He had a nice run, I guess
/simp/ - General
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People were jacking off to her, even before the emoji covered bullshit.
Might as well make money off of it while she can.
You wish you had this, incel.
$$$ aside I'm pretty glad I never became a youtuber
how many abortions do you think this bitch had?
Honestly what type of person would unironically jack of to these? I'm sure plenty have done it ironically, out of spite. But I mean what type of person is aroused by this beast? 10 year old twitch users?
Well, H3H3 numbers took a very little dive since Gokanaru's vid.
if I had a hot gf I wouldn't mind profiting off her tits
Modern western couple
Imposing any standards on women = fascism
Literally reminds me of a junkie whore I was fucking on the side a few years back. I'd split gram of coke and she'd fuck me silly for hours. Where ever you are Katy hope you cleaned up.
that's because you're a retarded cuck with no self-preservation instinct. Seek help and pills and a therapist and a gym and sunlight.
>half arab half irish
two of the ugliest ethnicities in the world, truly a daring synthesis
Is screaming "simp" (whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean) the way incels cope with their rampant jealousy?
screaming incel is apparently how faggot cucks cope with their whore gf lmao
is this going to be the next projared bullshit
only queer faggot scum use that word
she looks like fucking leafy
that explains everything
t. simp
>Increases income by 10x
>Get to bang hottie while thirsty morons send money they can't afford to spend
>They think he's the loser
he seemed legitimately pissed in his last video
How is it that different from someone dating an actress that does a nude scene? Or even just an actress in general? We've all jacked it to Daddario or Christina Hendricks, does that mean their partners are instantly cucks/simps?
She has some nice tits, but not a fan of the complexion of her skin.
Are those real or she got them made?
Damn, Idubbbz's gf looks like that!?!?
There is a certain appeal to the "attainable" girl that makes virgins and other losers flock to women with 0 charm
They see someone like Elizabeth Debicki or Megan Fox and think "Oh no she is too pretty for me but this random e-thot looks like someone that could be my partner if my circumstances were different"
This is why you shouldn't pay attention to electronic celebrities. Because they are not celebrities.
>muh money
this is your brain on coom fucking simp
butterface dough
people pay for this shit?
>How is it that different from someone dating an actress that does a nude scene?
since roman times actors were in the same category as prostitutes, so yes it's not different
But he was fucking her before she made the onlyfans page. Plus, if he were paying for sex with her, she wouldn't be selling porn she'd just be making it. He's clearly retarded but you shitheads don't know what you're trying to say and it's monstrously pathetic.
Jesus fuck, body is barely passable but she looks like some bridge troll with that face
Apparently Idubbbz paid for them
You're the kind of faggot that thinks women over 16 are "approaching the wall" like the rest of the morons here with their "tv culture"
more moles than a country garden holy moley
t. queer faggot scum
am i the one on crack or does those tits look legitimately disproportional on her body. everyone is acting like they're her one redeeming trait but they look insane to me
Free porn features much hotter ladies
God fucking damnit being a woman is life on the easiest of modes
What run? Of making youtube videos? Do you think he's gonna stop making them?
I don't get why people are acting like other dudes are lining up and pounding his girlfriend while he watches, the bitch is just selling nudes for cash. If you were a moderately attractive chick you'd be stupid NOT to take advantage of all the simpering little retards on the internet.
>he makes 6 figures and people have seen pictures of his girlfriend's tits? Well guess what, I'm currently between both jobs and gfs. Haha checkmate, who's the loser now?
is everyone in this thread 14 years old??
>year of our lord MMXX
>still posting this meme
*takes long drag on a cigarette* you've got a lot to learn, kid.
hahaha you're so devastated.
You see a flabby doughy mess of a woman and the moles are what bother you?
my second GF was this harajuku style black girl with fucking huge tits and a big ass. She confessed that she had a "slave", and when i asked about what that meant basically this dude would pay her retarded amounts of cash to just like step on his face and chest and shit. no balls no nothing, no sexual contact otherwise. I took her virginity. She was a good friend but turned out to be chemically imbalanced and had to separate because neither of us ended up being happy. I felt more like i was cucking that guy than being cucked desu
You watch your mouth.
Just imagine the drive to whoredom. She has a muslim father who disapproved of her tittystreaming, Idubbbz didn't want her to go thot it up with some e-whore group and she still went with this. It's incredible.
Cucked by a smaller looking geek
user, she is painfully average EXCEPT the mole count
By what? Honestly, dump on this faggot weenie but come correct or you're just embarrassing yourselves. You might as well be calling him a hat if you're just tossing words out without regard for what you're saying.
Sounds like a true story you've got there.
I'll let you in on a secret since I don't think Ian lurks here.
No one on Yas Forums ever gave a shit about idubbz and youtube faggotry. We just see a shitstorm and the dude truly seething in that shitty video and the board is laughing at it.. You're an even bigger fag for knighting your stupid youtuber you dumb zoomer.
I had a gf once. I fucked her in her pussy. Isn't it interesting?
>this is what being an internet celebrity gets you
I dated a hotter chick as a bum loser nobody at UCR. Actually it fucked me up cuz I’m too stubborn to downgrade and it’s harder to get chicks post college just on personality.
Inagine """"loving"""" a manfaced 30y/o whore pretendind to be 18.
Her body looked so much better clothed. Should have kept the mystery.
Imagine paying for this.
Imagine being so afraid of losing this you defend her posing nude for the enjoyment of other men.
You communicate like a faggot edgelord LARPing. It's a shame you weren't bullied to suicide.
Isn't he technically a cuck rather than a simp?
A simp is basically synonymous with a paypig.
OP is a faggot who cries all day because he cant post about his favorite ecelebs
Guess what
Someone else has fucked her since and probably fucked her before. Plus even more guys have seen her tits.
You're literally a fucking cuck and simp. Pathetic.
idubbbz is legit probably too autistic to use his "fame" to fuck better girls. This one is his first gf after years of being a loser, so he's going to go along with anything.
simpbros get in here!
nice discord spam
Now that is REALLY interesting.
She has a cute butt but she has no idea how to put on a sexy face. She looks just as awkward as that Amoranth lady
it 100% is, believe it or not. the most unbelievable part of the whole thing was that i met her on Yas Forums because i used to stream video games when it first started around 2008-2009 and she became a fan of mine. miss her sometimes.
apparently she's making bank and if you look at her leaked pics there's no nudity so I'm pretty sure both of them are laughing all the way to the bank.
Kill yourself nigger.
looks like a tranny
Does paying for onlyfans make a so called 'simp'?
I'm white knighting the definitions of words and the idea that we're not niggers. Learn to read. Twice I've actively said that we should be shitting on him for this:
>He's clearly retarded
>dump on this faggot weenie
You're only making yourselves look worse.
>my gf had other penises in her, and this is very very bad
Has NO ONE in this thread watched Kevin Smith's magnum opus Clerks?
She reminds me and sounds like Amy Klobuchar - just the porn version of her.
I feel bad for the guy in this image
Damn I know a coke whore named Kate, are you from Wisconsin? Also let that be a lesson, if you are burdened with a daughter do not give her the name of Kate!
>he pays for porn
ive never paid for porn ever
This. Pretty sure most of her onlyfans money is coming from people who like the idea of cucking idubbz.
the pewdiepie video about this whole deal is incredible
Paying for something you can get for free easily is retarded to begin with, but all these people sucking on idubbbz cock defending this shit on Reddit and twitter were probably raised by single moms
these shitty memes just merge into the same thing
in a good old meme-free english language he's simply a weak man that get a hold of his woman or throw her out for a decent one
i hope leafy comes back with a banger. all these people are totally retarded but its so fun to watch people get devoured by the audience they cultivated. you reap what you sow, pottery, etc
what a pathetic relationship jesus
Seriously, though. Why is it so important that your girlfriend is a virgin? She doesn't have any other penises in her NOW, as you're fucking her. So what's the big deal?
>Why is it so important that your girlfriend is a virgin?
because I'm one too, plus she always remembers her first
No hymen, no diamond
(and that's a good thing)
I don't think that's it. Chads feel disgusted at the thought of the girl they are fucking being a whore too. It's not an impulse unique to incels.
>I'm white knighting the definitions of words
Meme jargon like simp are not words you stupid mongoloid.
How exactly? How retarded are you? Generic fencesitting opinions.
Yea, I'm thinking I'm a cuckold.
He's literally (the actual definition of literally, not Yas Forums's definition) neither of those things.
Imagine your girlfriend sending nudes to some guy
Now imagine her sending nudes to everyone
This whole situation is fucking hilarious. The dude straight up went up on camera and said "Yeah I'm a cuck, so what. You guys are the ones with the problem because you care I'm a cuck." No one is defending him and the closest thing he can get to support is "Well...if this is what he wants to do." What a fucking faggot. Where's his back bone?
this, throughout history it was a very bad look for a man to have his property (woman) be used by someone else
Everyone focusing on her onlyfans shit but not her history with past relationships and the fact that she is basically shitting on idubbbz behind his back while flirting with other dudes (and her ex bf). They also have a somewhat long distance relationship, the goblina being in Canada and dubbies being in America most of the time
lets leak all of this bitches pics just to fuck ehr over AHAHAHA