I cried during my last session with my therapist when she asked me to describe some episodes of bullying I had throughout school. I felt so weird and vulnerable that I decided not to come back. Kinos to watch instead?
I cried during my last session with my therapist when she asked me to describe some episodes of bullying I had...
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go back its probably better for you and I recommend fanboys
>I felt so weird and vulnerable that I decided not to come back
tbqh you're probably beyond help anyway.
Fight Club.
I never understood why anyone would go to a psychologist. Just think of the people you've met in your life that were off to college to be a psychology major.. Every single one was a retard, right? So why would you go to that?
The Dreamers. Comfy
Go back brother
All psychos are dumb because of your anecdotal interactions? Brainlet please.
Oh please, hardly anecdotal when you look at the graduating class of psychology majors. It's all dumb broads.
I've been going to therapy for 2 years and its been completely useless.
I love going to female doctors
Their hands are so soft
NigGaloo 2: Eli roth says faggot.
that shit costs a fortune, get a hooker instead (male)
Women are extremely more attuned to emotion than men. You’d be a real idiot to use a male therapist wtf hahaha
>male the rapist
This, what are you fucking gay?
Women have no empathy and don't understand anything men face, so you're best off getting a male therapist if you're a male. So the opposite of what you're saying is true.
Btw, im gay, dunno if it matters.
lol no. i saw some fucked up shit as a kid - like my mom murdered type shit (and yes i know, nobody here gives a shit blah blah blah), so i was forced to see tons of shrinks over the years. one thing i can tell you is that women therapists aren't there to help you, they're only there to help themselves. all they care about is how what you're saying relates to them or if their own problems are any worse or better than yours - well that and the $$.
but male therapists are there to solve a problem, which can seem a little harsh at times but it ends up better for you in the long run. i normally wouldn't bother typing all this out but what the fuck else am i gonna do right now.
I agree. I’ve had a male shrink for years and he’s solid
>male therapists
always sociopaths who dont give a fuck and are just in the profession to fuck vulnerable girls
sorry but its true, its why im one
>women therapists aren't there to help you, they're only there to help themselves. all they care about is how what you're saying relates to them or if their own problems are any worse or better than yours
it's genuinely absurd how they act like this. like you're being fucking paid
So you have depression issues and you come to a place that literally thrives in bullying? Not very wise of you. Get off the internet and do something productive, you'll thank me.
>normalfags cant even comprehend that simply having someone to talk to is enough
man this board sucks
same, but go back again to therapy, my therapist said to me after i cried that she will take care of me unlike my (unholy) mother who didn´t
you should watch good time
you can probably relate to that retarded guy
its real life asmr
>mum used to take me to the therapist when I was 11
>apparently he used to hypnotize me and I told him my darkest degenerate 11 year old kid secrets in my sleep
I trusted him bros
I just wish I had enough money to pay a woman to pretend to love me.
If thinking of a traumatic event in your life brings up emotions LONG after that event has passed, you've not sufficiently dealt with the damage it's done to you. You need to dive into that vulnerability, and realise that exposing that wound is the only way it's going to heal, and you'll come out stronger on the other side.
If your therapist didn't tell you any of this, you need a new one, because this is EXACTLY THE SHIT THEY"RE SUPPOSED TO BE DOING.
you taste anything salty at the end of your "sessions" user?
imagine being severely mentally ill and jordan peterson is your psychiatrist
very wise words
every psychologist I've seen has basically been a glorified kindergarten teacher, except for the ONE who was a dude and he fell asleep during our session
Hypnosis isn't real
I admitted to my female therapist that I found her attractive, and I was pretty much immediately out the door
I didn't want or expect anything to happen, she was married and I'm not an idiot, I just wanted to be open with her about what was in my head, but you really can't be open with therapists. they're almost on the lookout for stuff you say that they can say means you're a danger to yourself or others so they can hand you off to the cops or a mental hospital
Pretty much this
Never be honest, not just with therapists or whatever
People will always look for weaknesses to use against you
>I admitted to my female therapist that I found her attractive, and I was pretty much immediately out the door
LOL. Can you explain more in detail how this happened
>Women are extremely more attuned to emotion than men.
Yeah, because women are known to understand men's issues. Nice bait, faggot.
He worded that wrong
They're extremely more attuned to their own emotions
As in, they're irrational and out of control
I've heard that it's extremely common for people to become attracted to their therapists and that they're trained to deal with this shit, your therapist's reaction couldn't have been worse
Watch Pearl Harbor
I know you guys will find it weird but I think old trad catholic priests to be the best guys to talk if you're feeling like you want to talk with a psychologist.
But not the popular priests, the young ones, or those who look like fags. The old ones will hear you and their advice comes from someone who spent their whole lives alone. If you're lonely, they know what you're talking about because they're in the same position.
she asked me to do some creative writing about my day to day life from my perspective, and I included a part where we were having a session and I notice that she has nice legs. I could sense her whole being shrivel up away from me like a frightened spider while watching her read it. I also included an imagined segment that was her hanging out at home with her husband and her complaining to him about having to listen to my bullshit. I explained I didn't believe it was the reality, just me imagining what might happen. I think she was pretty insulted.
it was for the best, she was practically just an overpriced school counselor, there was Live Love Laugh tier shit all over her office. I don't think she usually took male clients.
lmao what's wrong with you
lmao. very based especially the bit about her hanging out with her husband
>I also included an imagined segment that was her hanging out at home with her husband and her complaining to him about having to listen to my bullshit.
Damn that's exactly the sort of shit I think about, all the time. I would never be autistic enough to include the bit about the legs tho.
Go back fren, don’t waste the opportunity
Your life can get better. Getting Yas Forums worked the most for me personally, if you can try that.
Sending my love
Based ?!
You don't have any photos of her legs do ya
that's the beginning of dealing with past shit. go back and tough it through. you'll be glad you did
Ha, I was just trolling!
Here's some documentary kino:
>not writing a 30 page sex scene between you and her
You had one chance, user.
I have this recurring fantasy where my therapist initiates sex with me, so I get where you're coming from there. But how the fuck could you possibly think it's a good idea to tell her that shit
Rookie shit
>Not writing a 30 page sex scene between her and her husband
started the thing with me having a dream where three high school girls had me bound and gagged underneath their bed while they were sitting on it giggling about what a loser I was
overall, the point is you can't be honest with therapists, they're going to judge you/be disgusted by you just as much as anyone else, they're not interested in hearing about what you're actually experiencing mentally, only in feeling like they're doing a good job. Whoever it was itt who said therapists are just looking for validation FROM you is totally right. Just googled the broad and even found an entire essay she wrote about "Self-Care for Therapists", lol
holy shit, I actually found one. They aren't actually nice, really, I'm just a fucking desperate and horny weirdo.
you really should be able to tell your therapist anything, sorting through the scummy detritus of your consciousness is the whole point of talking to them, but like I said, sessions are really more about them than it is you.
>not writing a 30 page sex scene between you and her husband
One chance user.
I guess a woman is a woman eh
lol, if you reverse image search this, the result that comes back is "Flesh"
>like my mom murdered type shit (and yes i know, nobody here gives a shit blah blah blah),
we do, user, tell us more please
Tell me about your Mom's murder. If there is truth in your words it will make me feel better about my shitty childhood.
It's just a fetish thing. She likes forcing men to cry because it gives her power.
cause mommy forces me to or shell cut off my tendies