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Other urls found in this thread:

literally who

Not too bad

give me an example of a japanese joke

OooooooOooooooOooooooOoooo where's his sticky

Right you are, ken


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Their penis size.

I’ve never liked chinkoids and now I actively hate them. I welcome the inevitable war and pray it doesn’t stop until we’ve glassed every last province, city, town, and hovel on that godforsaken continent and ground their entire race to dust and scattered the radioactive remains to the four winds. I will slaughter changs until God calls my name to sit by His throne and smile with Him as hell turns yellow

Their men.

thats the yoga pants guy right?

how do u type "F" in japanese

i guess laughter wasn't the best medicine

Someone get this guy a map

This is true hatred

Just a flu bro, just go back to work. Buy into the stock market while you're at it

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You will never move out of your parents house

I have respect for their culture only from an ancient standpoint. Modern China is like someone combined all the negative aspects of humanity into one.

Wait, it was that Ken?!?

Unless you’re fat or old you’re good


Didn't get a sticky:
>Anna Karina
>Danny Aiello
>Sue Lyon
>Michael Cimino
>Agnes Varda
>Harold Ramis
>Dennis Hopper
>Chuckle Brother
>Anita Ekberg
>Bruno Ganz
>Bud Spencer
>Lauren Bacall
>Carol Channing
>Albert Finney
>Maureen O'Hara
>Zsa Zsa Gábor
>Mike Nichols
>Milos Forman
>Seijun Suzuki
>Nicolas Roeg
>Jonathan Demme
>Jacques Rivette
>Andrzej Wajda
>Andrzej Zulawski
>Vilmos Szigmond
>Etore Scola
>Abbas Kiarostami
>Tobe Hooper
>Jeanne Moreau
>Sam Shepard
>Martin Landau
>Anne Wiazemsky
>Juraj Herz
>Vittorio Taviani
>Nelson Pereira dos Santos
>Ermanno Olmi
>Shinobu Hashimoto
>Neil Simon
>Scott Wilson
>John Singleton
>Stanley Donen
>Bernardo Bertolucci
>John Mahoney
>Doris Day
>John Dunsworth
>Don Rickles
>Tim Conway
>Glen Campbell
>Scott Walker
>Robert Forster
>Rip Taylor
>Mr. Peanut
>Terry Jones
>Stuart Gordon
>Rocky Johnson
>Mary Tyler Moore
>John Witherspoon
>E-I-E-I Annoyed Grunt's 20 year anniversary

Got a sticky:
>Gay nigger from HBO's vampire soap opera
>Gay nigger who made gaming reaction videos
>Mom from some old American sitcom
>Dad from some 80's kid comedy
>Dog from Bush's Baked Beans commercial
>Junkie retard only known for shoving a toy car up his ass
>Junkie retard only known for some faggy normie "musical" show
>Billy Crystal
>George Clooney
>Midget from Austin Powers
>Old Jew from the Battletoads show
>"pl0x dont spoil Endgay or else"
>Logan Paul and KSI
>Some K-POP slut
>Some dude who made a video game cheat code
>Random Bane anniversary

Hey, Japan is based as fuck. Direct your hate to cramped communist bat soup virus land.

fucking who you fucking weeb

>being this influenced by Yas Forums maymays
based simp

It’s the guy from Takeshis Kastle

the country of japan is beautiful. and there are portions of the history and culture that are beautiful, and even some figures.

but modern, especially urban, japan is a complete trash heap abomination that is just waiting to be put out of its misery, and the day china finally steps on them like cockroaches will be the day their ancestors will finally stop spinning in their graves.

Yeah the people are overwhelmingly quiet and reserved in public. It's like the complete opposite of America.



their culture

>Yas Forums maymays
you sure its not the whole Wuhan Coronavirus thing thats on the news?


we shouldve let the japs have f/their fun, now the world will deal with the consequences

>japanese slapstick comedian

No great loss

Wow 4channel hates Japan now. Guess what retards. They own this site.

Is Guy Ledouche okay?

Attached: Guy Le Douche.jpg (640x480, 43.4K)

mad nigger detected

idris ebra

Good. FUck Weebs

this man is japanese and thus an honorary white. please redirect all of your impotent rage toward the chinese.

We're all gonna die as soon as the virus mutates into something deadlier.

Oh, it gonna happen, folks.

Why is this website obsessed with Japan?

>honorary white
no you yellowfever nigger

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decent bait


MXC was my childhood. RIP Ken, thanks for all the laughs

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If you've ever been to Yas Forums you would realize there are a ton of Japanese posters. Plus would you rather us just talk about the US

wake me up when Takeshi dies from corona

Guess he was finally eliminated

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>All these Zoomers who have never seen Takeshi's Castle or at least MXC

Yas Forums was a weeboo image board before stormfaggots took over

that’s not him

Some of my first faps to Japanese women were to that show. Slim pickings but back then you had to make due with what you had

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get fucked jap

no it isn't

It's not him lol

it not Kenny for fucks sake




Zoomer's didn't know about him in silent library but that shit was hilarious

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I'm still fuming about John Mahoney not getting a sticky. If 4channel was an actual place we all congregated you better believe I'd spit in a mod's face

just found this one
>I had a great book of actual jokes (not just puns) in Japanese that I wish I kept. One was about a guy finding a box on a train platform that can answer any question correctly. The guy, waiting for his train, keeps asking it questions, trying to fool it, and finally goes as far as going to bathroom, dressing in drag, and asking it "Who am I?" to which the box says, "You're the guy trying to fool me by wearing a dress, and you just missed your train while in the toilet!"

looks like the joke was on me and anyone else who wasted their time reading this
Was it funny


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no one gives a fuck, he can haunt this board forever, he's still never getting a sticky

a legend

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What are your thoughts on this?

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I remember this guy


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wait a minute that nose

Fucking KING RIP

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Japan has killed more Chinese people than just about anybody