Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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how could spenny not tell?
the fuck is going on here
beating both kenny and his meat clouded his vision
Kenny hired a transexual prostitute to suck off Spenny multiple times in a "who can get further with women contest". At the punishment stage, Kenny reveals this and Spenny just walks off dumbfounded and speechless.
Kenny wins because he kisses some girls and I think he fingers one.
>I knew it, i knew it!... i didnt know...
i'll never forget the first time I saw that episode. Spenny is a down syndrome pedophilic retard... but even I felt so bad for him on that one lol
Lucky guy
>dumbfounded and speechless
wtf is his problem
kenny still got it
My bro delivered and set up the hot tub in this episode. Also I bumped into Kenny last year at a Mexican place in Toronto.
Spenny's a bitch
was it staged?
for me, it's who can imitate the other guy better.
>I'm not the fucking elephant man!
>grandpa grandpa would sit on my face
>does anybody have, a breath mint?
>everyone look out, my big fucking cock is coming through
did it actually show her cock?
Not that I know of. Spenny is probably a legit normalish guy. I'm guessing everytime he reached "down there" she said no and pulled his hand away, and he complied.
The funny thing is if it was real it'd literally be rape
no it wouldnt
>The funny thing is if it was real it'd literally be fucking hot
But yes.
Most of it definitely was.
I stole one of his moves where he asks the girl to give him a kiss on the cheek and then asks her for one more and at the last second turns his head and gets a kiss on the lips. I've used it on so many strippers.
>kissing strippers
That's pathetic and disgusting
I'm always surprised by how skinny Kenny is, he just looks like a fat guy
yes, but it's still a good show
based but cringe.
If Spenny is a character he's been playing one for so many years after the show he's the greatest actor ever.
Like he even wrote a show and it was SO BAD they cancelled it and told him to never contact them again. If this is a character it's legendary commitment. In reality he's probably just a retard.
me? yeah i'd fuck a tranny. just to see.
This is a very old trick and literally youtube 'social experiment' tier gutter tactics. So therefore, very based user, keep it up.
the show was on showcase, which used to be canadian basic cable hbo, they did a show about sex workers with the same trap
>that time Kenny lost because he didn't show up and instead fucked Spenny's hot cousin
Absolute kino, real or fake
Spenny tours around Ontario doing shitty blues songs in shitty bars. The man is just as spergy when doing these shows as he is on the TV show.
I think they've both admitted they played everything up, as anyone in front of a camera does, but Spenny really is that person.
fucking gross looking people
it's not 100% real
he's sometimes playing a character very similar to himself
but they also method acted for 3 days when shooting
if you haven't watched their previous film pitch, you can the see the idea behind the show there
Yeah thats canada
Pitch shows they had the same dynamic even before KvS
>Spenny economically sabotages himself to play a character
Whats your favorite ep? For me, its who can drink more beer.
It's scripted
>sniffs finger
were they mad?
he's been fucked for a long time, search
>spencer nolan rice caselaw
spenny is fucked, kenny is rich, worst thing about kenny is that he has tried to get a production deal for a revival, when he could just fund it himself and go straight to public with it
Its "kind of" scripted.
Is that Spenny mom now? Because in the show she looked like a put together old rich white women
Not gonna lie I'd like to have sex with Kenny's mom.
who can stay blindfolded the longest
explains the show best, and also because it's season 1 when it was more of an after school show I've been able to show it to a lot of people
When can commit more crime was good
who can drink more beer or who can piss off the most people
I remember seeing his banner on the news
Kenny is Jewish that's unsurprising.
Who can handle more torture
The one where kenny fucked the beef and gave spenny cancer.
Blowing the BIGGEST FART. The mind games, the stairs fart, the ass pumping. It had it all.
would you believe me if I told you I actually fucked the girl in OP's picture.
She was an escort in Toronto, back when I was in university in the early 2000s there used to be this bar that would have trans girls stripping at night and I went one time because I was 19 and horny as fuck and spent the night talking to her and she took me to a back room and we sucked eachothers dicks and fucked.
was pretty epic
also fucked her before this episode aired as well
the gorilla suit one is the best
He fucked her. What you are referring to was Kenny fucking a celebrity lookalike.
are you old enough that you could have bought a house in toronto when it was still possible?