I grew up without cable and missed out on them, and sort of bought the party line that they were great. Recently I grabbed a huge set of almost all the 90s Nickelodeon and Cartoon Network shows off usenet, and sat down to try em out. They're all disgusting, shit, or just boring. I wasn't expecting too much, but these aren't any better than modern CalArts trash, and are often worse.
The art style is an abomination in most of them (looking at you Klasky Csupo shit), the voice acting is godawful, the same 5 voices appear in every fucking show, and the episodes are so fucking formulaic they could be bottled and sold as energy drinks.
Yeah I hated this art style. Why did all the characters always have fucked up nigger lips
Nathan Young
not just the nigger lips, they were all fucking jewish like rugrats, its like a fucking mitzvah tank on national TV
Grayson Perry
I always hated that Klasky Csupo cartoons. Looked like something for soviet bloc shithole country. Only AARGH Real Monsters was fine because they were suppose to be disgusting
Sebastian Robinson
They were by far the worst offender. But Cartoon Network shows were an abomination too. See pic related
they were pretty gross but I prefered the Ren n Stimpy rip off stuff over the Klasky Csupo stuff.
Evan Jackson
I remember 3 south and some weird ass cartoon about kids with really huge heads that rode skateboards or something, what was that?
Michael Lewis
Are you fucking retarded? Doug, Rugrats, Ren and Stimpy, Duckman, Rocco's Modern Life, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, Tiny Toons, Batman the Animated Series, Hey Arnold, Darkwing Duck, Daria and Beavis and Butthead are better than any 21st century cartoon. Faggot.
Angel Peterson
You can see why SpongeBob was such a breath of fresh air.
Liam Jones
Rocket power. It was ghastly
Brandon Wilson
the weekenders?
Aiden Ross
Yeah rocket power was shit but it wasnt that. It was on CW / WB or maybe the family channel
Leo Phillips
I never mentioned half of those. Seems Disney at least made decent shit in the 90s
Brandon Gomez
Badly drawn? Most of them look fine. Why does Tiny Toons look bad? 90s animation is 50,000x better than modern animation (see Simpsons as a comparison) Badly voiced? You're saying Beavis and Butthead were bad voices? Or Pinky and the Brain? Or Doug (done by legend Billy West)? You literally give zero examples other than meme pics and statements.
Carson Hill
>I never mentioned half of those. Did you mention even 1? >Seems Disney at least made decent shit in the 90s So did Nickelodeon. So did MTV. So did Warner Bros.
Wyatt Rivera
simple answer: they're made for kids and you're not a kid. watch some of the more adult fare from the 90s like aeon flux and downtown and the maxx and you'll probably enjoy it more.
You give examples of a few good ones, and cast off the majority of the bad ones. Spielberg cartoons were good. Most Disney cartoons were ok.
The rest? Not so much Rugrats Rocket Power The weekenders As told by ginger cow and chicken catdog duckman aah real monsters i am weasel teachers pet and tons more
Brandon Cox
Simpsons were Klasky Csupo
Asher Ward
There were so many shitty cartoons back then because the canadian government would give anybody money just to make garbage cartoons. Not saying they were all Canadian but just look up megababies. It's everything people in this thread complain about times a hundred. Pretty sure it's just executives who thought kids must like farts and boogers who are responsiblefor all those garbage 90s cartoons that ape ren and stimpy with none of the charm.
Colton Morales
>Rugrats Great kids show. What was the problem with it? The animation was fine and the voices were too. >Rocket Power >The weekenders >As told by ginger >cow and chicken >catdog >aah real monsters >i am weasel >teachers pet Never watched these, so can't comment. >duckman You're saying Jason Alexander is a bad actor? And the animation was perfect. Kinda rough looking, dark. What the fuck are you even talking about. You again can't give one specific example as to what is wrong with them.
Julian Nelson
I think of those I only really liked Ren and Stimpy, Duckman, Hey Arnold and Beavis and Butthead. The rest were shit or highly overrated like Batman TAS.
Connor Bennett
>highly overrated like Batman TAS. kys retard.
Parker Sanders
>gives large opening post full of examples of how they are shit >tv retard contrarians just argue with you anyway never change
Oliver Gonzalez
And now that's grown stale and repetitive.
Colton Morgan
>>gives large opening post full of examples of how they are shit OP gave a very broad statement about "cartoons". I'm asking for 1 specific example about 1 specific show. If he can't do that, he has no argument. That's like me saying "scifi movies bad".
Daniel Myers
dilate fag
Joseph Allen
well, post movie the creator left and the execs at nick put sycophants in charge that pumped it full of disgusting shit
Anthony Edwards
You're the zoomer tranny, not me.
Brandon Nelson
Fuck you. Those Ronald McDonald tapes were based.
Brandon Morgan
not op but here you go rugrats art style is repellent and bad, and this is made worse by the fact that practically every other klasky csupo product shares its style
Joshua Hill
>Are you fucking retarded? >Doug, Rugrats, Ren and Stimpy, Duckman, Rocco's Modern Life, Animaniacs, Pinky and the Brain, Tiny Toons, Batman the Animated Series, Hey Arnold, Darkwing Duck, Daria and Beavis and Butthead are better than any 21st century cartoon. >Faggot.
>rugrats art style is repellent and bad Why? Give examples. Do you not the colors? The character designs? How they move on film? I would take it over any CalArts shit.
Noah Jackson
People will worship pretty much anything from their childhood because it reminds them of simpler times.
Adam Gonzalez
I'd rather be a zoomer than some millennial loser masturbating over his old capeshit cartoons. TAS was garbage like everything else related to superheroes. It's for kids.
Jordan Murphy
I would prefer neither, instead going for the KidsWB shit. Freakazoid was way better drawn.
Hunter Sanchez
Guess again retard. I'm probably older than you are and am absolutely more heterosexual.
Leo Watson
>I would prefer neither, You still can't give an example though. When it comes to CalArts I hate how the big eyes and bean shape mouths are the same but on different heads. You still can't give one example.
Dylan Perez
The studios were owned by joows so the writers based the characters around something they'd like for good boy points.
David Smith
>Guess again retard. I'm probably older than you are and am absolutely more heterosexual. Sure faggot. Then why are you telling someone who clearly likes 90s cartoons to "dilate"? And no one in their 30s would think Batman TAS was overrated. That's zoomer logic.
Jack Garcia
klasky csupo cartoons look like they were left in the bath too long. everything is sort of wrinkly and ugly, with weird proportions for the features. also a facsimile of this thing appeared in basically every cartoon that bore their label, and it was always voiced by Cree Summer
Finally a fucking answer. You zoomers are so used to meme pics and meme words that actual discussion is next to fucking impossible.
Dominic Richardson
there is no good decade for animation >90s: ugly klasky csupo shit >00s: cringey invader zim or faggot spongebob shit >10s: cal arts
Ethan Diaz
99-04 at least had SOME decent shit. Grim adventures, ed edd n eddy, some spongebob, early fairly odd parents cartoon network went to shit when they created fosters home for faggot transvestites or whatever it was called, and nickelodeon decided they wanted to compete with disney channel for the live-action shitcom market
Hudson Butler
Better than 80s cartoons and MUCH better than 70s cartoons
Mason Bell
>I'd rather be a zoomer than some millennial loser masturbating over his old capeshit cartoons. I'd rather masturbate over old capeshit cartoons that give money to some faggot fortnite streamer. >TAS was garbage Go watch some minecraft vids, jr.
Jace Adams
I will give you this 40s cartoons were based though
>Better than 80s cartoons What? Transformers, TMNT, Thundercats, Ducktales, Robotech/Macross, He-Man, Inspector Gadget. Yas Forums is really fucking retarded nowadays.
Levi Jenkins
All meant to sell shitty toys
Lincoln Reed
Doesn't mean they weren't good shows. Most of them are still alive today being rebooted constantly. And Ducktales wasn't meant to sell toys, it was based on an old comic book.
Samuel Nelson
there were a couple good disney shows form that era like fillmore and recess
Luis Watson
Cringe. Gen Z was a mistake.
Aiden Rivera
>Cringe. Gen Z was a mistake. This. Trannies that give money to ethots and fortnite streamers are judging some of the GOAT kids cartoons as somehow being unworthy of their time.
Angel Jenkins
Exosquad was the shit. Shame we'll never get Race War In Space ever again.
Jason Cooper
listen here GenZ "zoomers" you best not be insultin my heckin based goodboi cartoon "kinos" otherwise im going to cry about it and insult you and cry about it again
You can insult it all you want. Just give real reasons other than shit like "dated" or "animation no good because reasons". And you should really reconsider being critics when you're giving fucking money to ethots and faggots that scream at their monitors while playing fortnite.
Isaiah Powell
>if you dont like my faggot cartoons you must like faggot streamers and faggot videogames >i never even considered that its possible to not be a faggot
Benjamin Baker
>>if you dont like my faggot cartoons you must like faggot streamers and faggot videogames Never said that. But odds are you're donating to fortnite shit or some ethot. Someone is giving them money and it's mostly zoomers.
Hudson Nguyen
read the op again grew up without cable, in the 90s