This show marks the death of Adult Swim

This show marks the death of Adult Swim.

Say something hateful about it.

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When people say women aren’t funny, I correct them. It’s not true. They’re half as funny. How do I figure? Ten years ago the metric for breaking into the industry and making a name for yourself was getting a half hour special on Comedy Central’s premium blend. The average male stand up comic would need to tour for ten years, driving across the country to work whatever shitty clubs would have them, before the network would even consider giving them a half hour on tv. Their female counterpart would have to tour for five years. The reason for this was they viewed female comedy audiences as an uncornered market and were desperate to get them watching. The result was putting female performers who were half as experienced as their male counterparts on tv. Female audiences are not difficult to win over, a lot of the time I watch a female comic’s set they’re not getting laughs but “woo hoo”s, as in other women screaming in agreement with whatever trite point they just made. I tried watching some of the Debras stuff and I really wanted to be proven wrong. I wanted to laugh hysterically and admit that I was prejudging them. I really did.

Middle one a cute :3

Why are they all Debra and not Debora?
What makes them busy?
Why are three three of them?

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because womyn

adult swim was never alive
it was always for dumb kids who thought they were smarter than they actually were

I won't even give it a hate watch.
So please stop trying to shill your show here.

Are you incels still mad about MDE?


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What's MDE? I only responded to this thread because it mentioned Adult Swim.

what the hell is that?

a based show cancelled by a hipster faggot with a beard married to an ugly black women

As a gay person, women are not funny.

Does literally anyone watch these AS live action shows? It feels like they have a new one every week but I've never seen a single person talk about them, they look like cheap trash

Its no worse than that other failed Youtuber’s show you fags shilled for so much.

Correction: women are not funny, but neither is Adult Swim.

The Busy Debras will prove to be THE ULTIMATE PLEB INCEL FILTER!

Women make the best comedy, i hate to break it to you meathead dudebro incel nazi fucks!

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I dated a female comic. Her stand up was atrocious.

Natasha Leggero the only funny one in that group

Adult Swim has been dead for over a decade.

Jen Kirkmans not bad even though shes kind of an SJW cunt

Literally nailed it. Nobody gives a fuck about Adult Swim except for seething MDE apes, save for the sporadic ATHF thread.

I don't know man, watching the trailer, it looks like the usual Adult Swim garbage. The humor is all the same with all their shit, I don't understand how you could trash one show but praise another, it all feels the exact same.

Adult Swim died 5-10+ years ago. They're like Comedy Central now, pathetic pussies who are a shell of their former selves.

Eric Andre Show and the Tim & Eric stuff like Check It Out, OnCinema, Awesome Show, and Beef House is pretty based.

I have a bit of a crush on the short one


I choose this particular ordering because while #2 is objectively the cutest (I'm saying it now and other anons have said it here before), I personally have a thing for Jewish/ Arabic girls so that's why the swarthy girl gets 2nd place. The short one is by far the most unattractive but is still nail it. However in a 'fuck marry kill' it'd have to be: FMK, in that order

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wow did you guys see the CEO of based posted in this thread

that's pretty based. I know he has been known to browse Yas Forums, and maybe a few others.

Go to bed Zoomer, school starts tomorrow.

We’re talking about 12 oz Mouse, Tom Goes to the Mayor, and Perfect Hair Forever

This is the only true female comedian.

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Wow, that's some great video here.

Funny women: Ms. Pat, Joan Rivers, Red Scare girls.

This looks like they're trying to do Aunty Donna's comedy with a 50's housewife aesthetic. From what I've seen so far, they do not understand how to do random comedy.
I can't say it's the death of Adult Swim though, they've had some massive stinkers in the past too. For every Venture Bros there's a Minoriteam or Titan Maximum. I try to get mad at AS but then they give me Joe Pera and Primal so really they're still the best network around.
Let women have this one, we're still getting a Blade Runner anime that sounds great. It's more of a crime that Tim & Eric still get shows made.


Le hook nose.

Shit I forgot to mention Soft Focus. That was the first female comedy show. I thought the first one was good but the second one with the gamers was weird. Like calling women names online is the equivalent of some Hollywood producer trying to have sex with a women for a job.

Nigger.Btw, i

>It's more of a crime that Tim & Eric still get shows made.
The way I see it Tim & Eric struck gold ONE time by aping the weirdness of public access television with "Awesome Show, Great Job." Everything beyond that or Steve Bruhl is utter garbage and I know that for certain since nobody ever fondly talks about their other shit besides On Cinema which only works because it has Turkington.

Btw, im gay, dunno if ti matters.

Women dont watch comedy to laugh they watch it to validate their beliefs. Its why SNL is mostly clapter not genuine laughs.

One on the left looks *really* jewish

Tom Goes to the Mayor was their best show desu.
Awesome Show was very original for it's time but extremely hit or miss. They're super fucking irrelevant now in the age of Eric Andre and Nathan Fielder. Decker and On Cinema are such crap. Tim does a good job with his "performance" but it's not funny. I can't think of anything more Reddit than watching hours of a fake low budget parody cinema review show just because it's meta and Tim and Greg's character dynamic never changes, "b-b-but Tim never breaks character so it's kino", absolute trash.

Adult Swim died a decade ago, zoomers have been festering inside its corpse ever since

Amerimutts have never been funny.

I mean that's literally the only reason people still watch Chappelle despite the fact that he hasn't written a funny joke in 17 years


Where are you guys at?

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Weird, but I've seen things deeper than that level. Mr. Pickles, Frisky Dingo, Too Many Cooks and Unedited Footage of a Bear, specifically.

They’re all literally pro-Warren/Bernie drones on Twitter.

Do you honestly believe that adults actually watched Adult Swim back in the day? It has always been stoners and kids that stayed up past their bed time watching neither are adults.

King Star King needs to be added to ascended desu

This, I've been watching Aqua Teen and Robot Chicken since I was 9.

ascended, feels strange man

Ascended, and nearly all of these I own on DVD, some with autographs.

nice. I collect AS DVDs and they're all really cheap now. Got a collection with all of Assy McGee, Xavier: Renegade Angel and Minoriteam for 10 bucks.

Yes he did.
>One of us is raising the shooter. We dont know who it is. All we know is that if you're white..............chances are its gonna be you

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A property in itself can't mark the death of what is essentially a distributor. That's like saying Warner Brothers is dead because they have a shit film every once in a while.

Kids who grew up watching adult swim are making the shoes now

Obviously I was talking about the people behind the productions not the audience ya fuckin mop. All of the actually creative people at Adult Swim who created their classic shows have either left or are executives now which has allowed humorless zoomer sjw culture to take creative control

This simply isn't true though.

Apparently she's iranian
But she's also apparently writing for Big Mouth, so DROPPED

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Frisky Dingo getting axed should be considered a crime against humanity, but you people just moved on

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None of those people will ever be really popular.

Archer is a spiritual sequel to Frisky Dingo, Sterling is literally Xander Crews but yeah, I loved FD way more. Don't be mad that it's over, be glad that it happened.

>it should've been Adult Swim's biggest show but Lazzo shoved it in the 12:30am slot instead of the 11pm one.

Honestly, Awesome Show is probably what killed it.