This bitch can't act

She's box office poison. What's the appeal? This movie was trash, who thought this bitch could carry it? Damn dumb movie, and pozzed on top of it.

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b-but muh niggerman on the big screen!!

Cute tiny butt and boobies

That nigger was literally Finn fom nu-wars. Useless sweaty diot second fiddle to the stronk smart wahman. They realized it was a shit character midway and offed him like a btch for no reason.

She's the Grace Kelly of the millennial generation.

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All her half naked scenes were embarrassing. Look at me, I'm so sexy. In reality she looks just like gal gadot. Yikes

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>so new he doesn't know what "niggerman" is referring to

she cute

I thought it was a good movie. She was barely the center point until closer to the end since everything was done as a group, with perhaps slightly more focus on her. But once everyone died it was more her but not a lot of dialogue instead just walking around. It was definitely better than I thought it would be.

so how does it compare to the other deep-sea kinos like abyss or sphere? I presume its utter garbage on a par with the third cloverfield movie, am i right?

please respond

Just like Gal Gadot, really?

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Both of those are bad examples, its more Deep Star Six with a kaiju at the end. Actually? Deep Star Six pretty much nails it, if you like DSS you will enjoy this movie.

Same. Had some surprising turns and overall knew what it wanted to be and just stuck to it without overcomplicating things. Perfect straightforward action movie that makes full use of its setting.

Literally the best undersea kino ever. Actually nails the feeling of claustrophobia, et al.

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Its was pozzed. She's a stronk whaman, le stronk mechanical engineer wahman. She was constantly taking the lead. The last part of the film is the two stronk whaman dragging the useless manchild and his stuffed animal with them in the most unrealistic way. Lots of nonsensical convenient cuts.

Exactly, it's Cloverfield tupe garbage. There is zero exposition. You are immediately thrown into a 'survival ride'. There's basically no plot, it's all about we got to escape, let's run and avoid the big bad monster. Nothing makes sense they don't even have weapons. Movie is dumb as well with an awful lead actress.

>She's a stronk whaman, le stronk mechanical engineer wahman.
Well duh, its an Aliens Ripoff. Its just doing Ripley but underwater.
>he last part of the film is the two stronk whaman dragging the useless manchild and his stuffed animal with them in the most unrealistic way
Aliens. Its just copying Aliens. Complete with giant thing they have to stop, its just Aliens.

Its not Pozzed, its derivative.

>complaining about a movie that has kstew in her underwear for half the running time

But it's mainly at the start that she's doing mechanical engineering stuff. The Asian lady was freaking out and probably would have died if someone else didn't turn up, so it wasn't like she was a strong woman making it by herself. I suppose you could say because they were women it had a feminist perspective but it didn't really seem to me to be pushing that message. There's no dialogue about it, at no point is she much better than anyone else because of some mythical feminine quality. You could say that the others are useless while she's fixing the like 2 or 3 things she does, but that's also her job in the setting so that's a ridiculous thing to complain about. It's like complaining that soldiers are good at shooting in a movie.

That wasn't Cthulhu. It was a shitty knockoff kaiju shoehorned into a movie that couldn't even comprehend lovecraft monsters.

The movie looks pretty good too. The monsters plus the whole underwater aesthetic looks pretty good. Having Cthulu rise up at the end and the other monsters just being part of him was pretty good and gave a good sense of depth to how deep they were.

Also asian woman had an arc and in the end stuck by her man while all the male characters were competent and reliable so I'm convinced anyone complaining about this being 'pozzed' is just falseflagging.

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Everything about it was kino, right down to the EV suits. Made me wish they went full battlesuit with automatic weapons, etc. but I can understand why they didn't. Still hope we see something more properly in that direction someday.

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She makes sure we know she is a mechanical engineer but nothing that she does has anything to do with it she's just opening door with the computer. Why is she able to hijack a computer? Why do we know her occupation but don't know what's the job of any other character? The asian lady starts as scared and very nervous, then at the end she magically becomes a fucking badass, she dragged both Kristen and her useless boyfriend to safety. What's her boyfriend's arc other than being a useless manchild? The film was uber feminist shit where they put men first in safety boats...

i liked it. felt like a proper disaster. nobody knew wtf was going on. people dying. it was intense.

They have battlesuit, they never used a gun durin the whole film. They didn't get eaten by a monster out of a sheer luck. The monster sometimes just shows up and goes away fr no other reasonn that the main character can't die.
They kept removing their helmets for no fucking reason.

Why would they have weapons? It's a fucking mining drill on the sea bed. Are they gonna shoot sharks and crabs out the windows or something? Are they expecting submarine terrorists?

Also it's all explained as the film progresses. First it starts to collapse, it's a disaster/survival movie. Then they realize the reactor is fucked so waiting for rescue isn't an option. Then they notice the water got massively warmer and there's strange creatures around, so theorize they drilled into a sealed biosphere under the sea bed. And the drill was destroyed by Cthulhu.

Yes, Twilight girl is a boring actor, but the film explains itself just fine, and yoir points all indicate that you suck cock for sexual reasons.

The plot is a joke and a poor excuse fo going from point A to point B. Why does it look like that this giant platform has only 10 people in it? How come the surface has no idea what is going on down there?? How come they didn't get attacked by the monsters systematically?

They're suits designed to withstand the massive pressure under the sea, not battlesuits you capeshit anime addled fucktard.

And they removed their helmets because the suits used oxygen scrubbers. Essentially air filters, which have a limited lifespan. That's what was damaged on the guys suit, which is why he ended up monged.

How is it such an ordinary film with tons of exposition still flies over all your heads?

90 minutes you'll never get back
light pozzing with the stereotyped muh humans don't belong down here schtick from the wuflu bitch
kristen can't act and her enunciation is atrocious, I had to turn the subs on to understand lil pussbreath
not a boats movie

why don't you 2 faggots get a room so you can enjoy the literally greatest underseas adventure ever while giving commentary into each other's microphones?

The boyfriend was being dragged by the group not by her. Then she was the only one left, so it's not like she was just some heroic champion who decided to carry him they were already in that process and she was the only one left to continue it. It's not because he's useless his suit got fucked from a fight. She is also freaking out in the end in hysterics and wouldn't have made it unless someone else came and helped her. In this case it was a woman but it has nothing to do with them being females, it was just simply who turned up. Her boyfriend isn't a man child either you're point blank retarded. He was carrying the toy for the actual man child guy that he was given to take care of. He was a completely normal comms guy. And it you don't think cunts who would work at the bottom of the ocean for extended periods of time wouldnt be awkward loner types than you're just wrong.

the movie was actually surprisingly good.

It wasn't pozzed at all you're just retarded.

She's popular in France and Belgium

Dial 8, tranny.

She IS hot AF, movie was cool, short, fun, a good popcorn movie. Maybe they could have showed Monsters a Lil bit more

>In this case it was a woman but it has nothing to do with them being females, it was just simply who turned up
You can't be that gulible. Do you realize this is a movie, not reality. All the characters actions have been decided by the writers. Th winning wahme at the end is not an accident. And the guys are both manchildren who pass the stuffed animal to eachtoher. I guess that must be normal for guys at the bottom of the ocean...

>please respond
pretty straight forward claustrophobic underwater movie. it's fairly good. absolutely worth a watch.

are you the obtuse goof who thought niggerman referred to the self sacrificing poc who gave up the last good helmet to feminem?
or the underage b& who called this steaming pile of mediocrity "literally the greatest undersea kino ever"?
either way, don't @ me fatso

No I'm not the user who replied you about niggerman you're just retarded.

All stories are decided by the writers? It doesn't mean we can't infer things from the characters and the world building. The Asian woman would have died out there unless she was rescued. To imply she was strong and capable is completely wrong.

The asian woman was typically the type that shouldn't make it, was even afraid to just go underwater. Then at the end they wrote a completely different character who is just badass.

How's she badass? She was freaked out about walking across the dark uncharted bottom of the ocean. She got lead to the drill facility when she was rescued and all the monsters had just moved away. All she did was literally come outside of the door of the lit up and human facility and drag the main character inside. Hardly badass. There wasn't any monsters, it wasn't dark, and it wasn't uncharted territory since they were in a human installation, so what does she have to be afraid of anymore?

I dont really care for her but she does horror well

The only thing that irked me was the comic relief character with the fucking bunny, what the fuck was the point of that? Quite enjoyed the rest

She didn't freak out when she stayed stranded for a long time alone in the dark. Then she dragged both her boyfriend and Kristen to the facility, saved her by cracking the helmet then consistently acts heroic sending her bf frist and wanting to go last. This is "stronk wahmen" shit. I don't like it because it's unrealistic and preachy. And why was Kristen such a badass throughtout the movie? She's a engineer, not a marine.

It was ok, I don't think my torrent was great quality because the darks seemed way oversaturated and I couldn't see very well for most of the second half.

She was standing in the middle of the ocean floor in a state of hysteria unable to hear Kristen until she was literally tackled, at which point she assumed it was a monster who was about to kill her. She was freaking out so you're talking out your ass and just making shit up. She dragged her boyfriend inside while the tentacle was on Kristen when she was about 20m from the door and through the field of monsters. And what, you think breaking the glass on her helmet is heroic? Absolute brainlet. The movie wasn't preachy at all. Simply provide one preachy line about females or female empowerment if that's the case.

Yeah the guy cracks jokes when the tension is supposed to build up. Like we're trapped in an shuttle and there's a creature hitting from outside but le funny man got to make jokes. Very smart!

Wait, there are more undersea kino other than the abyss and sphere?

You don't know what hysterical means. She stayed with her bf and kept singing. Judging by how she was written, she would have freaked out an ran in random directions until she lost oxygen.

She's on the bottom of the ocean with monsters and her unconscious boyfriend, singing, and you think that's not hysteria? Amazing. I thought she was a badass and now you're saying she would have freaked out and died because that's how she was written?


Yes that's hw she was written until that point.

And from that point on, she was tackled, rescued by Kristen, who simply walked her from point A to B, and then once they arrived at their destination and the monsters left she simply dragged her through a door.

I just watched this today but boy, that's one terrible movie

you're expending an awful lot of energy trying to defend a 5/10 low budget menstralpiece, femanon
(royal) we be pirates here, nobody is buying the bluray

I'm not a woman you're just retarded and have bad taste.

>pozzed on top of it.
how so?

>I'm not a woman

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