>elite spy from England
>wears a cheap Omega Seamaster
>elite spy from England
>wears a cheap Omega Seamaster
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You know I don't know what you're talking about. That's why you made this thread.
At least in the movies Sean Connery wore a Rolex Submariner, at least early on. I forget what the books say. It's just paid advertising, user.
Fun fact: Any watch other than Patek Philippe is not worth being discussed.
Omega may not be Patek or VC, but it's still a luxury brand
Should be a patek or an og flight watch from ww2
Elite VIP Swatch
You got a place or ressources to learn about watches ?
yeah, i fancy myself a bit of a watch fanatic, me and my boys get together and compare watches all the time, we call ourselves the watchdogs
Save yourself the trouble - if you're not inheriting one just leave it alone, It's expensive, and the community of watch enthusiasts is mostly blow-hards, try-hards and #menswear losers. Coles Notes: buy a timex field watch, or a seiko diver, or a Hamilton jazzmaster depending on your need. Unless you're a richfag, then doesn't matter go nuts.
Bond has always broken fashion norms. He doesn't wear full black tie when appropriate, buttons the bottom button, wears a diving watch with fancy dress...
check out bondsuits.com
t. not too retarded
The /g/ and /fa/ (I think) wikis have stuff for watch-enthusiasts, but you're probably better off looking for advice on less autistic websites.
dangerously based
Starting salaries for the three agencies - GCHQ, MI5 and MI6 - are in the region of £25,000 to £35,000, plus benefits. There are opportunities to progress to higher grades, with salaries reaching around £40,000 after five to ten years' service.
He's an elite agent, his salary is obviously much higher than the peons at the middle and bottom of MI6
what is there to learn? its a hollow business entirely focussed around prestige. if you had money to spend on these watches you would not ask retardedly like that on Yas Forums so why bother.
cringe. so what if its made of 1000 different parts and rose gold? its still not worth a quarter of a mil
Yeah I do got a place, it's called THE FUCKING INTERNET
>orders a martini with Gordons
That's Casino Royale so he's pretty much a noob over there. Director-general of SIS was receiving around £169,999 on 2010 (5 years after CR). I'd make an educated guess that a high level field agent probably won around 40-50k before taxes.
>but you're probably better off looking for advice on less autistic websites
checked. this is good advice in general.
Holy fuck. Was gonna post this. Based
You are both retarded
Okay poorfag wagecucks, you guys are BASED AF!
For me, it's Richard Mille
>not the far superior speedmaster
unbased and poop-pilled
why do luxury watches tend to be so horrendously ugly?
Great tech, but soulless , for me? It's a Jaeger.
>pic related
If you're a secret agent you would pretty much need to wear a dive watch, and you're constantly under threat of danger, so anything more expensive than a rolex probably doesn't make sense. Maybe an AP Offshore.
he was trying to look like a sucker. to catch the bad guy off guard.
ITT: poorfags debating things they cant afford (and never will be able to)
The only based guy ITT.
Omega sponsors James Bond.
>elite spy from England
>somehow outplays a guy that specifically sharks people in poker
Exactly. My grail watch is in the $5,000 range, and I won't buy it until I have a much better job. Most expensive watch I own now is $500, and I'm done for now.
Who the fuck wears a watch except faggots who want to preen like women about "oh how expensive my utterly impractical purchase" is and the rare job where it actually is more useful.
niggas don't know about my casio calculator watch
it's almost like the watches they wear are a metaphore for their performance.
connery, lezenby and brosnan are top tier like rolex they wear
moore is weird with that retro digital
dalton is shit like his tag heuer
craig is beyond shit, like his chink made pseudo swiss watch
t.knows shit about watches and just sprouts the most famous brand other than Rolex to seem intelligent
Remake casino royale except instead of texas hold'em they play yugioh
Does that apply to Bond girls as well? Seems liek it
where my casiochads at
most wagies and neets on tv can't afford it anyway, so what's your point?
Omega Sneedmaster.
You didn't complain when PB Bond used Ericsson
For me it's vincero watches
What would happen if he showed up with this on his wrist?
In the current year of our Lord, watches serve no practical purpose besides peacocking. This thread is gay, but nowhere near as gay as all of you.
Watch autists are the worst.
No. You're overpriced wrist junk is not a magical talisman that imbues you with the personality of an astronaut or a deep sea diver or a fictional spy. You are a delusional cunt who got scammed by a swiss shill marketer into thinking their outdated tech will complete your persona or some bullshit.
They'd ask him why he wasn't wearing this.
none of them are laughing though, just grinning and doing dumb poses
Christ that's fat
You are utterly deluded, or a NEET. Knowing the time (accurately) is more valuable than knowing much other.
Casio G-Shock myself.
am I retarded for wanting a vostok k-35?
Guarantee one of the perks of being in Bond's position is getting whatever you want. I assume it's one of those jobs where take home pay is essentially irrelevant, like being president of a major country without the fame.
breitling is underrated.
I bought a Garmin Epix because I wanted a pipboy.
what's wrong with autos
are you alright user
I do have a crippled knee. But with the healthboy watchface it uses fallout's "crippled" system to track your steps. Legs are your "move meter", you have to walk to fill in your move meter to uncripple your legs. Your arms and head are your step goal. To uncripple those you have to reach your step goal. Plus being able to open up the gps and set waypoints to follow while hiking is in my opinion a damn cool feature.
What's the point of expensive watches
Ethan Hunt wears a G-Shock