How long until deepfakes change the movie industry?

How long until deepfakes change the movie industry?

Attached: deepfake.webm (1075x600, 2.88M)

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can any compsci tranny answer for me if quantum computing is going to make this sort of thing easier? my gut says no but I don't really know how it works

>big forehead with a cropped top
what is this dumdum thinking

Probably a decade from now we will be seeing these become common in cinema. I wonder how many actors are gonna have a mental breakdown over them not being useful anymore. Imagine a bunch of celebs on strike outside of Disney Studios.

Quantum computing will make anything that requires processing power easier.

They're already de-aging actors, recreating dead actors and deepfaking their faces on top of body actors is probably next on the bucket list.
Also deepfaked Emilia Clarke porn is fucking based.

God it's going to be so much easier than photoshopping my ex-gf into rough gangbang stills

yes, but quantum computing is going to mostly be for industrial/commercial application.

actress joi videos incoming

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It depends on the calculations it's trying to make Quantum computing does discrete logarithms very well so it can crack RSA encryption but it cannot compute hashes for bitcoin any faster
I'm sure for machine learning things like deepfakes it will be faster because you're running probability simulations

As soon as the inevitable legal shitstorm dies down.

There's an efficiency tradeoff though isn't there? IIRC there will still be tasks a traditional processor is better for.

>Imagine a bunch of celebs on strike outside of Disney Studios.

Refuse to work, because there will be no work? does that make sense?

Their best bet would become e-thots to show of their natural goods. Or go back to theater acting and work for peanuts.

I meant begging for work user.

>it cannot compute hashes for bitcoin any faster
it can do everything faster because it calculates using particles in FUCKING SUPERPOSITION which technically don't even fucking exist yet.

there's already a really good Taylor Swift one

>imblying half the faces in the movies theres days arent CG

How would they recreate the dead actor's voice?

a seance

>recreating dead actors and deepfaking their faces on top of body actors is probably next on the bucket list.
Those two happened before deaging.
Next is a simulated voice

People are probably already working on voice changing tech

How long until the government can send anyone to jail with a clip as proof? They sure have all our faces well scanned

are they ever going to deepfake entire porn scenes? how long would that take?

I hate this world. I hate the scum who further this tech. why? why do they do it? what is the benefit of scientists? what is the goal of scientists? just create and create until you've done everything. they are scum.

I'd like to see a movie where Vivien Leigh, Grace Kelly, Orsen Wells and some other dead actors who never worked together work together, it would be THEIR performance but it'd be the closest thing.

based math/ compsci user. Tfw when I wanted to pursue a career in modern cryptography but I shoulda been a nerd instead and studied whatever the hell you need to know for quantum computing (physics? non-discrete math? computers engineering?)

>How would they recreate the dead actor's voice?
There was a company a few years ago that had done this. There has to be a large set of samples, but they had already done Majel Barett's voice (the computer voice from Star Trek: The Next Generation). Granted, everything she said was with a flat delivery, but it worked well and I'm sure the technology has improved. That said, voice impersonation has been a think forever. It's the image and face that is the game changer here.

for porn, numnuts

Already some pretty interesting stuff on /gif/

No quantum computers don't gain any advantage in cracking symmetric encryption schemes at all meaning they will not be able to mine bitcoin faster

what about a sauce man


Quantum computing is a jew meme. It will result in kids buying new cpus for their latest games but that is about it

lol says the guy enjoying his computer, his car, his refrigerated foods, etc

I'm the user you're replying to
I studied computer science and math at purdue and I did my CS tracks in security and software engineering I took crypto and computer security classes They're both pretty hard subjects but very interesting

That already exists

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Nice 4 quads. I did a deepfake of a girl I know just so I could jerk off to her and get her out of my system. Ask me anything.

It's not hard
They had a JBP voice algorithm online recently

Yeah user why research anything and try to advance mankind lmao

obviously post some pictures and/or videos

Honestly? 10 years. Some big director is going to have a gimmick movie where you can pick which licensed likeness is used for the main character (likely washed up older actors who need the paycheck). This is gonna start a huge backlash in Hollywood (mainly the SAG) but it will only become more common in amateur film making until its regularly adopted in 15-25 years.

You are already starting to see the trend towards it too. Movie actors and directors are no longer being hired for their vision, but their generic competence. Actors no longer have that 'star pull' outside of a very small select few. Tarantino and Nolan are the most prolific "vision" directors that still have heavy pull, and they are considered to be highly talented.

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how many photos did you need? i want to make my own

a shitload from different angles and a powerful PC, it's not easy

You are despicable

>I'd like to see a movie where Vivien Leigh, Grace Kelly, Orsen Wells and some other dead actors who never worked together work together,
You would get caricatures playing off of other caricatures and if that's the case, they might as well synthesize AI characters from scratch and sell those to us as idols. They'ld side-step most thorny legal or moral issues.

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Attached: seth harper dillion macfarlane.webm (853x480, 2.8M)

well fuck me, the big tit hoe only take selfies from 1 point

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I deleted it. It wasn't my most shameful fap, but once it was out of my system, I didn't see the need to hold onto it.
You will need a video (better yet, multiple videos and some pictures of odd angles). I had several long videos of her (I work in video and had interviewed her for a project), so it was pretty easy. An AI program will continually learn from the images you feed it in order to create the final video.

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jesus user, this is a blue board

Is that the Family Guy dude?

fuck it, thats what that faggot will get for cucking my waifu

could you even enjoy it after seeing how it was made?


Nah. That needs to be outlawed.

yeah, this shit can get bad really quick

It was a tremendous amount of effort and the final project didn't feel at all like I expected. I don't recommend doing it. I don't recommend you obsess over any girl

So I shouldn't do this same thing with pictures of my mom?

It's a plot point in Scanberly Darkly. The tipper gets arrested on technicality

based and checked

Based schizo

the SAG and everyone else will BAN its use so they can self preserve.