Dude let's cgi the entire set

>dude let's cgi the entire set

Attached: cgi.jpg (600x600, 64.27K)

lol they made him taller

>even the minimal real stuff from the armors is just used for reference and entirely replaced with CGI

looks good so who cares. It's all about the result. Boomer directors like Tarkovsky, Lynch or Nolan would do the same if they had technology at that time. Retard gatekeeper.

>dude lets make incels seethe on Yas Forums

Mission accomplished, Disney.

oh shit yeah

so they could have any background they wanted but decided on what looks like an airport parking lot

Everything must be green screened so the executives can have the final say in every scene, wouldn't want the director making any wrong decisions.

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The airport scene those shots are from is notoriously hideous.

Sucked in his gut too.

What the actual fuck? Fuck Disney.

Why is War Machine even there? It's not for motion capture, he's standing in a completely different position in the final shot.

>could have CGI's anything
>put in a boring airport

the Endgame end fight was also boring looking
bland looking movies

Referencing. And they can always recycle recorded material elsewhere if needed.

why even film anything if you're going to CGI over the entire shot

fuck these "movies"

i bet this one was so they could just film it at Sam Jackson's house one weekend

They had to CG the gun too?!?

Not...really? A few autistic Anons used to post clips of unfinished video of the airport (over and over and over) but the final product isn't bad at all, and fantastic in places.

What's wrong, can't move on?

CGI ages like milk on the surface of Venus
Models are timeless

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at least the eyepatch isn't CGI!

Attached: THOR RAGNAROK VFX.webm (1280x532, 2.91M)

>fuck these "movies"
Nice trips. And yes, fuck The Irishman.

This entire scene is the scene most talked about post-Civil War discussions.. But it has really aged poorly and in return drags the entire movie down.. Civil War has a real solid story and there are many great moments of plot within the film.. But this entire scene is just god-awful in hindsight.

This was the scene that made me worried about The Russo Bros doing Infinity War/Endgame.. Infinity War turned out fine but their CGI sets and bland shot composition really stood out in Endgame. The entire final battle of Endgame is Civil War airport scene levels of shit.

the gun is the only part that makes sense. with a cgi gun you can use infinite designs and run them all through live footage to find the best fit without prop guys having to build or buy each one.

oh nonononono hahaha

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I miss the golden age of effects where practical was used most of the time with CGI used sparingly to enhance it

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>boomer directors like Nolan

At some point it just becomes wasteful

>that black panther naruto run

lmfao watch more film

Why is Hawkeye running with them? Being the archer, wouldn't he benefit more being in the back?

imagine doing this as a grown adult

>nobody will ever combine digital compositing with stop-motion photography to make the ultimate harryhausen-esque monster movie

feels bad man

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it looks cool

the unfinished webm is not even posted that much

Attached: cinema.webm (1280x534, 2.65M)

lol they making millions doing that

How do they make the lighting from the fake environment fit with actors when they do stuff on greenscreen?

Yeah, it still looks bad. You can clearly tell this is all CGI. Only Black Widow looks real.

This is offensively bad. They really couldn't just film a real scene?

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Arrows only have an effective range of 10ft, don't you know anything?

Not just "reference," it's there so RDJ and whoever is in the Iron Patriot armor don't move in ways they shouldn't.


CGI is a tool.. Not a crutch or a way to meet deadlines and save money. This is why most movies from the 90s that used CGI to compliment their practical sets still look great today and shit like Attack of the Clones looks so bad.

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Looks fucking grotesque. Light yourself on fire you looney retard

Attached: Themyscgira.webm (960x400, 2.68M)

>hate what they did to Thor in this movie
>love dark Galadriel

still not sure how to feel about it

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Yes because God forbid we commit to a choice when filming. Jesus, they are going to end up redoing the CGI on this stuff and making new versions in the future, aren't they?

>Customize your movie now? Choose ethnicities, styles, use your own face on the hero of your choice? The possibilities are endless!

This also looks bad, but at least the scenery isn't some boring ass airport parking lot. And the fight choreography is enegertic.

Attached: 1537157252915.png (1920x1254, 1.39M)

>imagine acting like a 6 year old for millions of dollars
Can think of worse things

lol, CGI boobs

Human beings, ladies and gentleman. We don't know wtf we're doing or why we do anything.

they're great actors for sure, I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face on infront of the camera knowing what I'm doing for that amount of salary.


Why can't these ultra big budget movies just film action scenes the way action movies do?
I watched Hercules (Dwayne Johnson) yesterday and the warriors fighting orcs looked cool. I was there thinking "yeah this looks real and the fight choreography is better than most Marvel fights". I'd wager the Fast and Furious and any spy movies still look awesome as well with the martial arts and gunfights though I haven't seen any lately.
But old movies like Die Hard still look positively vibing and violent even in 2020.
I dunno what filming technique they are using but I'm sure they're even cheaper than Antman and look much better than Marvel's fights

>looks so good
>so good

Imagine the amount of xbox, ps3/4 gaming years this faggot has on his body, jesus fucking christ

>so good

fucking kek

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anyone have the webm of the unfinished cgi that people post and pretend like it was clipped straight from the movie?

Isn't that how they made ShinG

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Nice bait

Not only is your point cringe, you clearly have dyslexia. I'm feeling double second-hand embarassment.

>imagine doing this as a grown adult

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>Human beings, ladies and gentleman. We don't know wtf we're doing or why we do anything.

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What a pussy.

In the future we won't even need actors, right? I mean PS3 and 4 already look like real humans to me at times, especially shit like Death Stranding or that game with Keanu Reeves' model. Or hell, Dante from the Devil May Cry series, he isn't a real person but looks like one

watch the scene in iron man 3 when he steps out the suit in the scene with the big bunny behind him and bags to cover his feet.

I remember liam neeson losing his shit having to do that on TPM. Now it's standard stuff.

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Voice is the last thing holding them back. They can't do descent "from scratch" voice acting. Once they nail that say goodbye to things as we know them.

It's the overall feeling I had from watching call of the wild.

I can't wait for the awesome porn that's going to come out once lifelike voice emulation is achieved

That would be living the dream, mate.

And say hello to you being framed for crimes and being sent to forced labour prisons for the rest of your life.

It looks real because you don't have any reference when you are immersed in a video game; you should look at the window sometimes