Is there a worse patient then Sean Milliken on My 600 Pound Life? This motherfucker gained over 200 pounds in like 2 months before he died
Is there a worse patient then Sean Milliken on My 600 Pound Life...
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how are they getting food if they can't get up out of bed?
Usually they have some loved one or friend bring them food.
imagine the smell
why don't they just not do that
That episode was sad as fuck, the dude went from making a lot of progress to fucking up and dying. His mom and him made all these goals for weight loss and they both end up dead
Penny was a massive cunt who didn't even lose weight after surgery
I'm from Yas Forums and let me tell you losing weight is easy as fuck. Try losing weight and maintaining your gains your retarded fatties.
There are so many things to consume that have very low carbs/cals/sugar
>diet drinks
>sugar free jello
>any meats and fish
>any veggies
>canned whipped cream
>a small carb portion once a day
Do this for a weeks and you'll see results.
was he based?
How can you find this show entertaining in any way? It's just a bunch of fat normies, I almost fell asleep watching an episode
I lost like over 20 pounds myself by just basically cutting way down on my soda intake and eating 3 times a day, I drink more Mountain Dew Zero and seltzer water.
Occasionally there's an entertaining train wreck.
Mental illness is fascinating.
The threads on Yas Forums make it fun. Personally I love the Dr Now memes
>drink more Mountain Dew Zero
This is nectar of the Gods right here. The worst thing I hear is when I hear some fattie say "but I hate the taste of diet soda", as if they've tried every single one of them. Of course they just keep downing regular Coke and Red Bull by the fucking gallon.
Sean inherited money at some point and ordered tons of food everyday until he died. He was destitute at that point
Shit, I feel ashamed I gained 20 lbs I wouldn't have had I maintained a semblance of PT discipline. I can't even fathom gaining 200, that's still more than my entire body weight. Nigga ate me and had room for dessert.
I like Mountain Dew Zero more than regular Dew, regular Dew is way too sweet for me. Mountain Dew Zero is like the perfect balance, it's fucking great. These fatties could drink it by the gallon if they want, it's zero cal.
Anything is fun when you do it with friends
Also Coke Zero Cherry is pretty good. And Diet Dr Pepper is probably one of the best diet sodas.
Fucking losers that need sugar water no matter what. I bet you can't even drink plain water. That artificial sweetener kills beneficial bacteria and makes your brain crave sugar. You'll all die from consuming this garbage
Sean was so big he could have lost weight by just cutting down to 1 pizza a day and drinking diet soda, and he could have gotten exercise by just flopping around like how Jesse Shand did
>Diet Dr Pepper
This too.
For a while they made diet vanilla coke and that was great, but they stopped making it.
>not water with a 1 cal flavor packet with no added sugar
>Fucking losers that need sugar water no matter what.
We never said we did, faggot. We said that fatties need it and don't even drink the no carb/sugar alternative.
>That artificial sweetener kills beneficial bacteria and makes your brain crave sugar.
No it doesn't stupid. I can have a Coke Zero and that will be my "sweet" for the day. I don't fucking crave Hershey bars after having it.
>You'll all die from consuming this garbage
This isn't about life or death, faggot. It's about weight loss. And no, a few diet drinks won't kill you. Yeah, drinking water is the best choice, but it gets boring sometimes. Flavored seltzer and crystal light is good too.
Yea. My favourite sugary sodas are just regular Coke or Pepsi, but for diet I prefer alternate flavours, especially Dr. Pepper and Root Beer.
>Sean was so big he could have lost weight by just cutting down to 1 pizza a day
Do you mean 1 SLICE of pizza or day? Or 1 whole fucking pizza?
1 whole fucking pizza, the dude was close to a thousand pounds, he'd need to eat like 30,000 calories a day. He just didn't try, he's a cuck faggot
>but it gets boring sometimes. Flavored seltzer and crystal light is good too.
You probably can't go without sweeties you failure. If you give up sugar entirely fucking black coffee tastes sweet as hell. Their are flavors you aren't able to detect in even plain water. Your tastebuds are fucked from eating gushers and cake every week
>You probably can't go without sweeties you failure.
Bro, you sound retarded. I'm good shape. I can have some sugary shit once in a while. And diet soda isn't a "sweet" that's the whole fucking point of them.
>. If you give up sugar entirely fucking black coffee tastes sweet as hell.
Why would I put sugar in my coffee after advocating for diet soda you retarded faggot?
>Your tastebuds are fucked from eating gushers and cake every week
Being this far out of the conversation...
They are literally killing them by doing this kek
and of course I know this isn't healthy or a real diet, I'm just trying to say how much he'd need to fucking eat to even maintain his weight.
>Bro, you sound retarded. I'm good shape
For now, at one point you'll do like everyone else in your area and return to eating a S.A.D if you aren't right now. Do a water only fast for about two weeks and you won't event want this sugar swill water and processed tendies slurry you fucking piece of shit
Artificial sweeteners aren't sugar.
you have to watch it with the boys, though the assanti trilogy, The Assassination of Robert Buchel by the Coward Dr Now and pop-off james stand alone
You're projecting like a faggot.
>dude only drink water and have zero sugar like me!
Fucking pathetic, bro.
how do i get someone to buy me 50 dollars worth of shit every day till i weigh 600lb?
Assanti Trilogy is probably the most kino moment of the show.
F for Robert, he didn't make it.
what is your problem with this random guy on the internet? lmao the way you're constantly replying to him with more and more inanity makes you seem autistic as fuck
I can see you're under 25
Robert's episode is probably the most fucking depressing of the show, the dude was so full of life and positive but he was addicted to painkillers and getting taken off of them basically sent him in a depression. He was making it though
My dad is 55 and he lost weight doing something similar to what user described.
Why? I'm 30 and adopting a similar diet has done a 180 for my health.
More like Dollar
>you seem autistic as fuck
I want people to wake up and stop thinking they can eat and drink shitty food all their lives. Don't eat processed food it fucking ages you
shouting like a retard on Yas Forums is not the way to go about that goal.
>double reddit spacing
Bro, this thread is about being fat, not going on some non-GMO onions diet you retarded faggot.
Who tells you the truth in your lives? Grow your own food, lift weights, don't watch pornography. You don't need kid cuisines and red dye number 7. This is a relevant thing to say you are all just in denial about tendies and hunni musti being occasionally ok when its not
Enablers are a death sentence
I watch it with my father in law, he is quite the fan of TLC shows and yes, he watches I'm jazz too.
>Grow your own food
So you raise your own fucking cows and chicken? Fucking retard.
Please stop, you're an embarrassment, and that's saying a lot on an anime basket weaving board.
He remains undefeated.
>stop doing weird things
There was maybe a black woman who was also a lazy fuck and insisted that Dr Now was wrong. She might have been worse. His voice and constant moaning were fucking awful though.
>the dude went from making a lot of progress
I really don't recall him making progress. Lots of 'intention' ut not much action.
>"hahahah look at this dude! it's so cringe and yikes! you are embarrassing my guy! Nihilism is where it is bruh"
Have you ever wondered just how much of your behavior is controlled by fear of embarrassment. I could walk up to your mother and tell her I'm going to be your new stepdad and you wouldn't do shit you nauseating adolescent.
As kino as the assanti bros were, I find their episodes to be frustrating to watch. Especially their cuck father
Great job trying to de-rail the conversation with more reddit spacing and out of left field statements.
Go grow some more onions, faggot.
>dad acts like he's a Jersey tough guy but really he's a big fucking pussy who can't say no to his son
And I can see your over 250lbs
Do you think he ate the hair he pulled out?
Very tragic hairline.
I'm sure a guy from this season said he date 10 pizzas a day. 70 pizzas a week. Fucking hell
>any meats and fish
>any veggies
>canned whipped cream
This works if you are under 22 years old
>date 10 pizzas a day
>out of left field statements.
What's the matter? your only my 300 pound life so nothing I say is relevant I suppose. Keep eating garbage and being a homosexual but don't think you aren't in the same family as these monstrosities