don't do excercise and you are all a bunch of drug and alcohol addicts.
There's a reason there's nobody that hates an American more than a white European, you are literally corruptors, and then have the balls to claim all whites are like that as a way to cope and not accept that you are a worthless banana republic.
She looks fine, it's just that bad haircut
What the fuck are you going on about, what's wrong with her?
>you are the fattest fucking nation in the planet
Not true, spics are
She looks kinda hot here
She looks like an ugly goblin with multiple sclerosis trying to dance here
Literally because of spics
Is the song considered racist now?
Yeah, American whites are totally fine.
lol stupid burger, but why are you arguing with one with less than 100 IQ. Plus its not really their fault theyre retarded and degenerate, it's the j00s fault for brainwashing them so easily
What the fuck is up with this website being so fascinated with changing the spelling of words whenever two Os fit?
i dont want to get flagged in a watch list by the burgers spy state for naming their puppet masters.
Howse about them Nefertitties?
rent free
is it hypnosis? I've never seen Boardwalk Empire but every time I come across this thread I have to open it and watch the gif at least 4 times over.
Imagine them both bending over and spreading their cheeks after a long day in the studio.
Says the guy who's already going bald in his early twenties.
Aliens iirc
chuckles mcgee
That's not the same girl, dumb-dumb.
another brick IN THE WALL
Wew seethe harder bud
they are still alive living like reguar sand niggas
So sad that they used to be the emperors of the world
You're worse for thinking all Americans are any way whatsoever. You are a fucking parody and you absolutely proved me right in another thread.
Those arms
She looks like she complains about everything in her life
Look at all the immediate yurotrash faggotry in this thread. I hope that user that claims "Israel is falseflagging" sees this shit. No, you buffoon, it's actual obsessed, shitter-shattered yurostanian peasants continually seething in every thread unprovoked when the OP has nothing to do with Yas Forums bullshit.
wtf I love the wall now
Im counting at least two iPhone beautify filters and one Instagram whorify filter
why are hapas so feminine?
please post more hypnotic gifs of this qt3.14
How tf did she get in then? Did she eat 10lbs while in the store?
>continuously attack whites, shill racemixing and how great non-whites are by pointing at how degenerate you yourselves are
What do you think was going to happen, you low IQ mutts?
People started mocking you instead.
So I guess this proves it. Fashion was better 100 years ago.
She probably walked in. Her ass fat wouldn't have been flared out by the scooter seat, then.