Any interview kino?
Any interview kino?
so the WHO won't acknowledge Taiwan's existence because China won't allow it?
chinks BTFO
Yes. This is China's policy towards all international organizations, you can recognize Taiwan or you can recognize PRC, not both, since Taiwan claims to be the rightful ruler of all of mainland China and PRC claims to be the rightful ruler of Taiwan.
Correct. WHO is a slave to China. WHO is also on first.
>WHO is also on first
wait, then who's on second
I’ve never liked chinkoids and now I actively hate them. I welcome the inevitable war and pray it doesn’t stop until we’ve glassed every last province, city, town, and hovel on that godforsaken continent and ground their entire race to dust and scattered the radioactive remains to the four winds. I will slaughter changs until God calls my name to sit by His throne and smile with Him as hell turns yellow
no what’s on second
He won't recognize Taiwan as an independent state because that might make China mad.
>japan is a triangle
How did we get to a point where the WHO is controlled by China?
The US and EU are supposed to have that shit in their back pocket.
I can only conclude that China is the number one superpower now.
almost nobody recognizes Taiwan
post the source faggot
That's the patch on the Top Gun remake. They don't want Japan and Taiwan on the patch because that might make China mad.
Oh noo thats sucks
>The US and EU
don't recognize taiwan either
Because then China won't do any business with you
why should they? they are irrelevant to everybody outside of china and china get butthurt when you talk about them so why stir the pot?
im not saying its edited, but it could be edited.
Why, obviously
Lol do china not recognise japan either now ? wtf?
At 19:52
OP is a faggot for not providing it
apparently the Japanese did a lot of raping around wartime
Factually accurate
Tell us how you really feel. Jeeeesus.
STFU Chang.
China will destroy itself, as it always does.
really looking forward to members of the who being publicly executed
is that why its poised to become the next dominant superpower? chinese is one of the fastest growing language for a reason mutt
I went to Shenzhen once, literally everything was greasy. The floors, the walls, the windows, even the outside of buildings and the sidewalk were all covered in at least a thin film of greasy residue.
No, bot.
We do.
we had a branch in Shanghai and I did a 6 month new team training there and i was so fucking disgusted with chinks. why the fuck do these insects always spit? even the women. fucking disgusting piece of shits
Literally China's bitch. Fucking disgusting
The insectoids will never achieve anything, stealing IP and making cheap knockoffs is not sustainable in the long term. Face it Chang, even you don't buy your CHINA STRONG propaganda bullshit.
You really don't have any idea how pissed off everyone is at you people, do you? You're about to know what it feels like to have 5 billion people baying for your blood.
Why doesn't he just say "as you know, the WHO doesn't recognize Chinese Taipei as a sovereign member state, but the response of the local government has been in line with that of the government in Beijing and... "
He doesn't have to sperg our like that
>even you don't buy your CHINA STRONG
the cope is real or you are actually retarded enough to ignore chinese nationalism...
>stealing IP
yes they've done it before but every emerging nation has. china is at the pinnacle of the next technological leap 5G, A.I etc it will be the west desperately trying to play catch up
the world is literally China's bitch and america is literally the ONLY nation that still has balls to stand up to china atm but lets face it those balls are shrinking fast lol
which one is the most useless organization?
>Yas Forums says jews run the world
>it's actually the chinese
its more serious than that, the WHO literally withheld information from taiwan regarding the virus and wouldn't tell them anything taiwan was required to beg china for information which it refused to do.
the WHO by a country mile its incompetence has lead to thousands of preventable deaths and the worst thing about it is that people still look to it as an authority
Like I said, you don't get it. Enjoy your denial while it lasts.
This fucking internet board we call Yas Forums was talking about the virus weeks before the World Health Organization even met to talk about it. Why is the WHO necessary if it's just a bunch of academics with their thumbs at their ass with one hand and with their other hand out for money?
Do you have it with sound, can you go post it on wsg if so?
I wanna share it
i bet you also thought the "chinese bubble" was about to burst... any minute now for the last 10 years kek its a new world order friend and the west has had its time in the sun
>China unleashes virus upon the world
And these fucking imbeciles are thanking them for cleaning up their own mess in the sloppiest of ways...these people should be forced to be on the ground, on the front line.
the WHO was tipped off by taiwan late november regarding a new contagion in china but they were paid to keep silent, even amidst the outbreak in china they only reluctantly acknowledged its existence because the ccp wouldn't allow it.
the idea behind the WHO and u.n is great but the corruption is deep and the rot uncontrolled
I see
fuck off, read history, the WHO helped eradicate polio and measles from the majority of countries around the world dumb fucks
man, she's cute
You should post this in Yas Forums if you haven't already.
The Red Cross use to be a volunteer based non-profit. What's your point?
the who is just a ccp puppet now sorry
when did Yas Forums become Yas Forums 2.0?
Type more words, you'll feel better.
keep seething mutt
no u
that was in the past.
Because they're like China but actually good
Remember, the US pulled its WHO funding after WHO stopped letting the US claim whatever drugs it wanted were super awesome. WHO then ran to Xi Suckscock to fund it and he gladly obliged.
Another fun fact, after years and years of labelling Chinese tradmed complete quackery, bullshit and magic witch potion nonsense, which it is, the last few years the WHO has grown very accommodating of it and even approving of it in many cases.
> In 2022, the new International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, ICD-11, will attempt to enable classifications from traditional medicine to be integrated with classifications from evidence-based medicine.
Another fun fact, the Chinese used antimalarials throughout its treatment of covid19, they were super effective. The Chinese even boasted about this, they also given credit to a japanese influenza medicine as being effective too. But ever since Trump has said they had great results WHO has been shouting that more tests are needed and nothing is set in stone and they don't actually know if they work or not. Nothing was said to China about them prescribing it to their citizens.
Another fun fact, before say, November 2019 the wikipedia article for the Spanish Flu said it had a mortality rate of around 10-20%
>The global mortality rate from the 1918/1919 pandemic is not known, but an estimated 10% to 20% of those who were infected died. Current estimates have the death toll as probably 50 million, and possibly as high as 100 million.
But ever since covid-19, that number's been heavily quoted as 2-3%, aka covid-19's supposed CFR, and all traces of a CFR have been removed from the current Spanish Flu article on wikipedia.
Any globalist organization is just bought and paid for by its master country. Just remember for the WHO, that master is China.