Official Day Fiance Before The 90 Days watch thread
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Official Day Fiance Before The 90 Days watch thread
stream2watch dot ws/live/tlc-live-stream
watchnewslive dot tv/tlc/
I'm ready.
What does Geoffrey do now that he doesn't slang keyz? Does he even have enough dough to keep her around?
This bitch sure dont have much ice in her viens being from Siberia and all
i never watch this show, but what's up with this guy? he's so handsome. why is he dealing with this person?
Rental properties
varya going like with an american friend in 7 hours
>stream link in the op
well it was a good run
Cuz he killed his son beat his ex wife and is a felon
A true alpha
beat 4 of his ex girlfriends
Lisa is so mean and rude. She thinks so highly of herself.
Lisa should be happy her old ass even has a bbc to knock the dust out of her pussy
Utterly pathetic. The virgin babygurl lisa vs. The CHAD Angela.
Shes literally so gross and old.
You would think some humility would come with her age
this bitch makes most roasties look reasonable this cunt is pretty much the whole subway menu at this point
is the autistic turk still on this show?
Complete and utter lack of self awareness is almost enviable, isn't it? Imagine being a 52, entirely used up, fat, likely casual meth user and just blow through any and all of life like you're the fucking shit.
Dracys the kind of crazy bitch i want in my life
Its almost admirable.
>Its a Darcey segment
No thank you
>Tom asking Darcey to keep calm
That's impossible.
>Loves her
>Has never met her before today
I'm stuck in a relationship with a girl that I want to end ASAP, but she keeps saying she won't be able to live without me, and that she would die. I don't know what the fuck to do bros... help me.
I reckon Tom was a little strung out om something the last season he appeared on. He's way less haggard looking now. That or they did him up in better makeup.
Let her die.
People who guilt you like that aren't worth being in your life.
find someone else to pawn her off on, or become too available or caring to her and then she will get bored
Big Ed? More like big simp
question to you piratebros
all the episodes I can find are "part 1" where the fuck do I find part 2?
What word do you think they blurred?
>If Im sick might as well eat that ass
Nigga just dump her. She's not gonna off herself. Even if she does no one will blame you.
Tom about to dab on Darzzy
Big Ed crying because his girl has herpes
I think darcey said earlier that he lost 30 lbs, he looks a lot better this season
>Being thirsty for that ass
Dude. Never EVER fall for the "it would destroy her if I left" shtick. 9 times out of 10 women will bounce back surprisingly fast from even the most seemingly devastating break ups. Even if she's serious you gotta rid yourself right away because the unstable guilt tripping will only get worse the longer you stay.
Back the fuck off Based Ed. NOW!
>no neck
Poor guy
poor Ed
Based Tom cleaning up while Darcey seethes
I hope Ed mayonnaises his hair before his date
He was already married and had a child, but then cheated on his wife.
Was in a similar situation
Dumped her and her kid off in the middle of no where with enough for one month rent no car or power
She lied to me the entire relationship
The lesbo with the health conditions gets me going.
Its a shame she has the brain capacity of a spackie with a caved-in skull
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Danny Devito or Verne Troyer
She does have nice boobs.
missed the previous episode, is the flip girl an "ex" prostitute or something
She sells her nudes on onlyfans.
Both her boobs and the rest of her body has a nice bounce which I very much enjoy
She's doing a bimbo act for Youtube and for the losers she sells nude pics to
Holy shit they're fucking perfect
That fake belly laugh the sjw aussie does has got to be one of my biggest fucking pet peeves. I know insecure uncomfortable people laugh at their own quips to relieve anxiety but FUCK that has to be the most insufferable tick of them all.
I'm a cheap bastard.
You got any saved?
if she dies, she dies
Google her e-thot nudes. That bra must be tailormade with all the magic its working.
I guess someone with alot of health conditions needs to make money somehow.
I get the feeling she was only a "social media lesbian" IE not really a lesbo but brainwashed into thinking that because it made people pay attention to her and now she's just playing along with it because its too late to back out
Just google them. They can be found within mere seconds.
>that phat ass
Oh sweety jesus
Probably senpai.
Yeah. She obviously wouldn't be this apprehensive about taking a hearty dong.
imagine the sell
>Pink and purple hair
>Hasn't come out to her parents
Does she need to?
That was impressive
>I'm a chicken
no, you're a fat hog
>7 year "relationship"
>never met in person
>she's from ukraine
>doesn't have her phone number
She's not a bad slampig desu. I'd go over to her place so I could leave right away and she wouldn't know where I live. Personality is beyond shit. But I suppose that's what makes a slampig just that.
Dave makes me so sad.
Someone should tell David about
Ironically she does. That's the average western woman in 2020 bros...
is this all just a ploy for more youtube viewers ?
nah she said she only had two boyfriends but they were bad to her
>nah she said she only had two boyfriends
Its working
google them
Jesus she went turbo Thot,
Cute nips though
It's mutually beneficial. It drives traffic to her channel and viewers to the show. The way they lingered on that kiss made me feel like I'm at a bar and the male attention the roasties are getting starts to wean so the start to make out. Nice try ThotLC
this would be hot if she were kissing a woman
She's been a single mother since age 21(her son's 2 I think). Never been married. She's a 3rd world roastie seeking an American man to take care of her and her kid.
100% pure Czechoslovakian titties
Czech em
There's no reason to feel bad for Ed, he's a LOSER.
Honestly after googling her nudes I'm more invested into her tummy.
Which I want to cum onto desperately
This poor bastard
speaking of catfish did they stop filming black chick
Wow she didn't show up. What a shock
Probably. Shit was a dead end
nope she's going to meet The Williams