Haha. These narcissists are trying to make themselves out to be heros. I hate Hollywood

Haha. These narcissists are trying to make themselves out to be heros. I hate Hollywood.

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Everyone in los angeles has always been self obsessed with what goes on there, and I'm fine with that. The problem is people outside of LA still obsessed with whats going on there.

I hate the New York Times more and more everyday
If I caught corona I would just go lick every door handle at their Manhattan offices


LA is filled with hobos who are probably spreading Chinavirus all over the city with their poo. Laughing at west coasties right now

dude lmao can you even IMAGINE not leaving your house for DAYS at a time?? Worse, no one coming to your house for as long??? jesus this is literally hell!!

I hate these cunts so much

The Handmaiden's Tale is just idiocracy for women.

What happened in the last few years that’s driven America collectively insane? Leftists were always retarded but they’re literally rabid right now.

Seems to me like it's the east coast going to shit while cali is doing perfectly fine

>tfw women are """scared""" of a world like handmaid's tale

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it was going on for a bit earlier but Drumpfs election was the straw that broke the camels back. liberals got mind broken when they lost to a reality tv star

At this idiocracy is realistic. Handmaids tale is literally women fantasizing about being impregnated by strong men but pretending not to like it. Women shouldn’t be allowed near cameras or screens.

Still nobody dead in my city (KC) why should I still be freaking out about this ?

What can you do when the media can't be trusted not to inject their stupid opinion into everything? I hope they all die from lung-aids. (fat elves not related.)

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They were convinced after 2012 they won forever. They planned to rule with an iron fist. After Trump won, they lost their minds because they were convinced that the authoritarian dictatorship they felt they were entitled to was unrightfully taken from them.

thank you for not being a fag and posting archive

is there anyone more retarded than women?

It's time for feminism to end.

Attached: feminist oppression porn, handmaid's tale.png (920x665, 267.54K)

Dave (((Itzkoff)))

I had to read the book for college
It's adsolute trash devoid of any self awareness

>they lost their minds because they were convinced that the authoritarian dictatorship they felt they were entitled to was unrightfully taken from them

What we are going through is a small taste of what it would have been like.

I hope they both burn

>cali is doing perfectly fine

Attached: Increasingly nervous man.jpg (402x223, 30.98K)

>our nightmares were real
>our work is now god's work

The only way to fix it is to flush it all away

Hnnng give brown elf chubby gf

Haha yeah that’s crazy...

Not even remotely, you shitter-shattered leftist retard. Fucking Obama was the most authoritarian president since LJB, and that's saying something.

>Washington Monument turned into a Crucifix

Fucking CRINGE

>cali is doing perfectly fine
>forest fires
China virus is the least of their troubles.

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Elves should never be brown or chubby.

The world envisioned by Handmaid's Tale, as far as I can grasp it, is a slightly liberalized Saudi Arabia.

This. I want millions to die in California and I want it broadcast on tv for max /comfy/ viewing.

It never ends, it just mutates into new waves.

They they're living in a movie. Every journalist that embarrasses themselves trying to get one over on him at rest briefings thinks they will be featured in his biopic as the brave reporter who brought down Hitler 2 and gain all their peers respect, sell 10 million books, be comped at every dinner the rest of their lives. It's genuinely painful to watch.

Sudia Arabi is Muslim and Arab, though, so it's cool.

>Elves should never be
>or chubby.

Y-yeah sure is...

How do you feel about Westport?

Very tanned wood elves with blond hair are kino

It's like Harry Potter in real life. Now they're all Katniss. Go get 'em, children.

Why is it a Christian world in Handmaiden's Tale when we have dozens of modern Islamic nations treating women even worse?

Why not raise awareness of that?

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I'll accept either dirty wood elves, or coal black drow. No elves of color.

The correct term is Kniggers

Remember, they were convinced that they had successfully imported a new electorate to replace the old one that wouldn't vote for them.
The "The Emerging Democratic Majority", they called it, and now look where we are. Turns out they couldn't import voters fast enough to counter the ones flipping Republican.
Shit, Texas had more people in the recent primaries voting for (uncontested) Trump than the entire field of Democratic candidates.

>tfw I've watched myself go from being revolted by such concepts to actually longing for them in less than a decade
Modern """society""" is a hell of a thing. I've become very bitter through the 2010s. Crazy to think my viewpoint and opinions have flipped completely. Wouldn't even recognize myself.

They are trying to get to a "broader truth" AKA they are showing how they FEEL the world is really

It’s fine, used to go to Buzzard Beach often but there’s been a recent uptick in violence late in the night tho.

Fries with red eyes and white hair and their hyper sexual backstabby matriarchal society like in baldurs gate 2 where the men are treated as sexual slaves are fucking hot


Because the Christian world traditionally was made up of mostly white Europeans, and media producers seem to have a bottomless hatred of that group in particular

fuck me

We all have brother. These are the cycles of history. Godspeed.

Black skin, feminism, and bondage, all signify of evil, so it works.

One of my good friends is 2nd generation Mexican and he is the most die-hard Crowder-style "debate me!" Republican I have ever met. Partly because his dad is an accountant and his mom is a psychologist and he dislikes being associated with day laborers, and coming from a bit of money doesn't want it all getting taxed away

>The accused stand charged with gender treachery, in violation of Romans 1:26, by His word
>And do you swear by His name that the report you have submitted is the truth entirely
>Yes, I do so swear
>Then in the name of God and His servants here on Earth the accused are hereby found guilty
>*thump thump*

This show and the books are absolute kino. Just fucking love this court scene, where it's just some fucking white male state prosecutor and no defendants and the women have their mouths muzzled because a woman's word isn't admissible evidence.

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Books are better because nigs are shipped to barren bantustans to starve. Jews are repatriated to Israel, tho it's privatized so some of the ships hired for it just dump them in the ocean

No idea why Yas Forums hates these so much when it would be literally paradise for many here

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I would be so happy to live with only other white people. Nonwhites are such a drag, so tired of them.

Well, except Indians. They're alright. But it's the principle of the matter.

Whores BTFO

Imagine going 2 weeks without having an abortion

China is responsible for the virus.

>more single mothers
the kids and society btfo more like

I occasionally work in the entertainment industry and I always thought it crazy how much people obsess about celebrities.

Why is unlimited access to birth control a bad idea? The more condoms and pills available the less of a need there is for an abortion to begin with.

Expect to see more like your friend, in the upcoming years.

For the first time in many peoples' lives, they may need to adhere to the concept of celibacy/chastity.

Corona Boomers are going to be a thing. Everyone that's is locked in their houses with a viable hole will lead to the inevitable baby boom because there's nothing else to do but fuck.

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