Why does this exist?
Why does this exist?
>why does lord of the rings exist
Cause its amazing fantasy.
clown world
Keeping up with the Kardashians is not amazing fantasy.
I don't know what your talking about, but OP obviously posted Lord of the Rings.
normie girls worship it
Apparently hispanic chicks (especially mexicans) fucking love this show
I've wanted to fugg Khloé for so many years now
for me it's Khloe
Lol thats so fucking disgusting plus she loves niggers that couldn’t give a shit about her. The only good answer is the young model one
I don't get it
they all fuck niggers you brainlet
is that khloe's fat ass?
The only thing the Turks did wrong was letting this bunch get away desu.
yes. I want to eat my dinner out of her asshole
I am so grateful that these whores bred with niggers. Good fucking Christ almighty. Your genes are gone. Beautiful.
Big pooper
why not
Kourtney had multiple kids with a white guy
I don’t think the model does
Who the fuck is that on the right, all these years i only knew about Kim and her big sister.
Who the fuck is that othe rone.
i wish i could find these pics of her from years ago coming out of a club or something but the outfit she had one was fucking sexy as hell and made me absolute diamonds
Because you are here right now talking about it
kourtney is the big sister
she's fucked a third of the nba
i love that she wears a lot of skin tight clothes
Entertainment World is so fragmented, even if they can get 3 million to watch any of these drek shows, they're a "hit"
fpbp, somehow they always manage
how big is your khloe folder?
not big enough
well keep posting
I ran out
Because niggers.
Women look up to them and men jerk off to their asses
I genuinely don't understand why they're famous. Not in the "look how cool and aloof I am, I don't care about these celebrities" kind of way, but like, what is it exactly about these women that made them, you know, famous? It's not like they're the only random whores on the planet so what's the backstory. Yeah, I know Kim is married to Kanye West but I still don't get it.
They are famous for being famous. That is the only thing you need to understand. There's a bunch of uninteresting details and specifics but it's really not important.
What got them famous? Who funded these people? I doubt Bruce funded it out of pocket from his career.
I guess it could've just been dumb luck they got popular after shit like jersey shore was losing popularity
They've always had ties to hollywood
That's it, the parents are rich and bought them a TV show among other things. It's as simple as that, everything else they do is a product of that. The three or however many girls there are have no individual talents to speak of, their parents literally just forced them into the spotlight. People watch and pretend to care about them because of FOMO.
people that overtly hate reality TV are some of the most annoying people
While we're at it, who was in the wrong here?
Scott >>>>>> Khloe > Kim > Kris > Kendall > Kylie > Kourtney
its not even like they watch any of it
Anyone have a HayU account they're willing to share?
Is Khloe the one that looked like Chewbacca until the did a complete overhaul?
they are responsible for rise of nigger lovers in western societies
fuck them and fuck the people who support them
if you are a white man and support them, you are pure cancer.
>dumb whores on tv made my daughter fuck black guys
>violent video games made my son shoot up a school
poor parenting is most to blame
>Ass parade
The porno website?
Their dad got O.J. off. Then their mom got O.J. off multiple times. Then Kim made a sex tape with some ape. Then, BOOM! Famous
I'm a Kim man, always have been, always will be.
Reminder that Kanye lets his wife post nudes online making him a simp
Kim's sex tape was big, also their dead dad was famous as OJ's lawyer.
literally perfect
Wait these mutts caked in makeup are worshipped over there?