The dog barks at midnight
The dog barks at midnight
Iron and Copper
There’s a turd in the punch bowl
We are washing the dog
the red fox trots quietly at midnight
birds have no need for keys, they open lox with their song
the code is abloobloo
Red Fox to Bluebird
Red Fox to Bluebird
The egg is boiling
the roast is toast i repeat the roast is toast
>This is tranquility base, the eagle has landed
Who writes this shit?
cute apu
The Chuck feeds the sneed at seednight
Seems pretty based. Ditch the glasses for contacts immediately, no one's Gon a take you seriously with those black plastic specs.
The rain in Spain is like spiders in the brain.
Thank you, I usually wear contacts if I go outside but I haven’t left the house since I went to Mexico last January
shut up homeland security you cannot reveal that chris pratt fucked children yet
Stop spamming this shit everywhere, you fat disgusting sack of shit. Kill yourself. Fucking retard incel.
Meant to attach an apu
My hair basically looks like that from the top. How old are you?
> Stop spamming this shit everywhere, you fat disgusting sack of shit. Kill yourself. Fucking retard incel.
i dont get it, what are these posts code for?
Boo hoo you're balding and now you fish for compliments and coddling on Yas Forums's Yas Forums board.
I don’t care about compliments I just want feedback because I don’t have any friends to tell me whether it looks bad or not
If all the animals along the equator were capable of flattery then thanksgiving and Halloween would fall on the same day
Pathetic fucking whelp
I get it chad. You have so many friends and fuck at least 2 girls/day and that’s why you’re spending your time on 4channel
The only problem is that your parents don’t love you, they want you to jump out of an airplane with no parachute, your mom is a whore and you’re a rape baby
I have what you require
you've already admitted you have zero friends and you post the same retarded off-topic shit dozens of times a day, you have nothing to say that will insult anyone
the narwal bacons at midnight
The moon is a mysterious mistress
i cum in your wife
I have been activated
When does the walruse ruse cruise? MEMENIGHT
>projection: the post
I'm balding too, but goddamn man, get it checked out already and save your hair while you still can. Posting it in every thread isn't helping you at all, and will make you feel even worse with it constantly on your mind.
Thanks for the advice bro. I’m already on finasteride
The jelly has left the donut.
ClarnBarn to snargfest
We have toulage, the fronds spark in May
>The Mart has been sharted
I have a better hairline, friends, and no mental illness. I’d kill myself if I were 1/4 as pathetic as you
bring a friendless KHV spammer hits home for you, huh
>The slave sucks down Nicotine at Dawn
None of that is true or you wouldn’t be whining like a little bitch still
the icecube has melted
repeat the icecube has melted
The chinese cause a global pandemic
The field mouse is fast, but the owl sees in the dark.
big peepee to small peepee, the poopoo is in the hands
>the bug has been dunked! i repeat! the lunch has been munched!
Hey man open up its dave, i got the stuff
The indians have left the canoe
cry more about being bald and having zero friends
Golf rumors.
The dogs bark, and the caravan moves on.
>Sneed just chucked off, I repeat Sneed just chucked off
Dave’s not here man