
Nighttime edition

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Peldor joi, /trek/!

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Friendly reminder not to take this Spacecraft namefag's bait and give him replies. That's all, thank you.

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Another revelation

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Imagine being locked in a prison with a blue skinned teenager who worshipped you. That would be so weird lol

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We haven't had a cast of this quality since DS9.

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We all hope they will come back in season 2

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why did they make so hot i can not even concentrate show

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>Dr. Neelix

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are they in costume?

only you

VF's new gimmick is pretty shit.

Rios is far more JUST in natural lighting (just like me).

fufck OFF


that was not a tenager user, that was a alien transvestite

Literally just finished Picard. That was a stupid ass ending. Would have been less of asspull to have Q show up and just magically heal him. Season 2 better have Q.



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Who was in the wrong?
Fair enough he doesn't want to fuck her, but surely a little fingering would be okay?

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Just rewatched this today.

That's fucking gross, man. You shouldn't make posts like that.

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these writers don't know who Q is and don't know what made star trek unique. So don't count on anything quality or fun

>asian wife

>They don't know who Q is
>they literally mention Q in like episode 3/4

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Chuck, you should stop bullying your little brother.

>Making it through 4 episodes of that shitfest
you deserve a god damn medal

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True, Picard was the furthest thing deom Star Trek than anything I've ever watched. Even Discovery was closer to the true philosophy of Star Trek.

I would rather watch Picard then season 1-3 of TNG, DS9, or VOY, or S1-2 of ENT

>takes his name off
>starts posting random voyager screens with the same filename format
What a weird guy.


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>true philosophy of Star Trek.
This always makes me laugh because people who make these sorts of claims only do so by selectively ignoring large parts of the older shows.

Stop being autistic and trying to start arguments, Urzorn.

Get some help. Maybe Season 1 of those. But DS9 and Voy seasons 3 were good and TNG Season 2 is underrated

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I think its because those old shows were by in large stand alone stories where each hour or two had satisfying beginning middle and ends. What picard and discovery do is open a mystery box at the beginning of the season than give us an unsatisfactory ending because none of these writers know what they want out of the show. Its why its bland and aping off of modern television rather than trying to use what made trek unique in the first place

I take it back. Picard season 1 is even worse than Discovery. Worst season 1 by far


DS9 and VOY S3 were massively hit or miss, certainly not good but any measure.

3? season three is one of the best seasons, what is it with zoomers pointing out whats shitty about other things rather than defend their position with whats quality in what they're arguing?

Zoomers have shit taste and think that any time there's silence or suspense in an episode it's poor pacing because they're not zoom zooming through scenes.

Except they didnt.

I'm guessing they are going to give Picard some super powers, I can't wait to see how far the shit show goes. In all honesty, I could see Picard fight Riker in season 2, just to ruin everything.

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>introduce a new character
>her entire personality is treating the most beloved character on the show with a smug sense of superiority bordering on contempt
what a great idea that was

No way

She was McCoy to Data's Spock. Hell she even looked like McCoy. It was great

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>I think its because those old shows were by in large stand alone stories where each hour or two had satisfying beginning middle and ends.
I disagree.

The episodic nature of the older shows was what made so many episodes feel completely unsatisfactory because they didn't have the time to add any depth to them, so every species became a total "planet of the hats" trope species, that were totally forgettable, and had no impact on anything.

The best parts of the older shows were the episodes that dealt with continuing storylines within, and across, seasons. Like the episodes about Data trying to become more human, his brother Lore, and his father Soong. Or the Duras family's attempts to try to thrawrt the Enterprise, or the Kurn storyline where Worf and his brother redeem their family's honor, lose it again, and then Kurn goes all suicidal. Or The Dominion War focused episodes of Ds9, or the Xindi arc of S3 of ENT, or the mini-storyline across S4 of ENT like the augment arc.

Except they did.

One of Rios's holograms mention that Picard is the contact with the Q Continuum when he was trying to convince Rios of taking on the job.

>One of Rios's holograms mention that Picard is the contact with the Q Continuum when he was trying to convince Rios of taking on the job.
I don't remember this, point

Seasons one and two of TNG were still heavily influenced by TOS and Gates McFadden got on the nerves of the head writer so they killed two birds with one stone by kicking beverly and replacing her with a McCoy knock off to spar with Data, she's a great character and she is the one who challenges Data to prove himself as an individual rather than just be accepted. Her interactions with the other characters was solid to, season two isn't perfect but the heart of the show was there it just needed one more season to find its legs.

Picard and STD have no heart and they're just collections of plots of convenience pasted together with ultra violence and petty melodrama

>"So, are we excited? Intimidated? Maybe a teensy bit starstruck? Jean-Luc Picard: Chief contact with the Q Continuum. Arbiter of Succession for the Klingon Empire. Savior of Earth from Borg invasion. Captain of the Enterprises -D and -E. The man even worked alongside the great Spock."- La Sirena's Emergency Navigational Hologram, to Rios

What a terrible opinion. Imagine thinking less of episodes like Balance of Terror because the events of the episode aren't revisited in later seasons.

I salute you. Keep reporting. Do not relent. Do not let them dissuade you from your vigil. Their agonized cries of snitch bitch will be like water in the desert. The deletion of their posts and each felled IP will be like manna from heaven. Star Trek.

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A writer who can't write a satisfying story in 1 hour can't do it in ten. The only thing they can do with the ten hours given is hide their flaws in the first few episodes to get there money and run.

I'll agree that you can't tell a truly dramatic story in an hour but the episodic nature was able to weave continuity in the episodes themselves rather than waste time on hours and hours of terrible dialogue in an attempt to add a second dimension to any of the characters in nu trek.

Well fuck, Q or Worf better show up in S2, or I'll never acknowledge how many lights there are.

Are you logical?

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>I'll agree that you can't tell a truly dramatic story in an hour
The Twilight Zone, widely regarded as the greatest television program in history, begs to differ.

I have those sets, I'm happy I got those over the remastered ones that came later


>A writer who can't write a satisfying story in 1 hour can't do it in ten.
By this logic an author who can't write a satisfying story in one chapter can't do it in 100. Yet many of the greatest books of all time are only the level they are because they had the time to flesh things out, whereas some 1 chapter thing is generally only ever consdiered OK

>I'll agree that you can't tell a truly dramatic story in an hour
Oh boy.

I bet mike doesn't even own youtube.com/watch?v=lNKahPwgC-E

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Balance of Terror was a decent episode. But only that, decent.

but generally speaking, all of the Romulan and Klingon episodes in TOS were made lesser by the fact none of them mattered to each other.

>Balance of Terror was a decent episode. But only that, decent.

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I bet it's the same guy who claimed not too long ago that Balance of Terror was just a copy of The Hunt for Red October's submarine battles.

We know Guinan, and The Doctor, are in S2.

Worf was mentioned as being the captain of the Enterprise in the Picard tie in novel, so its likely he will show up at some point in S2 or 3.

Balance of Terror is the best TOS episode.

I'll admit that's a mistype

"you can't properly build more than one or two nuanced characters in a single hour, long form drama works best using continuity"

yes but those writers typically had to start with smaller stories until they taught themselves how to build a longer story. The first job Kurtzman got in the industry was LOST a mystery box that had an unsatisfying ending despite telling the studio they had an ending for season six as early as season three. Now after a handful of multimillion dollar false starts he showing fresh out of college writers how to do a bad job. You point to something good that Kurtzman has done and I'll concede my point

>The Doctor

>long form drama works best using continuity
I agree with this but it's more than possible to have a sense of continuity in a series using the episodic format. TNG did this fairly well, building characters over seven seasons without relying on serialization.

cool is this the new x-men film?

If they finally explain why her and Q hate each other, I'll cum.

I can't wait to see whoopie goldberg come do an episode out of pity after patrick begged her on live television in front of an audience to do the show

The EMH from Voyager

friendly reminder to ignore the snitch bitch and keep posting dope content for my niggas

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I've seen completely baseless and unsourced rumors they had plans to do so.

No its true the things I like best about trek is the little things that build up through other writers doing one thing and other writers coming in to use the ensign or character for their own thing.

Its the same reason why I used to love spider-man reading spider-man from 62-92 you see what can be done with long form writing relying on mostly single episodes by different writers over the course of decades

>long form drama works best using continuity
Not according to the history of television and the reception of contemporary serials. I think making an absolute statement like that is silly. I'd argue that iconic characters are much more indicative of the quality of a long form drama.

O thanks, for a moment i thought it was the other doctor and S2 was going to be a carnaval.
I did not see Voyager yet, but i will.