The platform is a subtle allegory for capitalism

The platform is a subtle allegory for capitalism.

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What was "there literally isn't enough food to feed everybody and if it's evenly rationed then everyone will starve" an allegory for

The only way to win is to find someone you can manipulate then a couple days before the end of the month, ride the platform all the way down murdering everyone, eating the bodies for sustenance. There's no way they'll repop all those floors in a few days, so whatever floor they put you on after, you'll probably get a good amount of food. Eventually, they'll start filling floors with mad dog killers but by then you'll have gained Wendigo powers from all that lifeblood drinking, so you should be okay.

or the "the only way for communism to work is if we kill everyone in the process" subtlety

Hear me out on this one. We take The Platform and make it into a martial arts action film.

there is no winning. you do your time, then you leave.

What about... The Platform but it takes place in A TRAIN.

>he doesn't want to take advantage of a consequence-free murder rampage and a shot at proving your mettle to the feral asian who's a solid work-7.

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I literally just finished marathoning it

I don’t get it, why did he message not require a bearer? Why would he be ok in the basement rather than level 0?


The Platform on a PLANE.

That sounds completely original.

I was seriously surprised he didn't rape the woman with the dog that he got assigned second. In a concrete box with no entertainment, with a warm pussy just across the room? Also, the same person who signed me up for this hell? Right after I've seen how humanity actually is courtesy of my first cell mate? You bet I'd over power her and tie her up, rape her daily, kill and eat her dog, stuff myself and starve her and then eat her on the last few days to get my strength up.

Also, no way in hell I'd go down from the 6th floor. I'd eat as much as I could, again, to get my strength up, and know I only had to survive one more month. I mean come on, can we all admit Goreng was unrealistic in a way that took us out of the movie?

If you were on platform 130 or whatever, why the fuck wouldn't you and your cellie immediately hop on the platform to ride down?
Best case - you get up to the top
Worst case - you get to another level and you and your cellie can kill and eat them, probably in 2 on 1 situation

It was a biting criticism of the left they just don't know it. Under an authoritarian leftist regime you "lock people in a concrete cell" and take away all self-determination. This inevitably creates food shortages as all leftist regimes have done.

If you simply allow people freedom they would produce their own food.

>using capitalism to express anti-capitalist sentiment

They cast an extremely ugly woman to make sure you knew why he didn't rape her. You saying you'd hit that, dawg?

I thought this was a fine movie until the ending, why did it have to become such extreme pretentious shite?

>tfw you realize the 'b' in subtle is subtle

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Bitch looked like Bruce Jenner

I was expecting a sex scene with cancer tits after the dream sex he had earlier. Maybe she'd force herself on him or something, it felt like that was the way it'd go for some reason. Going down to the last level from level six was full bore retarded. He had no reason to do it.

This guy was a total gentleman about his cannibalism.

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I'm not saying I found her hot, but she'd feel good around my penis, and I'd rather that than keep re-reading fucking don quixote.

Also, if weapons are allowed, bringing anything but a weapon is retarded.

I watched it dubbed. I can’t remember the last time I watched something dubbed and not subbed. I’m guessing it’s better with subs

Fuck that old man. He didn't even cut off something easily treated like a toe or fingers. Cunt went right into the thigh and could've easily nicked an artery.

Yeah, his 9 day hunger made him greedy.

He rode down from the 6th floor and killed like 20-30 people on the way. You nail someone in the head with a fucking pipe they're done. So how is he the good guy again?

>work 7

she’s a real life 8.5 homeboy

Holy shit

Harder cuts first user, he knew he was going to lose weight and steadiness of hand eating only a scrap of meat a day, he wanted to spare Goreng, because he liked him, and so they both had something to eat.

Fuck forgot pic

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completely agree but being covered in muck and shit and being a murderous wench brings her rating down a bit. not her best look. but you're right, given what we see is available in there, she's like a work-10.

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2 of the upper levels communicating and taking over the platform would be the first thing that happens.

Sending asian cunny to level 0 is a subtle allegory for the kike pedophiles at the apex of society.

We're basically subsisting on table scraps we receive in exchange for literally feeding Jews with little kids.

>If you simply allow people freedom they would produce their own food.

when did leftists ever care about the production of wealth instead of its redistribution? This movie does a pretty good job lampooning their world-view by making food literally ascend from above.

it shits on communism too. when you want to hand out resources equally only way to do it by oppression and violence because nobody wants to share.

based and truthpilled

does it though? Or does it simply tell us that this is the only way?

literally did nothing wrong


>this is the only way?
There was flat out not enough food for all the prisoners on the platform

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Maybe they were just bad at creating portions

they never flat-out say that hough do they? The woman claims there would be enough if they rationed it.

We literally look at the pile of food, divide it 600 ways in your head lol

the only way to apportion this so that everyone eats is to skip days, eat light, etc.

but honestly, every one of these human condition thought experiment movies is completely pointless. look at how everyone is reacting to the coronavirus. anyone over 40 is transgressing into a fucking frightened toddler. people are inherently selfish retards who need to be instructed on how to ackrite. left to their own devices, it's just physically powerful people murdering unarmed elderly and faggots. that's the human condition in a nutshell.

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That cake could feed at least 100

>it's an allegory for capitalism

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Actually, she is a tranny

This movie is a direct, not-subtle-at-all portrayal of the actual results of communism as it has manifested anywhere on Earth, you dumb fuck.

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Nope, there was always enough food if everyone took their fair share. That was the entire point. You can argue by looking at the food and the number of prisoners that in reality it shouldn't/wouldn't work, but the movie tells you that the platform has enough food for every prisoner.

cant tell if thats on purpose or if the movie-makers are just retarded though, its not like the movie doesnt have plenty of plot-holes.

Holy fuck dude the movie makes a huge fucking point about that platform being able to feed everyone in the tower. You're arguing about whether the prop guys put enough food on the platform

Give me a timecode so I can verify this statement. Also, unfortunately for you, film is a visual medium, so if they want us to look at a pile of food and discern that it can feed 666 people, that should be clear.

The trannie assumes or is told there's enough for everyone, but this turns out to be false, the same with only being 200 levels or not allowing people under 16.

that woman is a literal tranny btw

Why don't they just climb up?

is that why she had all those weird BBQ sauce stains on her boobs?


She's not. Why do you lie?