>New York City calls for aid
New York City calls for aid
Fuck those niggers.
and Florida will get it instead
It began with the allotment of the Great Shares. Three were given to the Elves, fiscally responsible and wisest of all investors. Seven to the Dwarf lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mineral ores. And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of men, who, above all else, desire owner's equity. But they were all of them overwritten, for another share as issued. In the land of Mordor, in the stock exchanges of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron allotted in secret a preference share, to control all others. And into this stock he poured his voting power, his unlimited liability and his will to dominate all market capital. One Shareholder to rule them all.
...And Portland will answer!
Tick tock Boomers
rural retards that vote for drumpf live in shitholes in the middle of nowhere with their closest neighbors being 500 miles away, they're not getting infected too much, the ones most at risk are demonrat city dwellers that infest austin and other urban center, this is more likely to turn red states even redder desu
Four rolls.
Now, you are sheltering New Yorkers, are you not?
>wipe it
>flush it
>fill it with poo
i read it in his voice
when did new york help us when we needed help
>OP implying that Aragorn would help out Mordor
All of America is Mordor though
Our military is the only thing stopping the world from being overrun by chinks and Muslims
>I saw the weakness of men that day
You just won my vote in 2020.
>americans unironicslly believe this
your military caused the refugee crisis which is destroying europe
Wez needs the precious ventilators
Sorry guys I'd love to help out but I'm just too old for quests these days
>Europeans believe this
You dumbasses are the ones inviting them with open arms and legs.
yeah like you're inviting all those mexicans in?
He's only 39
This. Euros are fucking retard children who want to blame America for every failure they've had (and its a lot) since 1945.
Americans destroying their dusty shitholes =/= forcing you to invite them all into your country lmao fucking faggot yuronigger. They could have easily migrated to another shithole country, but you spread your anus open. That's not America's fault.
They're sneaking in and our president is doing a hell of a job kicking them back out. No one has ever seen a job so well done before. Believe me.
Full of somalis and spics now isn't it?
He looks like he's got a great tax plan
We likes to wipe with our hands, keep your nasty rolls
Three Rolls for the Asian-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Norf lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for The Burgers doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Wuhan where the Shadows lie.
One Roll to rule them all, One Roll to find them,
One Roll to bring them all and in the lavatories find them
In the Land of Wuhan where the Shadows lie.
Amerimutts are basically the orcs, your kiked military has no purpose but to serve the purposes of Sauron (Juden). Amerimutts are wageslaves and cannon fodder to serve Sauron's interests, nothing else.
Is politics and voter turnout literally the only thing you "people" are worried about? Holy fuck. It doesnt matter what "color" your state is, you binary minded cucks.
Tiny yurocuck hands typed this post
Trumpistas have ruined this entire site
We're the only thing preventing the Chinese from invading your cucked ass. Europe would succumb to the Chinese so fast, you'd think it was a natural thing.
>proud of being a mutilated mutt who's dick was mutilated in honour of his ZOG masters
Yikes. Is this supposed to be some kind of comeback
I am so happy that all of you incel faggots will die without having spread the genetic failure your parents already were and that you are twicefold.
I simply can not fathom how this is legitimately a thing you sad pathetic losers get behind, now that Juden Peterstein is a vegetable...like is that a personal success for you? That a retard prezzi is kicking out spics while having these same spics working for him? You are embarassing.
Bilbo was 50 when he went on his adventure, step it up Frodo.
>We're the only thing preventing the Chinese from invading your cucked ass. Europe would succumb to the Chinese so fast, you'd think it was a natural thing.
T. El Goblino Mexicano Chicano
So was Frodo. He had the ring in his posession for like a decade before the story picked up, which is ignored in the movie, but its why he looked so young
Bow down and thank your American masters for stopping the USSR from making you all suffer the same commie shithole fate as the eastern yurocux.
Mexicans > average amerifat
>Bow down and thank your American masters for stopping the USSR from making you all suffer the same commie shithole fate as the eastern yurocux.
>China good
I wonder who's behind this post.
babydick chink needs a proxy just to access Yas Forums LOL
But my lord, we've already sent twenty thousand of our finest troops, and they've been locked in the castle catacombs! I suspect that the Lord DeBlasio is merely calling for aid to feign action when it was his unwillingness to close the castle gates sooner that has worsened this crisis!
>Bow down and thank your American masters for stopping the USSR from making you all suffer the same commie shithole fate as the eastern yurocux.
do americans unironically think china wants to invade europe and they are saving us from it happening
>Americans destroying their dusty shitholes =/= forcing you to invite them all into your country lmao fucking faggot yuronigger. They could have easily migrated to another shithole country, but you spread your anus open. That's not America's fault.
A world ruled by Soviets or China wouldn't force faggotry, child genital mutilation, and unchecked immigration the way USI ruled world does.
Italy has already surrendered to them.
>Italy surrendering
Those greasy dagos have never won a war in their existence
hahahaha get fucked yuropoors
>Child molestation
>Unchecked migration
Sounds like modern European enlightenment
>We're the only thing preventing the Chinese from invading your cucked ass.
Thank you for your service
don't worry, despite the billion shitskins we are still whiter than you
All mutt values forced on the rest of us.
Yet yuros love the president (Obama) who was responsible for that and seethe nonstop about his successor who is pulling out of the Middle East.
Hello? Yes, I would like to donate to this man's campaign.
>Our military is the only thing stopping the world from being overrun by chinks and Muslims
You know those leftist harry potter to real life politics cringe? You just did it.
American hegemony is, sadly, still far better than chinkoid, even if all that is true. Imagine living in a chinkoid dystopia. Besides, Americans were good until the turn of the century, when they suddenly became fat retarded gay mutts that love niggers. I don't get what happened but it sucks now. I wish they would return to how they were before.
Muhammad is the top baby name in the UK lmao
Fuck. He looks like that guy in Peep Show lmao
>any mention of anything american at any time that yuros are awake
You will be really butthurt next election kiddo
every poster in this thread is australian
oh no no no no
Damn this yuromutt is dumping his whole seethe collection. Poor little guy.
Oh shut the fuck up nigger, who do you think was sponsoring all that shit in the first fucking place?
Modern social justice is just a KGP psyop that outlived it's creators.
But Burgerland are mutts
>Source: the sun
Good thing the UK isn't European then isn't it.
>american banter
>Our miIitary is the only thing stopping the world from being overrun by chinks and Muslims