I have a lot of darkness inside me

I have a lot of darkness inside me.

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dumb frogposter

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Watch the The House That Jack Built and contemplate your future like the rest of us.

I sometimes wonder how fucked up I really am.

no one cares frog
>>Yas Forums

i pretend my pillows are my gf and i talk to them at night

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Matt Dillon is relentlessly handsome.

no you dont

you're so normal you have to make shit up

You better hope the virus lasts more than 3 months then

when it's gettin' dark, too dark to see, some sort of light is probably in order

haha yeah you're right. trips of truth right? haha

i'm so dark that i'm starting to become Sephiroth

stop sleeping with African Americans

I have a lot of watermelon in me.

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t. white woman

If you see the emptiness and darkness in you and dont like it, CHANGE it.

Kinda edgy bro

Haha that's what she said

I could fucking kill anyone in a second if they tried to fuck with me.

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I have Peyronie's disease and my penis curves to the left quite noticeably.

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We're all gonna make it.

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If I had this disgusting slut in my room right now
I'd beat the shit out of her until she begged me for
her life

Uh based department?!

Nah, it's vulnerable and based.

literally me right now i'm not even joking but currently in quarantine

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Same. Girls say it feels better doggy style but I think they are just being polite.

Mine's not a massive curve, but mine does as well. Used to think about it when I was younger, but I don't notice it anymore. Never had a girl say anything about it, I think it's somewhat common.


My penis has a curve like Gonzo’s nose



>all i have are negative thoughts
there, i made it Yas Forums related

I've done some things and I've been to some places

Every pasty ass wh*te boy does. That's why you're all treated as social pariahs.

I do too, it fucking hurts to get a boner now.

I'd hug her.

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I have penile papules
It's not that bad and it's only on the crest of the head but still

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so is this a movie quote or something?

if you're so clever
why are you on your own tonight?

get your mom to fix it

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You're pathetic user, I'd beat the shit out of you too given the opportunitiy

I genuinely have a very disturbing soul mostly due to my sexual crimes
But I feel like it makes me better than most people because at heart I am a moral idealist agitator, while in action they might be tame but in thought they admire spiritual violence, usually because of their financial or pragmatic crimes


Some people have all the luck

i had my varg phase too user

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Normies get out

Can it be changed though? I'm starting to think some people are just destined to be alone. And not because I'm a lonely incel who never touched a woman, but because I'm actually trying to change and realizing how different normal people are from me.

Lucky bastard

A couple years ago I had a really big fordyce spot develop out of nowhere right on the middle of my shaft. Always had others but this one is like 3x bigger than the rest. It doesn't hurt or anything but I wish it went away.

Call accepted.

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So does my girlfriend haha. Why cant she just stop fucking black guys for one weekend

Same here. Every time I try to fit in I just embarrass myself.

Speak for yourself, Reddit.

Hey Phil.

Reporting this sub to /r/againsthatesubreddits and the admins. You guys are done. Think you won? Guess what. Tolerance and progressive values always win in the end, Trumpists. Ever wonder what it was like to be Voldemort getting annihilated right after the Elder wand flew into Harry's hand? You're about to feel it tenfold once you feel the wrath of pissed-off, progressive redditors raging at the fact that Trumpers like you get to walk around even AFTER you've already won. You were supposed to graciously accept your (rigged) election results, give it a rest, and stay in /r/The_Cheeto rather than rub it in our faces that your Orange Hitler won. Now? It's time for you to be put in your places. You've already infected the precious mind of my beloved wife's son, and now you'll pay.
Edit: Just updated SRS, Resist, It's Going Down, and many other like-minded comrades on the existence of this cheeto Nazi recruitment forum. Stand down against Nazis? Fuck that noise. I'd turn down the ability to see the next five new episodes of Rick Sanchez fucking shit up in multidimensional hyperspace with his grandson just so I could have the chance to crush deplorables like you. Other progressive redditors reading my outcry for action against the bane of reddit's existence that is this subreddit, consider this: What if I told you that the Republic was now under the control of a Dark Lord of the Sith? I hope those who like the cut of my jib and my call to /r/esist take notice. Now is the time for action. Wubba lubba dub dub, motherfuckers.

is that some kind of haiku, I don't get it

You would fail weakling, and lose your life in the bargain.

got my dick in a J shape reading this shit

>go outside
>someone is uncharacteristically brusque with you or stares at you the wrong way
>go home and can't stop thinking about them, imagine killing/raping them
I'm not the only one that does this right... bros? bros?
Especially now with COVID and all the suspicious glances being tossed around.

le epic trole xD

Not rape/murder per se but I always imagine myself confronting them and beating them up. I hate this shit too.