Is Superman just too boring for modern audiences?

Is Superman just too boring for modern audiences?

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Snyder is a hack

I'd say so, yeah. all of his "gimmicks" are either stuff only people in the 1920s would find impressive, or have been done much more interestingly by other superheroes.

Superman isn't inherently boring. Hack directors just make him boring.

Yes and if you change him, his fans get all buttblasted. See:Man of Steel.

I guess if Justice League ever takes off again , Wonder Woman can lead them.

nah animation ones are really interesting

i watched superman die and reborn yesterday it was good

seems like animation guys have understanding of superman

Injustice is one of the most popular shits in vidya

and superman is really interesting there , so whats problem


Was it kino?

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i like superman but he is totally irrelevant and writers don't know how to handle him

only boomers care about supes

All Superman movies sucked until Zack

DC is desperate for him to reclaim his former glory, but alas, they've not been successful apart from massively shilling him every where even at the detriment of other characters. Batman is shilled too, but let's be honest, he's naturally more popular and doesn't need help. You put Batman in your other movies to make people go watch.

Superman is actually more charismatic than all the other DC heroes, see Justice League.

I think the writers are the weakest link
they can't write interesting characters from space aliens for fucks sake.

I'm a bit bored of edgy anti-heroes. A character like superman whose only weakness is his morality is a breath of fresh air. Captain America is like that too I suppose.

JJ will fix that.

Feels like Superman is better off as a villainous alien God. Gives Batman something to fight against.

This. Movie writers dont get Superman. His stories aren't meant to be about his powers but about humanity. What it's like growing up in middle America finding out your that's not who you really are. Living the double life, because you just want to be that normal guy again but you were raised to help others and have a deep love for human. Who outside of a few have embraced you as their own even when they learned you're an alien.

Story about a guy who falls in love with a girl who's in love with his alter ego. So he hides ot from her to keep her out of danger. His end game is literally just help others be self sustaining, marry Lois, move back to the midwest and raise a family.

It's also got a lot of campy scifi superhero fun.

Nihilistic writers just dont understand any of this.

Superman has always been a boring character.
>a man who is literally Super

This guy gets it. What a nice answer man. Pity about the reddit spacing.

superman doesn't work when humans (besides luthor) are afraid of him, which is why MoS fucked up so bad stressing the alien/krypton bits, you can tell an entire superman origin story without krypton

>Pity about the reddit spacing.
People have been formatting their comments like this since before the internet as we know it existed, you fucking retard

>People have been formatting their comments like this since before the internet
Where? On walls?

Yeah, that's the problem. He has appeal, but you have to be able to execute it. Instead people want to change the character or instead of make it about powerlevels because he has all the powers.

With like Captain America, like there's a lot of comparisons, but Captain America is also a soldier who sneaks around fighting bad guys like Batman, which people find really entertaining and he easily plays the underdog role even with super serum.


>This. Movie writers dont get Superman. His stories aren't meant to be about his powers but about humanity. What it's like growing up in middle America finding out your that's not who you really are.

Movie writers view middle America with nothing but utter contempt.

Nah, for instance he can be made interesting depending on how he plays off other characters, but DC can't create any good interactions.

The problem is, we haven't had a faithful Superman characterization in recent film yet.

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>wonder woman gets properly recasted
>she leads the team femdom style

this. He always was boring even when I grew up watching him. Batman was the cool and relatable one.

Exactly. Every capeshit hero is a edgelord. They’re a dime a dozen now. Watching Deadpool be “edgy” is cringe.

Superman isn’t boring when people that actually understand the character are in charge. Snyder and Nolan are Batman guys. MOS was just Superman shoehorned into Batman Begins

Glad I'm not the only one that watched MoS and said: 'why does it feel like they put Superman in a movie that feels in tone like it's for Batman'

superman already had it’s perfect adaptations with superman 1 and 2. that’s why the only other movies was a nostalgia bait trying to capture the same feel (returns) and a gritty modern/realistic version (snyder)

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Henry Cavil is a gymcel charisma void with no talents, experiences or skills outside of being “le handsome man” and that reflects in his acting. He’s also dyel in candid photos and always has smaller hands than every guy he’s with. He’s also a faggot deep in the closet

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-they just never should’ve fucked up 3 and 4 like they did

I like Amy Adams and all, but can they cast a hot, younger Lois this time. Wouldn't hurt.

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They need to cast someone who's incredibly beautiful and has dark hair. Amy Adam's is very pretty but a redhead as Lois was just odd. I also want her to have purple/violet contacs.

There was zero chemistry between Cavil
and Adams. Not Adams fault. Cavill has no charisma like Chris Reeve had

Superman 1 and 2 suck

what the fuck happened with superman 3,4 and supergirl? 1 and 2 used the superman mythos pretty well but in 3, they didn't take anything from the superman stories except for lana lang. it's all cringe OC shit. pretty sure pryor's character is in the movie more than superman is. if they replaced pryor's character with jimmy olson and used bizarro and made the robot at the end braniac/metallo it could've been good

Supergirl has a lot of stuff from the comics, more than Superman 3 and 4 at least

Ok Snyder

The problem isn't the modern audience, the problem is attempting to market a children comic and cartoon character to adults. Even the Donner films relied mostly on nostalgia to work and by the time of Superman III, the character had overstayed its welcome.

superman/lex luthor is a classic Cain and Abel story the secular world no longer understands -- luthor wants to be loved for the wrong reasons, superman is loved for the right reasons, and luthor hates him for it. Writers don't understand evil, and have to make every bad guy Literally Hitler, or just nuts

without a good villain that makes archetypical sense, the story is lopsided, that's why supes has been boring lately/ .might versus intelligence, morality versus resentment -- these are interesting plots. In contrast, Might versus Might is just WWE with cgi

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Problem was FX at the time was too limiting to bring to life Superman universe and Super Villains.

Finally we have the FX to do so but got Batman hacks handling it

outside of her krypton city, what else is in supergirl from the comics? i thought it was the complete opposite. just had some weird sitcom story with these random witches

He always was

No. Snyder just fucked it up.

How do you ruin the absolute best casting for Superman in a generation? By being Zach Snyder.

>A man who is invincible unless you happen to have some magical green space rocks
Yeah he's pretty fucking boring.

so nerf him, i agree kryptonite is gay

Batman is even less relatable and more OP than Superman.

Make him more urban for the kids.

Not him, the stories are boring

He's not invincible without Kryptonite. You can depower him with red sunlight, hit with magic or if you're stronger enough just outright kick his ass.

I doubt you have ever read any Superman stories

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The stuff he has done in comics is way more interesting but that would require a lot of shit to adapt and other big budgets

Batman is the "relatable" one because he has no special abilities, all his feats were achieved by willpower and channeling all the negative energy of his parent's murder into something positive.

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inadaptable on screen.

there is no such thing as "faithful Superman"

kay Snider, whatever.


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A massive fortune and childhood trauma are not things most people have in their lives