Do you mind when there's full frontal nudity on television?
Do you mind when there's full frontal nudity on television?
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Is that Mr. snuffleupagus
Am I delusional for believing this guy's balls are smaller than average? They look little.
why is he not getting hard and instacumming?
probably jacked it right before he walked in
maybe cold
then why isn't his frenulum covered in cum????
in my training this kind of thing is directly referred to as grooming behavior
it's grooming children. western society if not all is run by pedophiles, and they're getting more and more open with it
Does she get naked too?
Because there are about 10 people in the room when they shot this
I love it. The more awkward and out of place it is the better. Double bonus if you can tell the actor is uncomfortable and the scene is unnecessary. The 80s comedies were the best when they flashed random boobs at silly times.
What kind of training taught you that ? Cause you've been ripped off man
What's this from?
Actually, educating children on safe sex and consent would do more towards stopping grooming than encouraging it. It would teach them that it isn't okay when their local priest or Republican congressman tries to get them to touch their dicks.
Lol, you guys are too much.
Somebody explain the context. Why is this woman grabbing a wiener?
is that a normal amount of foreskin? i haven't had foreskin covering my whole dick since i was a kid. uncircumcised btw
does he coom in the end?
>local priest or Republican congressman tries to get them to touch their dicks.
Kids are more likely to get raped by a teacher than a priest
no but she gave birth on television before
Only bothers me if it's a circumcised male. Gore generally doesn't bother me but cut dicks chill me to the bone.
Clearly, this is sex ed
I know it's a very foreign concept for americans to understand
What is anyone supposed to learn from this?
And it's more likely for someone in the ocean to drown. What a genius observation.
average, but the sack is shrinked. plenty of bodyhair is good indicator of T
I'm 33 and I have never, ever, EVER pulled back my foreskin like that. Is it supposed to go back that far? Jesus, that was hard to watch.
What show, who is she?
nice bait
Is that a female on the right or a guy tucking?
Based phimosis poster
You have phimosis bro, better see a urologist
That's what you sound like, retard.
look at the waist and hips, dummy
You're pushing propaganda that priests and republicans commit higher amounts of sex crimes when clearly they do not and it's proven.
Why are you repeating lies?
What the fuck is phimosis?
she certainly loves touching that dick.
>what is google?
>What the fuck is phimosis?
It's what you have on your dick bro
the urologist is probably gonna tell you to get snipped, fuck that. there are lots of foreskin stretching tools like rings and stuff that work pretty well that you can get online
t. other phimosis user
Yes! Never let them cut off your foreskin.
I didn't mind the full frontal pre-pubescent shots.
its an educational tv show
I looked it up, you guys scared the shit out of me. I don't have that, I just have psychological reservations about pulling it back. I can do it (I had to close my eyes), but it's like flipping my eyelids or something. Feels wrong.
is it gay to watch cute girls give handjobs
Is this show taxpayer funded?
depends on if you say no homo
I remember being like 10 too.
why are germans so fucking weird
holy kek how horrifying and hilarious
Why is she doing that?
Wishing the Germans would hurry up with asexual human reproduction already so we don't have to deal with this shit
she's mentally comparing it to her black boyfriends
its norwegian you clappers
If anyone is gonna take all the fun out of life, it'll be the Germans, I assure you
>can’t find episode 6 anywhere
Fuck the double standard
>that customer service psyche up look on her face thinking about the dingus before she can see him
lel gyros have learned the prostitutes arts well
desu i was raised in a super fundie family and "protected" from understanding sex until my early teens.
i did some really weird shit from 7 - 13. had no idea what i was doing was abnormal
the absolute cope
Why is there more male full frontal nudity in film and television than female?
>doesn't get erect
how gay is he?
>that lower lip curl when she turns around