>I really take issue with the homophobic, sexist and racist undertones in the works of Eli Roth!
First Todd Phillips and now Eli Roth, why does Jebedhia "Jay" Bauman keep attacking chad directors with such rampant and seemingly unjustified fury?
>I really take issue with the homophobic, sexist and racist undertones in the works of Eli Roth!
First Todd Phillips and now Eli Roth, why does Jebedhia "Jay" Bauman keep attacking chad directors with such rampant and seemingly unjustified fury?
stfu homo
Jay looks like shit
>Anna Faris says "that's gay" when a man professes his love.
that's literally the fucking opposite of homophobia. It's a parody of classic overuse of the word.
(seriously, is Jay gay?)
He's been getting worse and dragging the show down more and more for years. You can see every time he says one of his retarded opinions Mike and the others look at him sideways and go "Uhh yeah I can see what you mean". He bought in.
You fucking wish.
I thought they were making fun of modern sensibilities.
>militant homo fights homophobia
What is this, 1987? Someone tell this poor boomer he needs to start protecting trannies.
Eli Roth is the opposite of a Chad, but nice e-celeb thread
They were clearly (and rightfuly) looking down on Eli and his retrograde ways.
It is jarring to hear the word "gay" used as a pejorative simply because no one uses it that way anymore. It's like hearing someone in a 1950s movie say "heavens to betsy" or whatever
>thinking about how female youtubers who purport to have some kind of topic are just popular because its like a girl talking to you
are there femcels who watch male youtubers and just enjoy the deepness of the voice or someshit?
jarring means shocking. it's noticeably dated but not jarring
I still things are gay
things ARE gay
>Gets offended over the misuse of the word gay
>Takls shit about Gal Gadot, the most gorgeous woman of all time
Yeah, i'd say it's safe to say he's gay.
>It is jarring to hear the word "gay" used as a pejorative
Every person who pejoratively used the word "gay" was portrayed negatively. They were aggressively stupid or downright psychopathic. I'm honestly surprised Jay and Mike didn't pick up on this obvious subtext/satire. It's like they suddenly turned stupid because of their Eli Roth hate-fetish.
Your imaginary boyfriend is not going to fuck you because you defended him online
Never seen Cabin Fever, but the character saying he's shooting at squirrels because they're gay is pretty gay
That nigger joke is really funny though
It's because you're not in gradeschool anymore.
They still say gay and fag, trust me. I teach it.
>her hairline
> gorgeous
>He bought in.
kek the RLM lore is more entertaining the the movies they review
>pleb leddit memeia
>kike cucklasa
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable but if there's a rape scene in there we're going to have a problem
> I love watching every capeshit movie, but Ready Player One is sexist, misogynistic, and problematic as hell. Let Rich take care of this shit.
>I love watching every capeshit movie, but a woman saying "I want to suck your cock" is too problematic and misogynistic.
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, but Harrison Ford's performance of Han Solo is sexist, misogynistic, and problematic as hell. Han solo literally RAPED Princess Leia in the OT. But even worse is his performance in the original Blade Runner, which I think is a bad movie, filled with sexist bullshit like the romance between Deckard and Rachael, which is predatory, and especially the scene when Deckard forced himself on her, and basically rapes her, while the movie pretends the scene is supposed to be "romantic. Ugh. So problematic
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, but a nip slip in a shitty 80s movie was so shocking to me I almost had a heart attack
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, but Sigourney Weaver was objectified in the first Alien film which is why I prefer Alien 3 as the best Alien film because how different, weird and unique it is!
>Dude I enjoy the most grotesque and despicable movies imaginable, but a scene in Pink Flamingos with female nudity makes me wanna throw up. But a tranny showing her cock is such a beautiful scene captured on film though
>Dude I hate rape scenes in movies, but when it's a female on male rape from my favorite director James Gunn it's perfectly okay, it's also perfectly okay to make jokes about it and pedos!
>My favorite character is Norman "All women are whores, kill all whores, no nudity, I love dressing up as a woman" Bates - Jay Bauman
>Eli Roth
Hes a weasely little jew who broke in through connections like all the rest
Did you know that HP Lovecraft was a notorious racist?
Yeah, real woman have idiosyncrasies and details, not like your weirdo animes. That's part of that makes them beautiful and real.
This isnt very funny desu
Nobody's buying your "Gal Gadot isn't a ratfaced kike" speil, Schlomo. Buzz off.
All i want is a huge and smell Jay's beard.
>most gorgeous woman of all time
Without her money and fame she would only be unattainable for most people because of how much she overvalues her attractiveness.
>He bought in
What's that?
I rarely make it through a single RLM video, but I like Jay and Mike. They just fit the archetype of people I was friends with in high school. I'm sure that's a huge part of their appeal.
>Hey Mike.. I just realized that I have zero marketable job skills, and have completely relied upon you - the man who slept with my first love - for virtually my entire adult life! My most recent attempt at solo comedy fell flat on its face and fizzled out after being deadpanned by my most loyal fans! I'm nothing more than a polyp sucking on the colon of Red Letter Media, satiated with my lack of ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry I so bitterly critirque! With the exception of a cute haircut and a sycophantic, ingratiating nature, I offer virtually nothing to you! It's become clear that I have absolutely no future in film making, outside of making "ironically bad" YouTube videos as I obediently wait at your side to collect my earnings (mere pennies on the dollar) as they fall off the table into my food dish!"
That's right Gay!
David Lynch isn't jewish.
This is unnecessarily mean and ill willed.
Jay, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you. You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have. Nobody will remember Jay Bauman. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. In short, you are an enormous failure. Jay, being that you're about 30 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end. The abhorrent failure that is Red Letter Media, Jay Bauman, that is your legacy. Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Jay, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class. Maybe in a couple of years, Jay, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though. I genuinely doubt it.
Im an RLM drone i legit like most of their content , i dont watch Star Trek and still enjoyed the 1 hour discussions Mike and Rich had for each 2 episodes of Picard.
BUT when Jay says "Ey there you go!" to every single retarded suggestion they make about changing a part of a plot on a movie/show i want to murder him with a rusty shovel.
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk
Jay's a bottom
Is Bauman a Jewish name?
>BUT when Jay says "Ey there you go!" to every single retarded suggestion they make about changing a part of a plot on a movie/show i want to murder him with a rusty shovel.
¿Acaso fue autismo?
>the 25yo Lore-Fabricator
This isn't Reddit Jay, nobody here likes you.
I do, big fan of Mr. Bauman!
I thought it was funny then and it's still funny now
Now you're just coming off as pathetic Gay.
>Todd Phillips and now Eli Roth
>chad directors
is there person
any person at all
this board doesnt hate?
You're gay
Why does Jay act so fem? He grew up in Rockford (rust belt central) then some farming town in the middle of nowhere, Wisconsin.
Oof! Cabin Fever has not aged well!
entire steel industry's gay and you know what else?
No. If this board unanimously approved of someone half the board would 180 and hate them
Roger Deakins, i guess.
Not him, but yes he is. I've seen the contract.
Abigail Shapiro
Your moms pusy
Eric Roberts
Not gonna lie. This was pretty based.
wow that's very problematic of them
Like you even have to ask.
Jay unironically thinks black people listening to hip hop is racist.
That's litetally all black people listen to, without exception. What a retarded take.
Mike Stoklasa
Nick Mullen
Tom Cruise
ill give you that one.
>that explanation bubble
What is this feminist Ben Garrison?