What would his interview with you be like?

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One of those interviews where the person isn't more famous/ accomplished in his field than Joe, so Joe is very condescending, argumentative and defensive.

Successful people are based because they have a different mindset, not because they have money or fame

About 5 minutes long before getting kicked out for calling him a glowing CIA faggot

>So you post cartoon frogs on this website? Nice pretty cool, you know a buddy of mine is into illustration, he showed me- oh you don't make them yourself you just post the same picture again and again that someone else made? Well the community there must appreciate your efforts- they call you 'dumb frogposter' and you're constantly banned? Wow sounds like a case of censorship, a buddy of mine Jordan Peterson has some lectures you might- Peterstein? What does that mean, Eddie have you heard of this, what does he mean ZOG?- oh wow looks like I need to use the bathroom guys let's take a break.

probably about physiotherapy, mountain biking, the need to be in the wilderness and away from cities.

i would just ask him if eddie could stop by

I'd substitute myself for Jamie.

I have a word document with a list of topics I'd like to discuss with Joe one day when I'm interviewed. Also a list of guest suggestions for him.

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sounds pretty based to me desu

im a game dev so id talk about my released and upcoming games and also quake (one of them is a FPS)

I'm a college professor and I've had a very tumultuous lovelife, including affairs with some of my students.

So I suppose it would be a tell-all full of lurid details.

>20 minutes about me talking about mechanical elves and dmt
>then I tell him I'm just kidding and he's a degenerate junkie and that he should be shot dead

>user you’re going to have to explain to the people listening who these Sneed and Chuck guys are

Joe's knowledge on video games is very basic but he really likes the quake series

>So you've been quiet most of this time user...and who or what is this Janny you want to fuck?

joe talks 100% of the time

I'd just engage him on his favourite subjects, MMA, animals, conspiracies, current events, drugs, SJWs, working out, Quake, space, etc. He'll have me back on again.

I'd prob just talking about gym and maybe some chimps with him. Then share my favourite memes.

I wouldn't do an interview with him after his dumb, out of touch boomer ass did Hugo Martin dirty

give us a taste prof

>"Have you heard of the Jews?"
>*Leans into mic*
>"I have not"

I'm a tranny MMA fighter so I'd slap him in the face with my lady dong

It’s be an interview with a vampire

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>"You see Joe, the age of minority and majority was invented by women in the early twentieth century as a way to limit men's dating pool to only used up roasties and keep quality wife material out of their grasp. Women are inherently threatened by one another, and there's nothing more threatening to a 29 year old woman who's had several bad relationships and a mile of dicks with a completely empty egg carton than a young, happy, bubbly 15 year old girl. The age of consent being a legal barrier is simply an absurdity invented by feminists, the state should have no role in maintaining a young woman's chastity, that role should fall to the father, who screens his daughter's suitors. Instead, we wind up with a society with a more than 50% divorce rate because girls are encouraged to sleep around until their mid twenties, and female promiscuity before marriage statistically drives up dissatisfaction and divorce. If girls instead were married to one man who could provide for them at the age of 14, the marriage would last, and history supports this."
>"Hundred percent. HUNDRED percent, user. It's so cray that we've constructed this weird system of laws around regulating people's sexuality? Like what is that about? *tokes* If a girl reaches sexual maturity at age 14, why the fuck are we telling her what she can and can't do with her body until this arbitrary line at 18? Listen, I have two daughters, and I would love if some dude came along to take them off my hands. Let some other guy pay their way? FUCK yeah I would let them marry a good guy in his twenties with a stable career and a good head. What's the alternative? The spindly fucking dorks that are gonna try to get into their pants in high school? That's better? Nah son. Jamie pull up that instagram account that has all the underage girls you can't tell are underage..."

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>No way. That's crazy. Did you know in China they say if a vampire comes across a sack of rice he has to count every grain?

>Joe: No one should be president! No one man should be making all these decisions! They should have someone in charge of money! Someone else in charge of education! Someone else in charge of housing!

Does Joe not understand how the government works? Does he really not know what the president does? Does he not understand a cabinet? Seriously this is probably the dumbest thing he keeps saying.

what would his interview with Zuckerberg be like?

he was talking about a person being elected, not appointed by the president, having absolute power over their field.
so the secretary of finance doesn't need congressional or presidential approval to make a decision

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pretty much this but I’d purposely bring up chimps first

how do you have Carmack on and never once bring up Doom?

he'd probably yell at me when i tell him i have no interest in smoking weed

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user, no. He just literally has no idea how government works. I know you probably just watched the callen episode and you think Joe only brought this up once but he brings it up often and has been for half a decade. He even has a bit about it in his 2016 netflix special.

You can try and defend his dumbness by talking about the direction he was led to by his guest but that's not the point. Joe has no idea what a president does.

he'd literally kick your fucking teeth in

he has brought up the idea the President runs everything in America like 1000 times in his podcast, he has no clue the system was designed to have checks and balances despite this being taught to kids in second grade.

His response is already in the post. I have consumed literally TENS of THOUSANDS of hours of Joe Rogan podcast user. I can predict his responses before he even thinks of them.

>Woah, that's crazy
>So you just straight out called him a nigger?
>And a retarded autist incel
Uh huh
>And like nothing happened?
>No consequences?
None at all. You post anonymously
>Woah. Like, dude. Imagine that in real life. Just think some guy is a fucking moron so you just call him a fat gay nigger.
>Hey, Jamie, pull that site up.
So this is Yas Forums
>They just talking about movies an shi-WOAHAHAHAHA Dude, what the hell is this? There's like 15 threads that just says Tarantino is for fags. What's this kino stuff. These guys are fucking crazy.

rogan has sold out and his podcast isnt as enjoyable any more

his ego has been over inflated by all these fratbro dicksuckers

>"Joe, Joe, I'm not against weed or weedheads or anything... But... Weed is an addictive drug however..."
He'd flip the fuck out

Smoking weed and talking about /x/ shit

>talking about /x/ shit

maybe 5 years ago, nowadays he'd give you a list of Zog talking points

>so you're telling you jerk it 10 times every day?? JESUS CHRIST man... this reminds me of this one time I was out squatch hunting on DMT with my guy Eddie bravo. Hey jamie pull up that vid of Heironimus

>So this Janny guy, who works for free being a mod on 4channel? What's his deal? Is he really black? Is he really transgendered? What's his deal with interracial porn and Simpsons memes? Guy sounds fucking crazy, CRAZY. AND HE WORKS FOR FREE?"

He would get very bored with me within 5 minutes and stop the interview shortly thereafter.

Probably the only interesting thing I could talk to him about is that I'm an unironic waifufag
But I tend to keep that part of my life more personal, plus there's already too many fakers and that would probably just make things worse.

Depends who you're waifu is. If it's someone shit tier he'll bully you for it.

Probably something dumb like this

He better not
I've punched people over my waifu before. I was completely wasted, but my point still stands

>well known celebrity says joke
>i sleep
>real shit?


A lot of sarcastic humor that would go over his head and conservative talking points, as well as mma discussion and calling out DC

This post gave me deja vu

Sounds like she's probably a slut.

at first, i would talk about lsd trips to break the ice and build rapport. then when he thinks all is comfy i would switch to male rape victimhood and how it turns you into a volcel. he would probably act condescending at first and when that doesn't work, he would act like someone took away his favorite toy.

I won't work if I know you're just doing it to get a rise out of me

What's it like to grow up in a corrupt eastern europian shithole
Orangutan videos
Muh centrism

>male rape victimhood and how it turns you into a volcel
Defend this opinion for me

Not denying it.

>What would his interview with you be like?

I wouldn't grant him one.

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Instead of laughing, I'd KEK. If the story took a negative turn, I'd say "that's pretty reddit" and if the story was positive I'd physically "upvote" it. Towards the end I'd yawn and keep repeating "time to go back".


rape can make you feel disgust when you think about being touched ever again, so you rather not have sex.

I want to talk to him about chimps for three hours.

Oh okay that makes sense. I was mist pretzelinn your opions

whos the waif

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Is this thread a good place to talk about the last episode of john oliver where he said he would pay 1,000$ FOR A SPECIFIC RAT EROTICA PICTURE?
Cause I "have" that picture. But i think he wants the pic on a picture frame, and i don't have a printer, and I also don't have a picture frame.
I just "have" the pic.


Based and redpilled. However it also goes the other way. Some people who are raped as kids go the other way and become hypersexual as adults.

Who's this milk truck?

what the fuck

Go to Walmart

I know right. ROIDgan and GAYmie are cringe af.

Attached: Capture 013 - Watch Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Online - Episode 6 - S7E6_.png (796x432, 463.11K)

Couldn’t you just screen cap that picture and send it in? Or is it another one he wants?

I would aim for a "angry conspiracy theory rant about all the fucking poisons they put into the food and environment", probably making joe argumentative as they go against some of his ideas about health, such as omega 3

then we would segue into why I care so much about this, which ends up discussing my failure of a life and my sense of biological inferiority

Like I said, I like to keep that part of my life more reserved and personal. Se people that constantly talk about their waifu seem like they're doing it more for personal attention and that's one thing I want to avoid.

Yeah, that's basically what i did, but my screen cap was much better then the one i posted here.
I just wanted to know what tv thought about trying to get 1,000$ for sending porn to a tv host online.

yeah, i know someone like that. don't know what causes the different response. i used to be hypersexual as well for awhile, but porn felt safer than pursuing sex.

Go fro it

Why does he need the picture if he already has it?

we take mushrooms and smoke weed together and discuss the universe