Stop giving him shit. He tried his best to fix Disney, Kennedy and Johnson's fuck ups.
Stop giving him shit. He tried his best to fix Disney, Kennedy and Johnson's fuck ups
who is this?
Fuck jj abrams. He’s a weasel who subverts for its own sake and hates america
and somehow fucked up with star trek too, despite lack of disney input there? disney is fucking shit and deserves to be destroyed, not gonna lie there, but jj is fucking retard regardless.
he never made a good movie
>what is plot
>what is worldbuilding
>who are characters
jar jar abrams makes the same movie over and over again like paint by numbers
he caused problems in the first place with his Force Awakens story.
He set up plotlines that should have been followed up upon but Johnson and KK threw them away. His job was to bring Star Wars back into the mainstream and he did just that.
>He set up plotlines that should have been followed up upon but Johnson and KK threw them away.
He set up a plotline that meant Luke, Leia, and Han failed even if you pretend Rian Johnson never came on board.
Jew Jew Abrams
What exactly was he supposed to do with the guidelines Disney gave him? Disney wanted a retread of the OT. The Resistance and the First Order were inevitable. Luke, Han, and Leia were always going to end up fighting another Empire with a laser sword wielding baddie.
What would you have done?
I like the first two Star Trek movies but he only produced the third and you can tell there was a big budget decrease. Other than that - I can't think of anything he's directed that I really like.
Did Disney give him the guidelines or did he decide to do that? Besides didn't he along with Iger and Kennedy decide to ditch George Lucas' story outline?
his track record says otherwise, shlomo
He set the timer on the bomb by not etching out an overall plot trajectory for the next two movies in the development phase of the first.
Bullshit. His Star Wars movies had the same plot as his Star Trek movies. You can't blame Kennedy for Star Trek.
he fucked up star strek, he fucked up star wars, although, rian johnson should be fucking burned in a heap of cow dung.
For Star Wars I'll give him a pass due to the production being tampered with by countless executives and the TFA being semi decent.
Star Trek was unmitigated disaster tier tho aside from the first movie.
This is what jewish nepotism/privilege delivers. Talent less hacks and a legacy destroyed.
He's a soulless kike.
I mean, clearly Disney gave him guidelines to retread the OT so they could revive the Star Wars brand. George Lucas definitlety would have wanted to do something new so thats why they threw his stuff out.
Good director.
Bad writer.
You cannot deny this.
He killed it with TFA
He's just the director. That was Kathleen Kennedy's job.
>and the TFA being semi decent
Yes he's a shit director and even worst writer
The blame is not one or the other here, the blame lies with both.
Why do you think JJ is a good director?
Nah, he also doesn't get Star Wars. He tried to marvelify it by adding quips, which much to this board's chagrin they work there (or don't usually feel out of place), whereas Star Wars is mostly humourless or deadpan.
The Mandalorian's success also shows that it is 90% setting and characters and not necessarily action.
Shit, the games and cartoons got this. Why can't the movies?
You don't know the difference between "worse" and "worst" so I don't think you should be talking shit about anyone's writing skills.
>He's just the director
He also wrote the screenplay and helped shape the overall identity of the sequels
>Good director.
He's Spielberg-lite at his peak and discount michael bay at his usual
He is responsible in the sense that he made the series u inspired so they had to throw a hail mary and it failed
His 1st film was a literal copy of ep IV, but with diversity
>whereas Star Wars is mostly humourless or deadpan.
In the OT? Bullshit.
>whereas Star Wars is mostly humourless or deadpan.
Star Wars had humor in it. It just wasn't Marvelized the way the ST was.
Yeah, it was deadpan humour. Shit, the Greedo stuff is funny and deadpan, for example. But it's not like every scene has a comedy beat, deadpan or otherwise.
Because the movies he has directed have all been relatively competent. RoS, for instance, is more competently shot (pacing, scenes, cinematography) that TLJ, even though TLJ has better big strokes ideas.
I mean, the first Star Trek reboot is great outside of the larger context of what Star Trek should be. The movement activity he has in his directorial style lends itself to blockbusters.
>h-he didn't map anything out
>he definitely influenced the sequels
Make up your mind.
Based fucking Stewart
>disney guidelines
Him and Kasdan were the ones that decided to construct the movie as some sort of safety blanket for poor traumatized fans that were abused by ol' man Lucas with his prequels.
If anything it was that whiny bitch Pegg that colored Abrams perception of what TFA should be, cause Disney clearly had no vision outside of printing money and having a holier-than-thou attitude while acting like victims and blaming the viewers for not blindly loving their designed-by-committee product.
All these people and Rian as well were on the same page from the start humming the Imperial March. Abrams wasn't some poor iconoclast auteur that had to conform to the mean corporate machine. He's a typical duologist fag that dug up Kasdan from under a mountain of Silverado DVDs in some warehouse in Burbank cause he was the one that made SW good in the first place and when he finally had his hands free to do what he wants he just Ctrl+f replaces the names of characters and places from the one OT movie he had nothing to do with and adds an orange Yoda but a hundred years older, so better.
JJ was the fuck up. He promised us a sequel and gave us a remake. Instead of new stories we got another Vader, another empire, another resistance, another death star. He totally fucked up. Because of him the sequel trilogy became the reboot trilogy. Because of him we were stuck with Rey, Fin, Poe, and Kylo. Any one else in charge and we could have gotten an actual story with characters.
>made the first film
>"fixed fuck ups"
In reality, he fucked up and paved the way for even more fuck ups.
>That was Kathleen Kennedy's job.
Is it? The woman doesn't really have any story credits to her name, she's a producer so she's more in charge of hiring people and keeping the budget in check. She should've hired a guy to oversee the entire trilogy from a story perspective, but that's maybe where the Story Group comes in. Then again none of them have many credits on IMDB either.
>His job was to bring Star Wars back into the mainstream
TFA only made money because Star Wars was ALREADY mainstream, it had OTfags wanting to bring their children into it and prequel zoomers entering their 20s who had kept it alive in the decade between movies. If it wasn't mainstream then TFA wouldn't have broken midnight release records.
And that meant making it a retread of the movie that parents are mostly likely going to show their kids at home before they went to the theater for TFA was pointless and accomplished nothing except ruin the plot of the first 6 films.
I don't blame him for '9'. But there's a lot to dislike about his work.
ST would have worked fine as an actual sequel if they just accepted the fact that Kylo Ren was the MC. Rey can still be the POV character, but her entire story ruined the whole saga. Her being a Palpatine was because JJ wanted to make her the MC, her being a Palpatine also ruined the entire saga. Should have just focused on Ben Solo and the Skywalker family.
JJ is mostly to blame for the ST being so shit. He just wanted the story to be about his boring, "infallible", Luke 2.0 ReySue. KK is the one who championed Adam Driver's casting, which turned out to be the best thing about the ST. Rian Johnson did good by having Rey be a nobody in the background and cementing Kylo Ren as the true MC of the trilogy. JJ just said "fuck everything" for IX and ruined the entire saga, and everything the trilogy set up, so he could fellate his ugly waifu.
Based JJ making Rey, Luke, and Anakin the true heroes for future kids to grow up with while Bitchlo Ben died forgotten as a simp for Reykween as Luke and Leia gave him no light and love.
>"Laugh it up fuzzball!"
Nigga, go watch the OT again. You didn't see that infamous article that said Ford and other actors thought New Hope was a comedy during filming and acted as such?
Rey's only fans are mentally ill waifufags like you. Keep pretending you are a real SW fan, you're just a creepy cuck.
Rey is hated btw, Kylo Ren is hailed as the only good thing about this trilogy not your ugly waifu.
>He also wrote the screenplay
Not only that, Abrams threw out the original screenplay one month before filming began. Just because he wanted to screw over the writer and take all the credit for himself. Anyone else on Yas Forums remember that?
Star Wars was already in the mainstream. It's the most mainstream movie franchise there is. JJ didn't bring it back, he fucked it over.
What's funny is that you retards complain about the ST being shit, but none of your ideas are any better. Your complaints are dumb as well. Most of them anyway. The only real complaint I've seen is Rey being shit and the Resistance being boring, rehash complaints etc.
Yes. Iger's book on the subject confirms Abrams was involved in this decision.
If you read old interviews of JJ's, it's clear it's all his fault. He is obsessed with the OT and hated the PT and Anakin. He saw Luke as some pure good-guy hero who became super special one day for no reason. That's why Rey is that way, because that's how JJ sees Luke. Shitty Lukefags ruined the ST. Funny.
This also explains why JJ disregarded TLJ, he probably hated what Rian did to Luke and his Luke 2.0 waifu, making them fallible and irrelevant respectively and propping up the real star, the Anakin wannabe.
>His job was to bring Star Wars back into the mainstream
WTF? Star Wars was the biggest franchise in Hollywood. That's why it cost $5 billion. Now post Abrams Star Wars is far behind Marvel, DC and Harry fucking Potter.
He ruined any chance of the trilogy being good with 7
Also explains his creepy twincest obsession with Luke/Leia and them adopting a child together. In JJ's head he finally got his Luke/Leia shipping fantasy where Rey is spiritually his heir and "daughter" now with Leia. Lukefags were a mistake.
>but none of your ideas are any better
Shut the fuck up. Here's an idea. Pay Lucas and Zahn their fucking royalties and do the Thrawn trilogy. Easy. You have to be a complete retard to screw up Star Wars.
>Thrawn trilogy
Into the trash it goes.