Other urls found in this thread:
The producer is based on Harvey Weinstein
You belong in a garbage can.
dis thread is dildos
I think I know what you are all trying to say...I think we have to build a space helicopter.
I just watched this show for the first time the other day. Is there any reason that it wasn't picked up for a conclusion? I thought that it was pretty good.
Conclusions is dildos
>Is there any reason that it wasn't picked up for a conclusion?
Because Adult Swim is gay.
uh, lemme think, umm... THAT'S DOABLE
Maybe he has to go to the b-a-s-t-h-r-o-o-m-n-e-s
I'd rather DIE than go to heaven
Evidently not, or adult swim would be frothing at the mouth to bring that back into their wheel house
because this guy is an egomaniac and impossible to work with
They straightup pulled the plug. They said there wasn't money, so Brendan Small started a Kickstarter. Afterwards, the network admitted the real reason: they just didn't want to. Fans started a petition, faxing it to the Adult Swim offices, and Adult Swim streamed themselves putting the fan requests through shredder. Fans started sending their requests in black-on-white just to waste their ink for being dicks.
Meant white-on-black
This thread is so based. I forgot about this show and loved it so much
I raise myself uhh...a bunch'a boats. With a bunch'a, Vietnamese people in 'em. On fire.
I should finish this show up. I got through season 2 until I lost cable or whatever.
It's a bitch to find on any sort of streaming website
...Adult Swim's website has all of it.
Well now i feel like a massive simpleton
Hey thanks. I didn't know that, now I know what I am watching tonight.
Now boys, you can't be posting porn on Yas Forums again, its uhh its a blue board you see and its costing us ¥10000000 Yen a year to bribe this Hiroshima fellow for passes
adult swim lets you have a lot of artistic freedom, but at the end of the day, they're the executives and they make the decision as far as how long the show runs
they let small have multiple seasons. they let him do 20 minute episodes for one season and go back to 10 minutes when he couldnt fill the time. they let him make his massive fucking rock opera movie and didn't interfere in a single part of it.
it isnt their fault small didn't use the opportunity which SHOULDVE gone toward making a finale to set up a next season that he had no certainty he'd get.
>tfw Mark Hamill and Malcom MacDowell work together on this show for the first and only time since Wing Commander
All of Aqua Teen is on there too.
Perfect. Aquateen is still one of the best shows I have seen.
what's your favorite Dethklok song? for me, it's Murmaider II: The Water God
Go Forth and Die is my favorite.
I prefer the original murmaider. I like all the listing throughout it. It's weird how much effort seemed to go into all the music for a non primetime show.
There was a birthday song I seem to remember liking a lot.
The extended mix of Awaken has a sweet shred for the bridge
Special mention to "The Duel" from the Doomstar Requiem, but it loses out because it doesn't have a clear beginning and ending.
Impeach God, it should have been on Dethalbum II idk why Brendon didn't put it there. Glad it's on III though, and we finally got to see it live
Fansong or skyhunter, can't decide.
go into the fucking water
Don't Put Marbles In Your Nose
bleed burn drink bleach
>Maybe it'd be better if I just killed myself?
>Would that be brutal enough for you, Me being dead?
What a way to introduce a characters personality.
Thunder horse
Only song I don't like is Dethsupport.
I saw dethklok live in houston. Was pretty awesome
2009? Same
A million miles from nowhere, dragon's lance burns hot,
in the fire from a horse's ghost,
a minnow would be lost.
A fish
A fish with tits
You'd be surprised how many time this came up in Monster Musume threads with Pic related.
Unfortunately I have none of the edits.
Alright, dildoes, listen up! I've been fucking over fathead celebrities since you were all shitting in diapers! Now, this movie, it's a 500 million dollar shit sandwich, and you're all gonna take a bite and you're gonna smile cause you love how it tastes! Got it? Now you go out there, your-your adoring public... I wrote all the reviews! Nobody knows what a good movie is anymore! Just shut up and smile! Remember: shit sandwich, tastes great! Now go!
dick shit like this is why I stopped watching Adult Swim, gotta make room for more Tim and Eric shit, fuck them.
On the other hand Brendan Small had MANY opportunities to wrap it up that he wasted
Is there a point to watching adult swim anymore? It was great for absurdist humor style shows like ATHF, Home Movies, Metalocalypse, Venture Bros, etc, but now it just seems like reruns of shows dropped by other networks.
I honestly thought that Lazzo had given Brendan the Doomstar Reqiuem special to end the series and Brendan had done a cliffhanger to keep going but apparently Lazzo insisted that there would be more Metalocalypse afterwards so Brendan wrapped up some threads but left it open to do a longer finale. Then Lazzo stopped returning his calls, coincidentally at the same time Rick & Morty came out and started getting buzz.
who knows, between this and Sam Hyde it sounds like Lazzo is a flake
The banana sticker :o
We won't be needing ANY OF YOUR BANANA STICKERS!
We found out you can just buy physiological validation.
He really is:
>Disowns Space Ghost Coast to Coast saying it was shit
>Underpays C Martin Croker, (the man who basically co-created Space Ghost and did a lot of work on Aqua Teen) who literally worked himself to death
>Cancels Moral Orel for being too dark after explicitly requesting it be more dark
>Hires MDE to be edgy, cancels them for being edgy
>cancels China IL because he doesn't Brad Neely having 2 shows, then immediately cancels his 2nd show after one season cutting him from the network
>Fucks over Brendon Small who literally made the first show to air on Adult Swim, cuts ties over petty bullshit
>Throws a shit tonne of money at Tyler, the Creator even though he isn't funny (I love his music tho)
>Gives Tim & Eric 8 different TV shows just because they're cheap to make, neglects upcoming creators because of this
>Cancels Frisky Dingo to create The Xtacles
>the animation studio that makes the show goes bankrupt and Lazzo doesn't help them out
>greenlit Minoriteam for 20 episodes without seeing any scripts, just a character design sheet
He retired last year so who knows what the future might bring.
I Tamper With The Evidence At The Murder Site Of Odin
>i'm FAT. I'M THE FAT ONE. The only good thing about jean-pierre being dead is now maybe I'll finally lose these flabby DEATH HANDLES
i do a spot on murderface impression, this line in particular. shit cracks my friends up every time.
Man, what a cunt.
vocaroo it faggot
Everyone thinks this
>Somesbodys should tells Mulrderdsface its not olways abouts hims.
i can't, i'm watching that tiger show on netflix with my faggot girlfriend
what a BITCH