At this point something in me sparked

at this point something in me sparked

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Even in the book, the part where 'he's eating her turkish delight' gives off strange sexual vibes. It's kinda like the way moby dick has entire passages that are about sex even though the book is about whaling.

I refuse to believe that Tilda Swinton has genitalia

she's too fucking weird for a normal human reproductive system. I bet shes like a Barbie doll down there.

Book six has a scene where an evil queen uses music to erase the minds of Eustace
To this day I’m into hypno and asmr, wonder why

If I could go back in time, it would be exclusively for the purpose of getting /ss/'d

The 1988 BBC serial had the better witch IMO

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The witch in the Silver Chair was my first villainess crush.

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I bet she's like Hope Solo down there

someone post a webm or yt link

Is this kino worth watching?

If she eats, she poops

If she poops she has a hole

If she has a hole you can fuck it

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Based, I have a whole fantasy where I go back in time and exchange career direction and financial advice to 2000 Christina Aguilera in exchange for /ss/.
Then I come back to the future and mommy Xtina remembers me

Eh, it has better acting but Lucy's actress is fat and the special effects are nonexistent. Set pieces are low budget as hell.

I was going to post that. Love how she looks there.

wtf lol

well she wasn't holding much back. if you haven't already go back to the scene and focus particularly on her *voice*

Excellent taste
I could probably still jerk off to that chapter


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I have always wanted to eat those since I was kid. I imagined it tasted like a jelly filled doughnut.

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it's better than that m8

It's surprisingly sexy for a kids' book.
"There is no sun...(strum strum, inhalation of what might as well be strong dope)"

This dude sold out Jesus for this.

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based thank you

"Big Turk" doesn't sound very appetizing at all.

There's this British chocolate called "Afghans" and I haven't eaten it because it sounds like tastes like hair and sand, and sometimes will explode within the packet.

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I always thought Turkish Delight had jack shit to do with Turkey and was actually a British confection with what was intended as an "exotic" name.

get tae f00kin tunnucks awae

Big Turk isn't very good tbph. It's basically just jujube covered in chocolate.

That's not a real turkish delight, but I know what you're talking about.

I like Turkish Delight. I do. A lot if people don't like Turkish delight, I mean Fry's Turkish delight. The type with the chocolate on it and the purple wrapper. But I like it. A lot of people say "ugh Turkish delight that's disgusting. How can you eat that? It's like eating perfume, it's like eating old women's perfume. Like lavender water, or rose water or whatever it is. How can you like that?" But I like it. I like turkish Delight. I don't like it enough to get it for every day, or every week. In fact I can't remember the last time I got a Turkish delight. But every now and then, I'll be in a shop and I walk by the shelves with all the chocolate and I'll see a Turkish delight and I'll get it. It's nice, I like it. I like Turkish Delight.

nice, wholesome post, as soon as quarantine is over, I'm going to get some Turkish delight.

>can I have some turkish delight

Attached: turkish madlad.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

oh the possibilities

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I'd beat the fuck out of him

Just give the man his damn khlav kalash.

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Made by BBC

He was simply eating ice.

I want to spread Tilda Swinton's flat ass and spit at her asshole then lick it up, if you catch my drift.

bro, you could probably buy one online if you can't find it locally, do it, you know you want to.

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wow, i completely missed the subtext when i was a kid

>The witch in the Silver Chair
She is okay, but the Evil Queen from Snow White, Queen Grimhilde, is the uber-witch.
As for another, the insanely hot witch from the amazing Sword of the Valiant is a close second.

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I like to think I'd be a good sport and realize he's messing around

we're supposed to be getting a silver chair movie soon.

Turkish delight tastes like shit

She lives with her husband and her boyfriend lol

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What a boomer thing to say. He's obviously just imitating and adult he heard.

Moby Dick is about the unquenchable fire of the soul. Whaling is just the backdrop that provides the impetus for Ahab's and Ishmael's unique views on the soul to come to the surface.


>Step 1. Give your songs to J.Lo.
>This concludes the career and financial advice.

It's a tradition for the Turkish ice cream man to fuck around with his customer before finally giving them the treat

It was weird that at 5 jardis was the bad guy and at the same time I felt sexually attracted to her

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.t homosexual

It's Greek, the real name is Loukoumi.

he cute

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kek. generation alpha just btfo'd zoomers

This. Wagon Wheels too, horrible.

>her staring at him as he eats with that look
that's actually a little weird