Can someone explain to me what the fuck they were thinking with the belter "accents"...

Can someone explain to me what the fuck they were thinking with the belter "accents"? Every fucking minute one of these dipshits is talking is like nails on a chalkboard.

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a garbage dialect for a garbage 'people'

Think they are well done in general. Naomi does a really terrible one though.

It's supposed to be a mix of languages

Naomi is the fucking worst. I'm rewatching the show and just got to the episode where she leaves the Roci to go work with the OPA full time and it's GRATING hear how thick she lays it on when half an episode ago she was talking like a normal person.

That doesn't make it any better. It still sounds awful from literally every single Belter.

Anderson Dawes and Camina Drummer are the only characters who can pull it off.

oh hoh hey, hey there hoss!

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he's the only likable main character left after miler's gone

how do you manage to post this within about 10-15 posts in EVERY SINGLE EXPANSE thread

>the only likable main character

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what's triggering you about them exactly?

That's....actually part of her character. Do you even pay attention to the actual things that are said?

I browse here every day and ive just gotten used to scan for these threads and post my meme, been doing it consistently for a long time now, there is also another person that does it, under a different filename tho.
I don't hit them early every time, if i see them i tend to drop my post and consider my job done.

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based hossposter

he was hamming it up in season 4

I enjoyed that.

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Fucking this. It's like the directors told all the belter characters to talk how they think a retarded person would sound if they could put a full sentence together

Making it part of her character doesn't change the fact that it's grating as fuck to listen to.

DA FAK DAT DEY ALL DALK LYK DIIS. It makes no sense for the languge to evolve that way. It makes sense in the books that they have their own sort of body language since minute movements and tells aren't visible in a jumpsuit (like shrugging or shaking your head), but even in the books they specifically mention that they sound just like most other people, except they occasionally slip their belter-terms in there. I get why they did it, so you can easily tell belters from inners, but it's still grating as fuck to listen to, and I'm at the part in season 3 where half of the episodes are the belter crew on the Behemoth.

Keep up the good work, puts a smirk on my face everytime I see it.

For me, it's the Agatha King

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>GRATING hear how thick she lays it on when half an episode ago she was talking like a normal person
code switching, Ty Franck has even said this on some interview he did with some starcraft kid on twitch.
I can also add, they don't mind them having different interpretations of belter dialects because to them it sort of makes sense since they all live in various places of the belt

It's the only show that I've ever see implement code switching in dialects, so that's neet. Anytime you see someone complain that Naomi's accent is inconsistent remember that they are dumb.

I stopped watching this mid season 2, should I pick it up again?

>this mid season 2
Wonder why

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why did they pick THIS GUY to be the main character
what the fuck were they thinking

>code switching
It's called a patois, and is supposed to sound like a grating mishmash. As far as Naomi goes, it's central to her character that she is a Belter but feels out of place amongst them and doesn't sling Belter-speak very much. Especially after being on a crew with two earthers and a martian for years.

he was the best character
but I'm over it

Anyway, does the show get better? Does the main guy learn to act?

Main guy is okay in parts of season 3, got better in season 4.

this show is pish

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why the fuck does Bobbie have a kiwi accent
It’s not established that anyone else on Mars has a kiwi or Aussie accent
Same with Naomi why is her usual accent English?

Guess I will pick it back up. Luckily amazon prime remembers where I stopped

holden doesn't get better and the show takes a big dip in season 3 mostly thanks to this character

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Not really but it’s entertaining when he thinks he’s crazy later on

To be fair the main character is pretty bland, it's like he's been a player character ripped from a sci-fi fps

amazon prime
Based and Bezospilled

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I just see his autistic and inconsistent conception of justice as a way to move the plot forward and don’t pay much attention to him

She's half Samoan and half kiwi in the books, so it makes sense.

she's pretty forgettable, and i liked seeing the UN government interaction

this, he's the moral compass of the team.

like recently kiwi?

>I just see his autistic and inconsistent conception of justice as a way to move the plot forward and don’t pay much attention to him

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S1 and 2 pls

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Taki beratna!

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I couldn’t watch the show at all
Too many fucking stupid accents

speaking of early seasons, the guy who invented super fast space travel, he died and his wife spread his plans to make fast travel right?
I didn't quite understand that part cause I'm dumb.

It's a mix of Creole,English and Afrikaans.

>Syfy original series
Hard pass

Amos is my husband, also his name sounds like anus which is funny.

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Yes. His wife had access to his computer / terminal which had the drive specs on it. His ship is still exploring the vast expanse, with the pilot dead inside.

jesus fuck what a CHAD

You're missing out.
It's true sci fi

Syfy channel only makes kino tho
post a single bad show from syfy

thanks for clarifying

>grows a beard
>cannot recognize him anymore
am I face blind?

In The Expanse. Epstein actually killed himself.

The only Syfy/SciFi series that hasn’t looked cheap as shit

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I hate both Naomi's character and actress. No major character in a TV show should be that ugly.


its top tier sci fi

It can be the most scientifically accurate science fiction spectacle ever put to screens, but originating at syfy means there’s an almost 100% probability that the story is predictable, cliched dogshit and the characters are bland as cardboard.