Is this really as good as they say?

Is this really as good as they say?

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Depends, do you like mob movies?
I love Goodfellas and Casino and actually started this two weeks ago, currently on season 3, really good so far

Yeah, it's a great show. You can stream with Amazon Prime right now and judge for yourself.

It's better than they say desu

its up there with Deadwood and Mad Men

It starts hitting some speed bumps at the end of season 3/start of season 4

yes now go fucking watch it right now and avoid spoilers as much as you can

yeah, when they made Meadow Lisa Simpson, spewing progressive bumper sticker slogans

>avoid spoilers as much as you can

Yeah Yas Forums threads are really open about spoilers like the fact that Christopher whacks Dr. Melfi so be careful.

Also relatively easy to find illegally

They did a subversion though since she starts defending her father's business and will probably go on to be a mob lawyer.

>what is a foil

did he died at the ending?

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yes. the increasing cynicism in the later seasons is a bit wearing but then I again I must've watched the whole thing about 5 times.

Characters that are literally you? For me it's Vin Makazian.

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>what is foil
It’s the shit you have wrapped around your head that’s scratching the back of your colon


Or that time Melfi had sex with Tony on the stairwell

You don't even need to like mob movies, you just need a sense of humor. Sopranos is hilarious

literally me

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yes definitely. although the show stops being as playful and fun, taking on this really dark attitude in s4

RIP Kevin's dad

No, it’s way better. Plebs like it for the basic Goodfellas shit but it goes way beyond the mobster facade and gets into something universal and profound

high level shirt game

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lots of great themes -- morality versus naturalism/psychologism, tradition versus modernism -- and it does it in a way without resolving them, which makes it seem real, like great art should

Do you remember your first blowjob?

This. The mafia is literally superfluous to the actual story and serves more as a metaphor.

Finished it late last year and yes, it's a good watch.
Or when Meadow gets whacked by Furio

Tried watching this, got halfway through season 1 and dropped it. Not worth investing 80 more hours in

Yes, only Lain can compete. The Wire isn't aging as well and its creator outed himself as a schizo SJW kike. Sopranos transcended craft. There was something mystical going on with it. It's art dressed up like a fat schlub John Irving story.

It’s pretty based.

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honestly, it's great. I love the scenes where Gadolfini really shines. There's plenty, but I love the more subtle ones. Small gestures, movements, little things here and there. I miss him bros.

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Yes but its unrealistic in parts

This is accurate for everyone in the thread. Everyone who says or thinks otherwise is a fucking liar.


I love how a lot of the episodes don't end with a crazy cliffhanger or dramatic moment, just Tony and Carm eating spaghetti in silence or something similar.

>ywn have an Italian dinner with the Soprano family


I know some of the best girls ever and they love this show. Adore it. They are not ugly or feminists either. Hot, ballsy chicks with free thinking and they fucking love the Sopranos.

I've never asked them why they love it but they do.


>I've never asked them why they love it

good to see you know your place as an orbiter user

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I literally just finished it today.
10/10 Kino.
And one of the easiest shows to get into I've ever seen.
Also one of the easiest shows to talk about here because of the Complexity of the Characters and the sheer abundance of Memes it created.

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who was in the wrong here?

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It's a great show but I like The Wire more. However, that's a personal preference and if I am made to judge both shows as objectively as I can, I'd say they're both pretty equal. Both amazing shows to be honest.

Chris for the sheer lack of control he has on his life and how addicted he is to something (Alcohol for him) porn for me.

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Meadow of course is in the wrong, for falling for the "economic reasons" meme despite low-income whites committing significantly less crime than low-income blacks

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*twirly hand thing*
one-thousand.. more?

I started watching it and realized how spoiled I'd gotten by modern show production values.

Tv series made in the 00's before streaming was a thing feels like a lifetime ago.

00s shows make up for by having writing and acting that isn't complete shit

He's been dead since S1


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The Sopranos is the only TV show where the characters in it feel like real people, and by watching it you forget it's all fiction, like you're watching someone else's life through a one-way window. Not even the Wire does that for me.

Anytime I start watching this show, I feel good about being an asshole to women.

The Wire doesn't even come close to the Sopranos. The nuance and depth of emotion on the Sopranos is unmatched

That's just The Natural Order.
Sopranos just shoved you in the right direction.

That's because that's not what the focus of The Wire is. It's more on the events that lead to the city being what it is. I enjoy The Wire over The Sopranos but totally understand why some enjoy Sopranos more because both are really incredible shows.

If a real person acted like Chris in real life they'd be in prison by the end of the first episode.

I love the scene where Butchie walks into Chinatown.

Yeah, I get that sense. I just wish I could sustain it beyond watching the show.


i rewatched it and realised how shit tv has been for the past 10 years.

Not really, its at least 10 times better than that

Simon's other shows arguably do a better of this than The Wire. Almost completely slice of life.