For low attention span autists.
Worst fucking cartoon of all time
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That's not Samurai Jack, though.
Weak fucking bait
You must be punished
That's not Samurai Jack, though.
I fucking loved this show
You're wrong.
I never watched a full episode but I think I disliked it because it reminded me of my ADD cousins who all ended up becoming heroin addicts.
If you wanted an EEnE thread, you could have just said so without the bait.
IDK, I think that even low attention span autists could enjoy the show. Maybe not now because you missed the bus OP but like 5 years ago you probably would have enjoyed it. It's for everyone.
filtered zoomer faggot
What a shit take, the art style alone has more soul then 99% of cartoon shit being spewed out these days
I never liked it. Never got the appeal, but then again I grew up on Dexter's Lab and Rocco. Why does no one mention Billy and Mandy? That was kino.
Why does no one ever mention Evil Con Carne?
Green button no hesitation
Green. No question.
Johnny Bravo was based
its actually a sad look at how Ed being a good friend hangs out with his mentally stunted buddies when he could be a chad and banging those sweet Kanker puss all day.
green obviously what the hell, who the fuck cares about any of that bullshit under the green button?
Green, yeah.
On the topic of Foster's I hated how much of an asshole Bloo turned into as the series went on
I'd push the red. Billy and Mandy may be the only good green one, but its better than all the red.
BnM and KND are the second and third best Cartoon Network cartoons. It's a tough call. I'd still push green for EEnE though.
Even as a little kid this bothered me. Bloo only went like 2 or 3 episodes (including the pilot) before becoming a jerk.
Losing Samurai Jack fucking sucks, but losing Dexter, Johnny, and Ed Edd and Eddy is far worse.
Frankie was the only reason to watch the show.
What’s your favorite EEnE episode niggers? Mine is a draw between the one where they fight robots in the junkyard, the one where Ed becomes the alien, or the one where the Ed’s aren’t even in it and the culdesac ends up getting fucked up when they find chimpworld and it collapses
Red, Teen titans is still giving me fap material to this day, and i'm a cumbrian
"Special Ed" (not to be confused with the "Episode 34" creepypasta myth) was a proposed episode of Ed, Edd n Eddy during the process of creating the series in the late 1990s.
Very little was known about the episode and the only evidence of it ever being thought of was in an interview with series creator Danny Antonucci where he reminisced about the episode not going through because it was "too real".
milennial garbage
zoomer garbage
green but only cuz powerpuff girls was kino
i stopped watching before they started doing episodes in their school, were they still good?
I'd press them both because cartoons rot your brain
They’re a good change in pace and location for the show. I feel if they continued with only culdesac spots it would have gotten staler quicker
I've seen people in these threads say they don't like them or they go downhill, but I still really enjoy them. It basically changes the tone of the series from summer to fall/winter, so even if you lose the endless summer vacation feel, they're still good overall. A "bad" Ed Edd n Eddy episode is still eons better than most other shows' good episodes. I basically think they get rated lower in these threads maybe because people were starting to get older and felt like they had to outgrow cartoon or something.
Absolute kino.
>Johnny Bravo
Initially amusing, but gets old fast.
>Dexter's Lab
Absolute kino, until the redesign seasons, which are putrid shit.
Top tier kino.
>Powepuff Girls
Top tier kino.
>Samurai Jack
Top tier kino.
Good show.
>Foster's Home
Cringy and boring, no appeal for me.
>Billy and Mandy
Good show.
>Teen Titans
Good show.
Both have their good qualities, but the red shows outweigh the overall quality of the green.
Conclusion: For me, I press the green button. Lamentable, but it's the best option.
wouldnt mind having teen titans but deifnitely green
PPG turned into shit in the later seasons too.
Frankie was the only reason I watched Foster's desu
what kind of fucking retard would hit red?
People who aren’t contrarian faggots
Teen Titans ruined me bros ;_;
clearly people hitting red are the contrarians. the consensus is to hit green
I got mixed up which ones were in the list. I’m retarded
Losing Samurai Jack and Teen Titans would hurt but everything on red must be saved.
>good taste bad
Something about those high quality shots in the final episodes just hits me right in the feelies.
Literally every show on both sides is kino
I'd rather shoot myself
I guess I'm glad that I'm a low attention span autist who can enjoy shows like this then.
All 90s cartoons were complete and utter trash. Ugly, headache causing animation styles with cheap, idiotic stories that had little humor and no real plot other than “how many bright flashing colors can we spam until the children watching get a seizure?” Clearly the only people who enjoyed the abhorrent filth of these cartoons were troglodytes who became ridden with ADHD as a result of the screeching voices and rapidly flashing frames. Ignore the millennials and their nostalgia (whom, coincidentally, is one of the worst performing generations, likely in part to the brain rotting garbage they were exposed to in their formative years) and attempt to watch an episode of this Dexters laboratory, cow and chicken, power puff girls, and so forth, and honestly tell yourself that these cartoons are anything but foul vileness to view.
Your brain is already rot zoom
>All 90s cartoons were complete and utter trash. Ugly, headache causing animation styles with cheap, idiotic stories that had little humor and no real plot other than “how many bright flashing colors can we spam until the children watching get a seizure?” Clearly the only people who enjoyed the abhorrent filth of these cartoons were troglodytes who became ridden with ADHD as a result of the screeching voices and rapidly flashing frames. Ignore the millennials and their nostalgia (whom, coincidentally, is one of the worst performing generations, likely in part to the brain rotting garbage they were exposed to in their formative years) and attempt to watch an episode of this Dexters laboratory, cow and chicken, power puff girls, and so forth, and honestly tell yourself that these cartoons are anything but foul vileness to view.
>Billy and Mandy
Why the hell do people like this garbage? "Lmao, a retard and a diabolical girl enslave pot-sniffing death and make him do wacky stuff lmao :DDDD"
It was just comfy bro
it was a good time to be a kid
Ed Edd and Eddy is the worst show ever aired on Television. It makes Jersey Shore and Honey Boo Boo look like Citizen Kane compared to that atrocity. If I were to met the morons who created that turd, I'd probably get cancer just by looking at the fucker. The show is so bad, I'd rather burn in hell than watch that insult to cartoons. Calling it the biggest and most putrid and disgusting pile of shit on Earth isn't enough. No insult can do justice to this fuck of a show. It's insufferably bad, the kind of bad that made Satan who he is now. It's so vile that simply it's existence in the universe is completely toxic. It's completely and utterly shit. The fact that it is in the same category as other cartoons, hell, the fact that it is considered a normal creation on Earth makes me lose hope in the world infinitely. If you never saw it, stay the hell away, you'd rather twist your testicles off than watch that shit. It's not even watchable. It doesn't entertain, it just gives the urge to kill yourself. Please do the world a favor and avoid this steaming hunk of anti-matter, it'll make your life, and the entirety of humanity better.
>low attention span
>all that NOTHING happening at any given moment
nobody got upset about rolf
know why?
because albanians are bros
Courage the cowardly dog is the only children's cartoon that I still hold in high regards 18 years after watching it as a child. That show was truly something special.
>look everyone, i explained the general synopsis of of something i dislike!
>now I've explained this, you could not possibly enjoy it!
i get that
true but that screenshot has none of it
Prepare a bigger bait ed boy
B&M and EconC are examples of soulless television programs with an outer skin of soul.
I feel like the network spoiled them. They should be great but they're fucking boring.
Garbage taste, his screenshot perfectly encapsulates the artstyle.
fosters and samjack have it
the rest dont
green button for sure
Hi Yas Forums
why does this picture feel perfect for an Ed Edd and Eddy thread
>now I've explained this, you could not possibly enjoy it!
That wasnt implied or said anywhere you colossal faggot
This. Billy and Mandy was peak soilent cartoon
god that is so cringe
fuck television
"free speech"
thanks for the freedom to be addicted to porn, grownups.
get wrecked
its from the lowest point in the series and if you cant see it you dont GET ed edd and eddy
This one actually looked like it would have been a difficult decision until Steven Universe. Grreen.
>Megas XLR
Now this is hard.
>when all those cartoons are celebrated on Yas Forums
Jesus, I can't delete Batman just because of Steven Universe.