What is the point of replicants in Bladerunner? The movie never really establishes why these things were made. What's the point in creating human-looking androids and giving them full personalities if you're using them for slave labor? It makes no sense.
What is the point of replicants in Bladerunner? The movie never really establishes why these things were made...
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dont ask questions
its just a stupid movie that Yas Forums obsesses over
movies are progrmming for children
go outside
Fucking. Always fucking.
>human-looking androids
They are genetically engineered working class slaves.
Pris was a lover bot, Roy was a combat model or something so for war and the other guy worked off world (probably in environments where humans can't survive) and Rachel was an experiment for fertility in replicants.
Because they were able create artificial intelligence by copying the human brain, duh. Also you can't sell them as sex slaves if they look like Robbie the Robot
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. C-beams glittering in the dark near the tanhauser gate. All these moments will be lost in time. Like tears in rain. Time to die
>Also you can't sell them as sex slaves if they look like Robbie the Robot
Speak for yourself.
>The movie never really establishes why these things were made
The movie literally tells you they're created for dangerous, off-world jobs that normal humans can't do.
For me, I was so fucking disappointed after watching the original one and 2049. Why the fuck is this replicants thing never explored there when it's technically the main issue of the films. 2049 and the original one are mediocre films, there I said it, they're mediocre. The only way for them to work is that there is going to be a third one who addresses this replicant thing and tells what the fuck happened to the replicants who were planning to get the fuck out of Earth in 2049, also Goose escapes with them.
Wtf? I like replicants now!
Most obnoxious pretentious bullshit meme line in any fucking movie ever.
What a fucking meme.
For Tyrell, this is simple: his daughter died before he did.
The Nexus-6 ones have superhuman performance and intelligence, programmable super soldiers that can never switch sides, or have conscience sway them, or tire, or stray from their missions (until the film events). War is profitable, and so are replicants. The first one Deckard ices is clearly on the sex kitten end of that spectrum -- sex dolls that can fool you into being real (can't simp for an inanimate object, after all).
>sex dolls that can fool you into being real
What do you mean "real"?
So you can fuck them.
>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. C-beams glittering in the dark near the tanhauser gate. All these moments will be lost in time. Like tears in rain. Time to die
Meanwhile in BR 2049
>go meet your daughter
>looks at hand, looks up at the sky
Thats true, but fundamentally the movie is underdelivering, because Replicants in bladerunners is just Enhanced Clones.
And since they are using human actors for that, they can't show them as anything but knock off humans.
Fundamentally the script is about what happens when biohumans infiltrate the population, and is programmed with deniable memory loss or hallucinations.
But in the movie it doesn't work out because we are never given a real example of how deep the conspiracy goes.
OP has a point in why would you make them look like humans and being intelligent or more like us. If you want slaves or soldiers why don't you make a robot that don't look like us and that is good killing or working.
Maybe the reason is that Tyrell wanted to become God and he wanted to create the new humans. That he thought will obey him.
wars and slave labor ?
what do you think china is
>The movie never really establishes why these things were made.
It straight up tells you
It's a shame she won't live – but then again, who does?
shut the fuck up turbodonkey, go ahead and hang yourself, fucking brainlet
The movie alludes for needing more durable humans to build space colonies and perform asteroid mining with the current tech level, but it never delivers this openly.
Instead its something you read between the lines, which is why its a fundamental failure in delivering its plot.
And the third world
And the underclass in every nation
And automation.
Plot might make sense in "Do Androids dream of electric sheep?", but its never elaborated upon in Bladerunner
zoom zoom
>never delivers this openly
Maybe in your head.
>Instead its something you read between the lines
Which is a success of the writing
>which is why its a fundamental failure in delivering its plot.
But that's not what the plot's about
why did harrrison ford say her eyes were green? he knew that they would just kill her if they knew that. doesn't he care about the lives of replicants? pretty fucked up.
>zoomers can't think and have to be shown and told everything
I'm surprised you were able to sit through the movie without playing on your phone.
Or did you watch a "Let's Play" of it?
I think he's only read the Wiki page on it.
Her eyes aren't even green. Right?
Its not what the plot is about, but its the fulcrum which the plot rotates around.
Which is why its important.
Its needed for the movie to make sense.
Because the replicant infiltration is never the core focus of the fulcrum.
I.e, to make it worse, the replicant infiltration is the focus of the spin off Bladerunner game
In the movie Deckard may or may not be a replicant specialised in hunting down other replicants, to prevent humanity from being replaced by replicant humanity.
Its very different from something like Star Trek where Humanity 2.0 ended up waging a genocidal war on humanity, which is why they banned genetic engineering for civilian improvement.
Does it now?
From what I remember there is some lines about space, colony, some descriptions about the replicants occupations and purpose, but its never actually stated their tech is too shit to allow normal humans to perform space sweat labor.
But it leads to a lot of questions like:
1. Why have human actors
2. Why have replicants pass for humans?
Yeah but why give them emotions?
Doesn't mean they couldn't have mentioned it. It's a glaring flaw in the idea behind Replicants.
There is no replicant infiltration, that is a shitty B-movie thats been made a million times. The Nexus-6 are illegal on earth because they can't be discerned from humans easily. Tyrell explains why he over-reached. They escaped from the colonies and returned to earth. There is no threat of being invaded or replaced.
Its about empathy in the end and the irony of terminating people because they fail an empathy test, this is why it never mattered whether Deckard was a replicant or not. Philip K. Dick wrote a lot about this, mainly because he was around junkies, its the first thing they lose and it scared him (he calls them "reflex machines"). Maybe if you understood where the word robot comes from (robota = forced labour).
It was good. If you don't understand the scene you are the type of guy that don't understand anything unless it's directly adressed
I see you are quoting the book, when you are talking about the movie.
And also citing the movie.
Are you... confused?
Fucking idiot.
They didn't. They developed them through life experiences. Thats why they were made to have short life spans. Dying around the time many started to develop personalities.
>They didn't. They developed them through life experiences
Lmao.....Cute...So they did give them memories. Stop being retarded you absolute dumbfuck..
So they're more human in appearance so that that we don't feel bad for taking advantage of robots.
That doesn't make any sense.
Because they're humans, not androids, just artificial modified humans.
I know that but why would you make modified humans and not just some highly effective robot looking thing. In case that the robots become too much intelligent and rebel, the people won't feel bad for them and won't join them because they look like machines not like humans like thee replicants.
It looks cool if you push on your eyes really hard
i hated the original but love 2049
basically, they're illegal on earth and some sick fucks would make them off world and abuse them. They'd escape get to earth and blade runners would kill em
>abuse them
i wish i could make replicants and abuse them sounds pretty based if you asked me
>Muh Tears in Rain
This expression indicates a Blade Runner fan's lack of understanding
>The movie never really establishes why these things were made.
Yes, it does. For example they say Roy is a military model, and that Pris is a "basic pleasure model".
They're not strictly robots, just genetically engineered humans with some robotics; they're more like androids or cyborgs.
Though, yeah, not giving them obvious marks to make them obviously not human would have made a lot of sense.
How does Rachel have such a perfect and cute face, and why is there so little waifuposting about her?
fuck I wasted those quads on being right
But he is not right, nowhere in the movies it is even implied that the replicants have any sort of robotics in them.
isn't Deckard technically fucking a five year old?
>the people won't feel bad for them
Nobody gives a fuck about the Replicants, in the films they are universally treated like shit.
>the guy punching through steel
>the girl assassin spazzing the fuck out after getting shot
The goal is to make slaves. Idk how this is hard. Memories make them more emotionally stable. Did you watch the movie?
To replace holes (you)
If the replicants had robotics inside then why the need for a complicated psychological test to tell them apart from humans? Just run them through a X-ray scanner.
and wasn't it obvious Tyrell had some fucked up world views?
>Memories make them more emotionally stable
And how well did that turn out? Fucking retard
Because they were selling a product that was also a research and development project. By giving them emotions and putting them in the field (whatever that may be) they can observe and perfect said emotions.
>And how well did that turn out? Fucking retard
Only a few broke free of their programming. Their are probably hundreds of thousands of androids.
"More Human than Human"
>What's the point in creating human-looking androids and giving them full personalities if you're using them for slave labor?
For, like, reasons, and stuff
I'm putting together a beam...
What's the point of slaves in general? And they didn't have full personalities except for the Nexus 6 after 4 years.
Only Rachael had implanted memories and she was an experiment by Tyrell, that's literally what made her special originally.
>Only Rachael had implanted memories and she was an experiment by Tyrell, that's literally what made her special originally.
Fucksake, meant for
Same reason people prefer talking to Alexa and Siri than they do typing on their keyboard.
Humans didn't want machines they wanted slaves they can talk to and order around and fuck. The earlier models were probably traditional mechanical machines. It's not hard to understand why we would want machines that looked and sounded like us.