Pitch me a good Predator plot.
Pitch me a good Predator plot
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A squad of Soviet Spetsnaz in the mountains during the Afghan War pursuing CIA agents in the mountains get cut off and then get hunted when they detonate a Mujahideen weapons cache and disturb a Predator waiting in his ship underneath it.
Don't really see the point since the first movie is so perfect. I would like to see more of the Predator homeworld though, so maybe a film based around lore and history.
I would make a whole bunch of predator vs. movies. I would make a predator vs. cinematic universe. I would make Predator vs. Terminator, Predator vs Spiderman, Predator vs. Jason. I would make it all.
Hollywood hire this man!
Predator tv show pls
Why would you make a bunch of VS movies where the Predator always loses in the end?
a predator shows up during a riot in a hard-ass mexican prison. you can have colorful macho characters that the predator has to hunt. get Rodriguez or someone like that to direct it
Predator 3
Predator hunts during [insert war] and the waring sides have to team up to kill him. Yugoslav war would be kino, Irish Troubles too.
Predator versus ... hmmm ... Ghost Mutt
Predator hunting a group of Knights in the desert during the crusades.
Wasnt that a fan film? Predator Dark Crusade, or something?
>predator shows up during ww2 and helps the allies hunt Nazis that would be so epic and badass xD #bashthefash
sounds like a one-trick pony
>score goes ta-da-da-de-da-da... ta-da-da-de-da-da, tee-tee-tee-too-too-too-kah-kah-kah
>pred goes jellyfish
>protags get triggered
read nigger, nazis and soviets would unite and kill the alien
A Predator movie where the Pred doesn't have access to any long range tech, only his spear, wrist blades, and it also stars the dudes from The Raid franchise so at some point there's a 5 minute long close combat fight between them and the Pred.
An actual unpozzed idea: an Allied squad and Axis squad in combat in a rural area have to team up when they become hunted by a Predator.
Comfy predator flying around space and hunting beasts
Kind of like mandalorian but cool
Love to see a predator film based on their hunts. Following a young predator on their first hunt on a planet filled with dangerous creatures and a hostile environment. It would never be greenlit but I can dream
>origin the pirate pistol
predator vs pirates
Iraq/Iran...Just any Sandniggerstan war, maybe set in near future, so the soldiers have technology somewhat close to Predator's (different visions-heat). It would be pretty much Three Kings rip-off, except Predator(s) intervine.
Predator becomes an accountant at a marketing firm. Directed by Paul Feig, with Tessa Thompson as his love interest
you know Hollywood wouldn't do that. this is something that is likely to happen
Predator in ancient Egypt
What about base it off the 411 Missing people records. Group of hikers walk past an invisible barrier and end up in the middle of a Predator hunting camp. Humans are abducted and the ones unfit for hunting are experimented on.
Predator vs ISIS
>A squad of mercs taking out an opposing drug force in mexico holds up in a small town
>the two forces are facing off, little do they know a 3rd faction is in play
Predator gets the Democratic nomination to run against Trump, promising that if he wins, eh will hunt Trump like an animal. Our heroes have to dig up the dirt on the Predator's previous dodgy dealings in order to scupper his campaign and save Trump.
The film opens with a montage of images of Manhattan and other parts of New York City accompanied by George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, with Predator (Woody Allen) narrating drafts of an introduction to a book about an alien who loves hunting in the city.
Predator is a twice-divorced, 42-year-old sport hunter who quits his unfulfilling job. He is dating Tracy (Mariel Hemingway), a 17-year-old girl attending the Dalton School.
His best friend, college professor Yale Pollack (Michael Murphy), married to Emily (Anne Byrne), is having an affair with Mary Wilkie (Diane Keaton). Mary's ex-husband and former teacher, Jeremiah (Wallace Shawn), also appears, and Predator's ex-wife Jill Davis (Meryl Streep) is writing a confessional book about their marriage. Jill has also since come out as a lesbian and lives with her partner, Connie (Karen Ludwig).
Predator vs alien
Predator vs terminator
Predator vs transformers
1947- The Roswell New Mexico crash was indeed alien, and they look like the greys. They crashed on Earth because they themselves were being hunted by a Predator. The Greys are actually an endangered species in the cosmos, and Predators actually stole most of their tech. The film focuses on the the Area 51 base vs a Predator seeking its prize and to erase evidence of its existence
A military plane mysteriously loses an engine and goes down in a rain jungle. The survivors gather their resources and try to make it to their objective, but run into a predator on the way.
Basically remake Predator 1 over and over again with a slightly more modern plot.
No, because we've had too many as is. One was perfect and two was just fine.
It's early in the evening on a Friday night and the Predator hasn't been laid in 2-weeks. Ben Affleck plays the role of the Predator's college roommate and they set out on a night of adventure to get the Predator laid. It's like dude where's my car meets the notebook.
Ryan Gosling plays an escapee from a Nazi prison. The Predator watches as he makes good his escape, toying with him by removing some obstacles from his path and placing others. By the end, Gosling understands something else is in the compound with him and the two confront each other in a final showdown.
the movie with the Civil war (?) guy who te Predator took his pistol, yeah!
concentration predator sounds like kino, but people would fucking hate sci-fi Auschwitz
>hello, kino department? I have a new submission.
Apocalypto vs Predator
Predator in the Brazilian favelas... only he's the prey
A predator falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess in human tongue, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately clicks to her, and is overjoyed to find out that she can click back to him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a horrified expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this AvP universe at all. She is the girl's Preadtor II universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with Danny Glover, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the Predator (??) weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two hunt their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of PREDATION.
>A predator falls in love with a girl.
Dropped. Should swap the genders.
Predator in the UK but he goes around doing nonce sting facebook videos
predator becomes a child predator
Predator is injured during hunt. Asshole govt guy wants to catch him, hires shit load of mercs to pursue. Film is from preds perspective, as he tries evade hunters and get back to his ship. Predator actually wins for once at the end
They already cited the Aztec in the lore, why not go back to that?
Like, maybe Cortes arrives at Tenochtitlan and discovers that the aztecs worship to some weird technology, so they try to steal it but instead opens a vault full of xenomorphs eggs.
The predators then arrive to try and fix this shit. Aztecs had a deal with predators to offer their own in hunting sacrifices in return for peace with predators.
Instead of helping, Cortes and few of his army manages to escape with few treasuries, so they lie that they destroyed the city in fear of having to come back there to pillage it.
In the end, predators sacrifice themselves control the infection.
>a predator shows up during a riot in a hard-ass mexican prison.
This is pretty much the plot to Predator: Race War.
A man gets kidnapped by predators and brought to their planet.
He gets put in a zoo with several human females as sexual partners. All the visitors and researchers are impressed by his lovemaking abilities. At one point a female predator, some kind of vet, decides to experiment with the human too.
But it's mostly human on human action, full penetration.
Action only at the end when the human escapes with his female mates.
No Predator plot will ever top Concrete Jungle. Just make that into a series.
>Race War
oh oh...
Predator loves to kick Warwick Davis in the head. Just takes a few steps run up then catch him with the full force of his steel capped toe under his chin, send that little faggot flying through the air.
As he lies on the floor, coughing and wheezing and chocking on his own blood, his jaw a mangled mess of bones detached from the rest of his skull, Predator stands over him and laughs wickedly. He looks up at Predator in fear and pain, his eyes searching, begging him for mercy. He finds none. Predator raises his boot then stomps down, splitting his skull like a melon and finally ending his pathetic life.
End Credits.
>Predator goes to X time frame and clashes with the best warriors of that age.
A group of space marines need to protect a bunch of useless colonists as they discover the planet they tried to colonize was already populated...
Two recently blooded Predators discover they're hunting the same group of humans and it becomes a pissing match about who can get the more and more impressive trophies.
Predator ambushes and takes out most of a Navy SpecOps team, is about to start skinning them when the sergeant, Steven Seagal, returns.
Big Steve beats the shit out of the Predator, predator, cannot even land a blow (as per most seagal movies) so starts to run, and thus begins the pursuit movie, with shades of Tommy Lee Jones chasing down Harrison Ford.
Constant series of near misses as Predator makes its way to rescue pick up ship location, just about to be rescued, audience thinks it is all over, when spaceship gets blown up. Director really gets the terror and fear across to the audience, the feeling of hopelessness the Predator feels. It has to use ALL its cunning and tricks to finally escape, in some UFO in Area 43 the US govt stole from the ayyys, leaving Big Steve holding its helmet and watching him fly away....but leaving the door open to a sequel where Big Steve gets a spaceship and shows up on the Predator planet to begin the pursuit again
>Predator pod slams into a space marine ship.
>Takes out the majority of the ship crew.
>We find out at the end of the movie that it was on it's way to an infested colony.
>shitniks getting btfo by CIA chads and a predator
based stomp-warwick poster
Predator vs Kevin from home alone.
This needs to be done. Its been mentioned many times in "Predator vs" threads, and is an awesome idea. With all the govt gibs being thrown about, surely the govt could fund it.
Picture this. It's like Uber, but with Predators.
Does Lexus make a convertible?