W/ - Westworld General

Episode 3 - The Absence of Field

Episode is coming out in less than an hour.

Get the fuck in here.

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first for shrinking

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>people don’t even bother to hide their reddit spacing anymore on 4channel
All so tiresome

We'll never see the actual Westworld again.

Why should I watch this after the disaster that was season 2?

you shouldnt. were just stuck here

It better not be another episode about Doritos or Maeve

probably wont watch until next week, i usually watch tv every other week.

it really helps when there's a weak episode, you have another new one with it.
you guys should try it.

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James Marsden and Ben Barnes are relentlessly handsome.

>first for shrinking

given the vr inception takes in episode 2, i would not be at all surprised.

>reddit spacing

get the fuck out of here, obergruppenfuhrer.

shes coming back right guys?

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>they returned to Westworld for one episode then left again by the end of it, having just passed-through on their way in and out of the park's inner workings.
>nothing important happened in Westworld itself
regardless, they're never going to show the setting up and running and fully functional unless it's in a flashback. They really fucked up by blowing their load and having the robot rebellion happen in S1.

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Is it worth watching?

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>They really fucked up by blowing their load and having the robot rebellion happen in S1.
This is exactly what I said in a past thread. The events from season 1 to season 2 happened too quickly. Putting this show in the modern world has stripped this show of everything that was interesting about it.

Am I alone in thinking the new season is alright? I agree with , the 1st season could have easily been extended over at least 3, but I don't think season 3 is that bad so far

It's been awhile since I've seen it, but I remember hating it more than the first one even though the first one had the wrong guy end up as the "hero" (literally who the fuck was that nerd). Terminator Yul Brynner is only in it for one brief dream sequence and it has some stupid plot where the shitty journalists are the heroes so needless to say it doesn't age well. I think people just thought the concept was a cool idea that was kind of a meme at the time in genre fiction.

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Is there any stream?

What's her fucking problem?

I wanna coom in Tessa she is hot

HBO Go you literal peasant

lets go

>its a tessa thompson episode
*changes channel*

my stream is behind, its only just starting now

Why does Westworld continue to hire lead actresses who refuse full nudity?


i dont understand... i thought charlotte escaped the park with the orbs

why did they have to recreate her host body?

>I don't think she's the next up and coming thing Hollywood is propping her up to be
>but I don't mind her either

I'll stick around

it was dolores on hales body

just an excuse to show off Tessa's naked ass, and odds are it wasn't even her ass

scene torrents are up

better p2p release in probably 5 minutes

>They really fucked up by blowing their load and having the robot rebellion happen in S1.

on the other hand there are faggots whining that the show is taking too long to get anywhere. you can't please anybody.

wait who is in charlottes body?

i know it was but that means they had charlottes host body already. all they had to do was swap orbs

the intro implied they recreated a new charlotte host body... unless that was maive being create? the nose looked like a black girl

pretty sure we've seen all of the female leads naked in the prep rooms.

>you can't please anybody.
The universal truth.


yea someone explain i was taking a shit and missed the very beginning

>written by denise something
>directed by amanda something

I guess DEVO got into robotics in this world.

Clem, probably


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Angela or clementine is my guess

Anyone got a stream link?


pm'd you the link

hasn't been revealed yet, but someone who knows who Hale was

oh hey, it's that army chick from Black Lightning

thanks bro

thanks ;)

someone recap the scene with the at-rt

Why is one bullet shot fucking u Dolores so much, I thought she can tank gun shots unless they were headshots

This is sofa king bad. Bad acting, bad plot, bad writing, bad everything. Why tf am I watching this shit?

>All those button presses to call the cops
What the fuck ever happened to 911?

special agent jesse pinkman

To bitch about it, apparently.

It'a a PoI secret sequel.
screenshot this

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>jesse pinkman

i'm a retard with no access to hbo LINK PLS

I think the show tried to be too self-righteous instead of just giving us hi-jink/guest of the week kino

spoiler warning

the AI meatball is behind everything. It runs the crime app and wants to eliminate delores/robots, delores is gonna end up being the "good" guy and save the world from meatballs plans


it isn't a spoiler if it was already revealed numbnuts

the frenchman has already said the meatball runs the world because humans fuck things up too much on their own

>the guy from almost human

This is definitely Clementine

her first reaction was to fuck this man

What the fuck is going on

720/1080p torrents are up now

I'm honestly continually stunned at how bad this show has become. it's laughably bad.

Dolores sent this fake Hale to takeover Hale's life without any fucking fact finding or reliable intel beyond how to act as a bitchy business woman


>Why tf am I watching this shit?

Because you're a fag.

Delores is currently the good guy on a quest to kill all humans. Hopefully she kills the meatball too.

Anyone got a link?


This is so boring now its not in westworld.

didnt realize how much ford, man in black, logan, etc carried the show

Pray tell, retard.

Jesus, did she put Teddy in Hale?

>It's an "that unlikeable stronk womyn" Charlotte episode
Why can't she just be Based and well-written like Maeve?

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That just occurred to me, too, it might not be that but jesus christ it very well could be.

>didnt realize how much ford, man in black, logan, etc carried the show

you clearly weren't pay attention to the show, Dolores has always been pure eye candy and the weakest part of the show

yea right up here

I just want more of MiB god damn it, William carried the show

i would hope that teddy's first instinct when seeing a black man isn't to fuck him

>I just wanted more MiB
But she's right there on the screen, the newest MiB, from that hit movie everyone loved.

good god what a nightmare. To be born a strong white male and turned into a dirty black woman. Disgusting

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