Post your celebrity crush, I'll start lads
Post your celebrity crush, I'll start lads
is that the ugly little ginger kid from shameless? nice bobs
A crush is something that you have ON someone
It is not SOMEONE
I just walked away from a 1v1 with a new housemate whose a complete fucking weirdo banging on floor at 2am. I’m a bjj brown belt and could have wasted him very, very easily and I up just feel pathetic now. I know it was the responsible thing to do but I just keep going over it in my head.
Am I cringe?
If it matters he left the house afterwards
at least start your own thread faggot
for me it's
jizzy faplan.
Yeah so janjans can ban me....
thank god for puberty
>I’m a bjj brown belt
is that the chick from SNL? good taste OP.
>lifting with her back
Fucking cross fit morons.
i love her, bros...
doesn’t she have gargoyle feet?
Oh god she is going to fuck up her back bad
what's the proper ersponse in this situation?
fuck off pedo
To coom
Millie's the best!
yes, they should ban you for making such a cringe post
Very fucking based and emmapilled
haha gross
Looks like your typical American white woman
teeth like a rodent
Go jump him and beat him until he’s not moving
me 2
>look at her boobs
>look at her face
>"I've made my choice"
>look back at her boobs
Look how saggy her face is
Based and Homerpilled
What reddit show is this from?
That's a big tire.
Would take her to the mall and make her but stupid slutty t-shirts and Jean and sneakers that only a teenager would wear
A sophisticated, wealthy, classy, educated woman, dressed up like a dumb little high school bimbo. She'd be so embarrassed, but I'd insist that I found it hot. Not just seeing the form-fitting, cheap clothing hug her figure, but mainly because I know she's excited being humiliated
Id pound the fuck out of Blythe Danner from behind, just quick hard back shots with my cock just ripping that pussy apart making her moan
And then I'd eat that ass and use Gweneth Paltrow's choice hemp live and a bunch of crazy as GOOP gadgets to have tantric anal for hours until I cum buckets down her throat
I would fucking WRECK Blythe Danner RAW
you're unironically too young to be here
Bindi Irwin
Too many pedophile incels in this thread
Isabela, who else?
Hold on, sport! Dial it down a notch, young nigga! Fill my eager hole with thick, fertile loads, my man! Since when in the horse fucking shit did Yas Forums become /celeb/? What? Yeah, bitch. You're fucked now. Answer me. Tell me right the fuck now what your fag ass was thinking. Nigger. You think you'll just walk away from this shit? Guess again, bitch. Your ass is mine!
Don't be rude, user.
Ah yes, a fellow man of thiccened superior tastes.
A Yas Forums classic
I miss axilla threads
>what's the proper ersponse in this situation?
"good luck with THAT"
and the side boob
Why didn't you link this post?
They dont ban people for being retarded bullshitting fags.
Cunt. Who else here wants to rape this whore? I'd chain her feet and ankles down and have her bent over a table. I'd fuck that tight, delicious ass of hers; split it right the fuck open and seal it up with my cum. I'd face fuck her, choke her, slap her, just abuse the shit out of her. And when I was done and couldn't fuck her any more? I'd take a cordless drill to her forehead and lobotomize that bitch. I'd narrate the whole thing, too, so she knew what was happening. I'd reduce her to a drooling, blabbering wreck; and it would make me rock hard all over again. I'd fuck her and fill her up, and then I'd release that stumbling bitch naked onto the streets, for the world to enjoy
Kill yourself
Those titties put her at the upper echelon of women now.
Bros I'm unironically in love with Taylor Momsen. I'm not memeing when I say I will marry her one day.
Wish me luck please
Judy Garland
Godspeed user
For some reason all I can think about is Steve Buscemi.
you alright?
Who's drunk mom is this?
what a fucking slam piggie
He got fucked in the ass once, you know
For me its the Duff
>yes, I did look at them
>I'm sorry
>I promise to try my best to be respectful and not stare at your chest
>but I will be honest, it will be very difficult
>I know it's inappropriate and may make you uncomfortable
>but you are just so beautiful, I just can't help it
>I promise to try though
>not just because I respect you
>but because looking in your eyes is terrifying and I fear the moment when your harpie succubus steals my soul
the best
>For some reason all I can think about is Steve Buscemi.
then worst emma, emma watson, might be up your alley, she looks just like him.
Oh really? Well that's kinda weird. Did he at least like it?
What color are her eyes?
The Juice is loose
There really is none. Just what ever you do, don't apologise, it's an admit of guilt. Her boobs/ass/whatever you were looking at, are a part of her body and her body is a part of the world that yours eyes can see. You don't need to apologise for 'looking at something'.
I still get butterflies whenever I look at her pictures.
seek help