Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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The nigger.

Eddy was alright for a nigger, tbqh.

Imagine being in China and wanting to measure your dick.


imagine being a chinese guy sent by the hive to outer africa and then making fun of the people there as if you're better

eddy was right, 50 years wasnt enough time. At the same time, his government seems to be incompent.

China man for being a work drone
Nigger for being lazy

Only Jews are intelligent and creative enough to rule the world.

eddie wasn't wrong, he was just one of the few smart ones that couldn't change anything

Neither of them. Lao Yang was right that the Africans were lazy and stupid and completely squandered the technology that was left to them by the colonials, and Eddy isn't responsible for Africa being full of lazy dumb workers. What can he seriously do? He did his job and didn't seem to slack off, but nobody was listening or cooperating or getting anything done.

>50 years wasnt enough time
Funny how that's plenty time for White and Yellow people.

I saw an interesting comment once that stated if Eddy went to the United States he would have top companies offering him positions. He speaks fluent mandarin and African languages as well. Even if it took him a few years to learn English they could put him on a team with someone else to communicate with the company. Life is about perspective.

The chink for being a disingenuous little termite imperialist, the n word here should have curb stomped him.

Eddy was totally right in saying that the Africans weren't prepared for the responsibility of governance, but both Yang and Eddie agreed that the Africans did fuck up by not maintaining their infrastructure.
this too. He's a trilingual. French, English, Chinese. The director is trying to show you that juxtaposition of yang rightfully shitting on blacks, but also that they aren't hopeless: Yang needs eddie to do his job at all.

the least intellectual take. actually reduced my IQ from reading this opinion.

The chink for being a chink, and the nigger for being a nig. That is objectively the right answer.

Who was in the wrong here?

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I should also note that there's an interesting aside from Eddie to yang about how the people doing business funny here and it isn't like back home. It's not clear if Eddie thinks of Beijing or whatever as his home, or if he's saying that people in DRoC are more "civilized" than other parts of africa without that belgian heritage.

Except it's true. In 50 years, whites and yellows turned backwater fishing villages into high-tech metropolises.

I think it went something like africans perfer to work longer hours with loads of breaks

What asian villages and which yellows are you talking about?

the boomers as always

cast them




Taiwan? Because China is officially the People's Republic of China and their leader Xi is ruler for the rest of his life. What democracy? The unicameral fascist oligarchs in the party making group decisions?

jackie chan and chris tucker

They weren't wrong.

The Asian was explaning his frustration with the culture, Eddy understood it, but he was in little position to change anything, or the power to be responsible for what happened in the past.

He didnt' want to hear it from a foreigner because you can repute it. Watching your people act like idiots and not being able to have the power to change that is the roughest shit to go through.

>by not maintaining their infrastructure.
maintaining colonial infrastructure would be like maintaining an internal combustion engine without access to gasoline. the only reason it was built was to ship free materials out of africa. No one had any interest in trading with the africans for what they used to get free.

It's all about iq, you brainlet. That's why africa will always be a shithole, no matter how long time passes. The continent will never be able to handle organized farming, even. Without help, they'd starve.

America is always right so by default anyone who thinks America is dumb or makes fun of Americans or opposes America is wrong.


democratic republic of the congo, one of the two primary settings of the documentary.

Well, one great example is Seoul, SK, but most of SK in addition to large areas of Japan.

Also It’s because we are the best country in the history of earth

Look at the history of much of japan, china, south korea. Hell, pretty much the whole east asia. You're clueless.

You laugh like this isn't an objective fact. Even the Arabs and Farsi have done it.

Okay, my mistake. Yeah, formerly known as Zaire.

>based Jackie Chan

Are you from leftypol or reddit? How else do you get this deluded? You're smug too.

You mean only Japan, definitely not China

>chinaman complaining about foreign infrastructure

In the last decade, they're modernized at an incredible rate. China may be the best example. Of course, they all have high iq populations in common. Leftists are quick to bark nonsense about 50 years not being enough, but that's just asinine. 50 years is an enormous stretch of time if you have real brains in your population.

>In the last decade, they're
decades* and they've*

that's a totally fair opinion. the congo is basically landlocked, and a landlocked country is useless to foreign powers as far as trade goes.
if you can't understand why being landlocked would fuck your country then you are lost. You wouldn't say Tunisia or South Africa are hopeless on the global scale today and unironically have burgeoning tech/industrial or just trade or service sectors.

Hey that's the dad from Parasite!

Other countries will despute this but their unamerican foreigners so thier thoughts mean nothing.

So many arguments over if 50 years is enough time yet no comments about the smartest ethnic group in the world, Jewish people, whom are consistently being genocided or forced to exile nations by oppressive governments, yet become very wealthy and productive contributors to society in far less time.

>You wouldn't say Tunisia or South Africa are hopeless on the global scale today and unironically have burgeoning tech/industrial or just trade or service sectors.
Are you retarded? lol South africa can hardly provide power for its cities nowadays. The country is wholly reliant on its dwindling white citizenry to produce stuff, but they can't manage to stop killing them and stealing what they produce. The country is dying.

Yes and thank you for being a fellow American

occams razor: smart Jews fled europe to the americas and avoided extermination. They have a a very insular society and generally procreate with themselves, creating more smart jews. they're also prone to nepotism and we get a disproportionate amount of jews in positions of authority.

>if you can't understand why being landlocked would fuck your country
Tell that to switzerland

theyre still white skinned

Have Jews ever actually built anything? They just move in and scam their way to power.

What planet are you on? Out of 195 countries in the world, south africa has the 32nd largest nominal GDP. Don't worry too much about that middling GDP per capita, the great equilibration is happening as the developing world catches us.

>speaking 3 languages gets you a 6 figure job
>the truth is a low IQ take
libtards are annoying

So Switzerland, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Hungary are poor because they're landlocked? Tunisia is poor as fuck in comparison and South Africa is going down the shitter.

I seem to recall 2 japanese cities getting leveled in a morning and them already being rebuilt and "futuristic" within 60 years

that's fair, it's clearly a multivariate equation. But I would hardly compare the swiss, whose last major conflict was what?, a civil war 270 years ago? 300 years of unbridled engineering would do wonders to any nation.

If that's true, it's due to the whites there. The rest of the population have iq's in the 70-80 range. They'll never be able to handle modern life.
>catches us
lol again, are you retarded?

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>nuance is annoying
fair point.

You do realize that the points you are disregarding are in fact nuance? Just not nuance you like to admit exists. I repeat "libtards are annoying"

based fpbp


>ignores how WW2 affected the Austrians, Czechs, and Hungarians

I feel empathy for Eddy watching this. He's smart enough to realize how fucked things really are but not smart to make any real impact on things.

Whether a country experienced war hundreds of years ago is literally irrelevant.

DMX and Jet Li

Noone denies the influence of whites and asians on the course of african development though. Just as noone would deny the influence of the Brits on India during the British Raj or their efforts in Chinese colonialism. Interestingly those rail systems the British implemented during the British Raj are largely still in use to this day. Some might say "in spite", but I would say that the British Raj was a boon for fostering indian intellectualism. They're a spacefaring nuclear society now. They just need something like china's one child policy and some education on street shitting. I am very confident the same will happen to Africa. It's a wild west user, if you aren't even considering some kind of investment over there in the developing world, you're just throwing your money away.

Israel has a surprisingly low average IQ

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The >muh colonialism
argument has been beat to death and just doesn’t hold-up. People ignore Central/Eastern European countries that were essentially treated as colonial provinces by the Germans, Russians, and Ottomans up through the 20th-century. While these countries are poor by western standards, even your most bleeding-heart shitlib would rather live in Bulgaria than fucking Kenya if they had they ability to be honest with themselves at all. Despite being trampled on by foreign powers for centuries, Central/Eastern European countries are capable of producing functional societies.
Hell, Galicia in the Austro-Hungarian empire was one of the poorest areas in world for a period, with infrastructure that was even behind some colonial provinces in Africa. Yet still, despite these historical hardships, the descendants of those who inhabited that region during this period aren’t dribbling 65-IQ retards like most niggers.

Until there's substantial, very advanced genetic engineering or the equivalent of ghost in the shell's cyberbrains, blacks will never be able handle organized, large scale farming. They simply weren't evolved for it.

>some kind of investment over there in the developing world
If you're betting on africa, you don't know what you're doing. East asia's gonna take over. t. dude who has 5k in a mutual fund that invests in major chinese companies