Why are the Saiyan and Namek arcs the most popular in Dragon Ball?

Why are the Saiyan and Namek arcs the most popular in Dragon Ball?

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>why are the most wide spread and earliest seasons the most popular?

also the buu saga sucks

not sure, i loved the king piccolo to end of frieza period the best. things were more grounded and the villains felt more dangerous.

Super Saiyans killed Dragon Ball

it really is terrible and on top of that dragged out for no real reason

Last bits before things got insane.

I miss Namek saga Vegeta. He was cunning and ruthless in a way that he never was as a good guy.

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Reminder that the DB franchise peaked with pic related.

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I am an adult

Because the androids, cell and buu sagas were gay shit for gay nerds. I literally liked GT more than those fag sagas.

Because it was all a really tense buildup to having Frieza get his shit pushed in and he deserved it too.

Cell saga was best. All of it.

Peak DBZ right here.

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Cell was only kino when he was a monster killing entire towns by sucking them dry with his tail. Once he absorbed 17 he became cringe af.

Just gonna leave this for you faggots.

When will people admit this arc was trash? This was by far the most directionless nonsensical mess in DB?
Set up a serious plot about two cyborgs made on Earth that kill all of the Dragon Team and destroy humanity only to have them do nothing because of plot and then randomly throw in a new villain with no hype and loses his flavor just as soon as he's introduced.

Major Problems:
•Goku and Gohan do nothing the entire arc.
•Everyone is completely useless in battle and complicated nothing.
•Pointless Transformations that achieved nothing. Piccolo, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goku.
•No good fights outside Goku&Cell and Piccolo&17.
•17 & 18 do nothing
•Plot holes destroy everything about cell.
•Vegetas character regresses 100% by completely repeating the same mistakes
•Gohan is somehow the hero even though he did nothing and was gone the entire story.
•History of Trunks get made because nobody believes in 17&18. Damage control.
•Cell wastes his time creating and setting up a ring only to destroy it and make everything generic desert fight.
•Cell has no personality after transforming.
•DragonTeam are 100 jobbers that sit in the crowd and watch everything but waste time training and calling themselves warriors. Pathetic.
•Gohan regresses as a character too. Was willing to fight Freeza and Gero but pussies out on Cell.

Because they aired Z first in the west and most people don't even know the original series exists. The original series was entirely leading up to the perfect scene of Son Goku defeating Demon King Picollo and nothing after that was ever as good.

>in the west
In America

>the Dragon Team
Do Americans really?

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For most Americans and Canadians the first two DBZ sagas were their first exposure to Dragonball and maybe even anime in general. Also, Radditz arrival up until Recoomer were played on repeat for a few years until they got off their ass and dubbed the rest of the Freeza arc.

Characters dying left and right in the Saiyan saga made the stakes seem higher, especially after Piccolo ate it and the Dragonballs were gone. Namek was like a game of cat and mouse for the heroes, they had two different threats to worry about (Vegeta, Freeza's people) and either one of them could squash them at any time.

Cell is where for most casuals it started getting a bit convoluted. Goku dying to a heart attack, time travel shenanigans, the Dr. Gero/Red Ribbon Army stuff that many viewers were unfamiliar with, and of course the sudden and abrupt shift to Cell. Gohan's rage is generally regarded as one of the more kino moments though.

Buu was just a long, drawn out mess. A cartoon villain that turned people into candy and ate them. Lots of filler. Convoluted afterlife stuff. The only good part was the tournament 10 years later because it gave us BVLLA cunny .

GT had pacing issues all over the place and Pan was an annoying shit. The evil dragons were a cool idea but botched in execution and the ending sucked. Super is just a kindergarten version of DBZ where no one dies and bloodshed is at a minimum and everyone is afraid of two toddlers.

>watching DBZ in japanese
incels don't really do this right...?


The original DB aired first in Latin America.

They replayed them about 500 times each.

>DRAGON team
>ZEE squad
any band name put on these protagonists is gay

>Z Warrior
>Z Fighter

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Also, reminder that this guy was the original creator of the androids before Toriyama pulled Dr. Gero out of his ass.

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>For most Americans and Canadians the first two DBZ sagas were their first exposure to Dragonball and maybe even anime in general

This right here. Gateway into mediums leaves a hell of an impact. Gundam Wing and Sailor Moon were other huge ones. I've gone back and watched a bunch of stuff that was on when I was a kid and I can barely stand it. I last rewatched Dragonball Z when it was releasing in that 9 volume set on DVD and hot damn I can honestly say I'll never watch it all the way through every again. It just drags way too much. Modern shounen anime may not be perfect, but at least Hero Academia has the sense to not drag a fight out over 3-5 episodes.

Saiyan arc is legit kino and should have been used as the basis for End Game or any other movie that is going to be 30% fighting.

There was actual progression and actual story, at the end of the Namek Saga everyone became weaker on purpose ro become stronger, I hate how they always remained planet level. Cell saga was a few good ideas but in the end, a mess with abrupt turns and Buu saga was just bad over all in a.

I remember watching DBZ and Pokemon at 6 in the fucking morning, then Kids WB picked it up and now all you fuckers are fans and ruined it

Dragon ball should have ended with Piccolo Jr. fight but Namek is the absolute principle of the series.

Cell had some nice moments but felt unnecessary.

The show's being made by people older than you, not kids.

Buu saga fucking sucks

>•Gohan regresses as a character too. Was willing to fight Freeza and Gero but pussies out on Cell.

Only point I disagree with. Gohan wasn't unwilling to fight, he couldn't unleash the power his dad said he had. He was being put on a stage and told to perform by doing something he has only ever done in emotionally explosive moments.

Anime only.

The Cell Saga was my favourite as a kid.
Why the fuck is it always so overlooked?

The art style was so fucking great.

Super just does not compare.

Sayian and namek made non sayians relevant

I haven't watched that in like 20 years, what was so bad about Buu?

>Why the fuck is it always so overlooked?
Because outside of the very end with the Father/Son Kamehameha, and Vegetas Final Flash, it's shit that was made up on the spot and has no natural flow or guidance.
Friendly reminder that:
Directors said the old man and the fat baby couldn't be the big bad because it wasn't cool enough, so Toriyama created Android 17/18. Then directors said the bad guys couldn't be sleek teenagers so Cell became a thing. Then a director didn't like the way cell 1 looked, so in came inperfect cell. Then another director didn't like the way inperfect cell looked, so in came perfect cell.

It's trash.

You don't need a big ole damn copy/paste list to shit on the android/cell saga. It is writing in speech, not action. It's all exposition and no actually plot progression and a few fights. Characters show up and that doesn't push things forward either. It's constant characters entering and exiting with minimal additions to the narrative.

Reminder that Toriyama CONFIRMED Freeza as the greatest villain he has ever created. Cell bros are kidding themselves!

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It starts off interesting with a tournament and this wizard and satan trying to bring buu back. Then it turns out buu is this silly genie thing. Then it's a constant string of "now you fight him!" with people failing to beat buu over and over and new forms and new power ups and it's like 100 episodes of this. I think Majin buu is an ok character and all, but the saga is long and bloated with no real sense of direction.

Thwre was also evil vegeta right? With M on his forehead.
I remember Buu being my favorite villain because I liked his later forms design the most

Everything was made up on the spot. Toriyama didn't plan any of DBZ. Differece is, cell/android saga was a fat info dump right at the start. He had time to fill in the gaps with the saiyans after introducing raddtz. Then time to work on the freiza force. With the androids he commits to "they are so powerful you all die and Im also a super saiyan and freiza just jobbed to me" when trunks shows up. He had to work backwards instead of forwards, and it kinda made him stumble.


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>Yas Forums

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>from the very start the story talks about his great hidden potential
>nothing happens
Akira is a shit writer

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Look at wannabe janny quoting all the posts he doesn't like.
He went over whole thread and he did it for absolutely free

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Take your shit to weebs.

Yas Forums is fucking shit for talking about anime

toonami is Yas Forums

I'm afraid to, the dragonchads there intimidate me.

I remember watching DBZ as a kid. But I hated when the episodes where just filler and a waste of time. I thought some of the fights were cool but overall it was a huge waste of time to watch this show. I wish this shit could be condensed into like 2 or 3 seasons of 1 hour episodes or something. Also hearing you autists debate it really makes it sound faggy as fuck

He's also shown as an unpredictable wild card in the first two arcs, then Goku slaps him and he's a bitch from then on.


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Kai is the closest to what you're looking for.

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You make a lot of good points but I can't agree with you cause you're a contrarian fag
Cell Saga > Frieza Saga > Buu Saga

t. contrarian

>remember when dbz was good
dbz was never good