Any good right-wing/libertarian/conservative movies or filmmakers?

Any good right-wing/libertarian/conservative movies or filmmakers?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>most filmmakers who aren't conservative are raging leftist sjws and their content sucks
>most filmmakers who are conservative are raging murica fuk yea fags and their content sucks
It truly does suck to not be able to find someone who isn't right-wing and also doesn't fetishize America. And I'm a fucking American.

John Milus is the only one of any worth


Unironially yes. Also, based Clint Eastwood and James Woods.

Passion Of The Christ is incredible.

John Ford's The Man who shot Liberty Valance

The Standoff at Sparrow Creek

Incredibly hot

Right wing people are incapable of producing art. Seethe and cope

Libshit projection.
Right-wingers create art; leftists destroy it like the cancer they are.

clint eastwood is alright

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Imagine doing the mental gymnastics required to believe this.

>the Bible exists
Trannys BTFO forever with this gay argument

Milius got a pass for being a jew.


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The irony is Jesus would be a modern day liberal hippy, but then again most religious righties aren't very good christcucks anyways.

>The irony is Jesus would be a modern day liberal hippy

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>Right wing people are incapable of producing art. Seethe and cope

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Mel Gibson, Clint Eastwood, S. Craig Zahler, Vince The Prince, those are the only ones I can think of who aren't absolutely pozzed


Who are some filmmakers who used to be viewed as lefties until the whole spectrum shifted left? Like Roseanne was for television.


>The irony is Jesus would be a modern day liberal hippy

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What are some BAD right wing filmmakers?

basically the entire christian film industry
getting dabbed on by scorsese with silence apparently was a major demoralizing event, a lot of the younger generation of the industry finally realized they were just filming sermons while the same dude who showed margot robbie's tits to the world did their own gig better than them

with some exceptions i am not a fan of peter berg

He's right. Right-wingers don't understand the teachings. They think they are morally better by just going to church. But morality literally comes how you treat other people. Which is Jesus' and christianity's main point. To treat people well. Just like hippies. Make love not war.

lol no

>liberal hippy
"Open borders man!"

>For he said to Judah, "Let us build these cities and surround them with walls and towers, gates and bars. The land is still ours because we have sought the LORD our God; we have sought Him, and He has given us rest on every side." So they built and prospered.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

These threads are always terrible because it's just a bunch of retards speculating on directors politics. Theres not a single contemporary outspoken conservative director worth a shit. The last great one was Sam Peckinpah who would be revolted by modern day conservatives

>Why yes, I discuss politics on Yas Forums. How can you tell?

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neocon fundies are scum, but christ very specifically said he would separate his lambs from the goats. you're not supposed to treat literally everyone nicely. christ himself said not everyone who claims to be a christian will get to heaven, and imperfect christians are more disgusting to him than nonbelievers.

Dragged Across Concrete was fucking good and extremely right-woke

How would mentally retarded people make good movies?

Good example. Been a while since I thought of them as filmmakers, but they have made films.

What besides George W. Bush's paintings, The Legend of Korra, and that Toby Keith song about Jarhead is even considered Conservative art without it being outright propaganda?

I think Good Will Hunting was a pretty good movie and it was written by TWO retards. Is that the trick, you need to team the tards up?

Black Panther shows how two very similar men, one who grows up without a father and one who grows up with a father become the villain and the hero, respectively. That's right woke AF

I consider nature to be right wing art. If left to its own devices with no interference, it is beautiful, wild and free.

Again, more projection. It's ALWAYS liberal art that is based on propaganda, and every time a franchise and/or its fanbase becomes toxic. it's because it's become infected from within by cancerous leftist SJWs.

It's the same with online communities. If left to their own devices, the community itself will lean right. Leftist ideologies can only be maintained through excessive moderation and punishment.

Very true. It's tolerance forced at virtual gunpoint

Me Gibson made 2 of the best films of the century though

the ending sucked. brawl in cell block 99 was much better.

Rewatched Apacolypto the other day, still kino

I don't know if george p cosmatos is right-wing but rambo 2 is pretty damn anti-commie

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They're not good but Iron Man and Black Panther are right wing films.

the bible isn't "right wing"
yeah modern hippies are definitely against lust and for self-denial, sure

Godfather is incredibly conservative.

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>Eric Rohmer
>Mel Gibson
>Jean Cocteau
>John Ford
>Sam Peckpinah
>Frank Capra
>Vincent Gallo
>Cecil B. DeMille
>Clint Eastwood
>S. Craig Zahler
>Dennis Hopper

No. It’s just that WWII effectively drowned them out on the intellectual scene. While leftists/liberals were indeed more common, they did not hold a monopoly on the arts.

As stated by another poster, the Christian film industry and those associated with it. There is enough money and demand to sustain it, but the talent isn’t there. Save the devout and washed up.

Have you ever read Eliot? Again, go back to the interwar era and before, and you’ll find plenty of good right-wing artists, writers, and musicians.

Why is Christianity considered right wing, when so many left wing people are Jewish?

Christianity is considered right wing because its based on century old scripts i.e its conservative thought. Same goes for Judaism and Islam, the adherents to the faith are the ones who tend to hold different political views, see crazy catholic boomers or left wing kikes

Iron Man ends with him realizing the military industrial complex and weapons deals are bad, and Black Panther ends with him opening up Wakanda to the world

>Iron Man ends with him realizing the military industrial complex and weapons deals are bad

>Iron Man ends with him realizing the military industrial complex and weapons deals are bad,
Pretty redpilled ngl

Incorrect, it ends with him privately owning his own source of weaponry that the government can't match, and this is a major part of the sequel.

Very pro second amendment.

>weapons are bad
>creates his own weapons that put the military-industrial complex to shame

Tony was correct in believing peace meant having a bigger stick than the other guy.

Even goes out of its way to be anti-drugs, or at least anti-drugs in THEIR neighborhood. Selling to others is fine.

But the themes of traditional family roles, fiscal conservatism and using brute force to get what you want can't be denied

>Even goes out of its way to be anti-drugs
Being anti-drugs is something everyone even left wingers are, the only exception is Marijuana, noone wants to legalize crack, meth or heroin