At least he tried

At least he tried.

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lol shop a bbc into the third panel inb4 mutts law im white im just saying it would be funny

It's like jumping from a skyscraper trying to fly and saying "At least he tried".

The guy was used by some tv producers who knew that it's going to be cringe porn.

You can't fail if you never try.

>cute little dance, Garrett
>me and Chad are gonna be thinking about it all date night

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Facts not in evidence, your honor.

He did turn out ok though, ended up as a normal guy with a gf, which is more than can be said for most Yas Forums posters

>inb4 mutts law im white

Doubt he even banged her once he saw the disgusting scar.

He grew up to be a bitter Trump supporter. Maybe if she'd given him a pity tug it could have been avoided.

>THAT'S all it took to get her
what's your excuse Yas Forums, you are above a 5.5/10... right?

is that the same guy

>be a tallfag
That's all women ever seem to care about these days.

Garrett Noga. He's a Chad now and has a better looking gf

Shop a bbc bottom left panel lol

Also, he has been riced

>thinkin' about that Jaws scar

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>he's a chad now and I'm a 25yo virgin

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He was barely a 5/10 trying to get a cutie prime pussy, what the fuck did he expect?

They don't
>t.6ft3 failed chad

women, especially American women, are height fetishists. It's a level of shallowness that is incomprehensible to most males.

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Damn imagine being Alexa and looking at Garrett now and comparing him to the guy in

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I'm happy Garrett found happiness.

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They need to brush their teeth

Damn he's actually cute. I wish him every happiness

>Gunnar is a male first name of Nordic origin. The name Gunnar means fighter, soldier, and attacker, but mostly is referred to by the Viking saying which means Brave and Bold warrior.

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That guy looks more like a brad.

Apparently he is/was a quarterback at Duke.

Face too small for head.

Post her belly

Seething manlet

Bullshit. Just go up to a bar and ask a woman, she’ll be sucking your dick within 10 minutes

Wow he grew up to be really handsome. Like a slightly more masculine James Van Derbeek.

He looks like he got hit with a baseball bat as a kid.

>yfw season 3 of Garrett, Alexa tries to get him to break up with his girlfriend by offering him Snapchat nudes

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Yas Forums, this one's for you

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>Season 3 of Garrett opens with an alternate history where he goes on a school shooting rampage

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where did he get this idea from ? what did he expect to get from this ?

TV show producers
He wanted people to like him, they wanted a heartwarming moment for their programme. Both failed.

How can I unJUST myself like this guy?

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garrett is much more of a chad than this guy


how old is he again?

pretty meh looking but he's 6'4 and D1 football player. I guess it really is face>height>status>body

Wtf Is wrong with his mouth

you mean height>status>face>body

lol ugly girl

face matters most. if he had a better face he would be dating someone hotter and not miss surgery scar and he also wouldn't need the height or status to do it

what did she mean by this?

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pic related was 5'7" and mogged 95% of the male population

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until he stood next to them

Women would still flock to him for his money and fame

I bet if he picked ANY of the other girls there he could have succeeded, instead he went with the most Stacy person possible.

ok so money+fame+face>height.

no he wouldn't have succeeded
even the 2/10 wouldve chosen chad

His music was fucking great though. It's the same reason that 5'7" Kanye fucks supermodels, ugly-ass Mick Jagger was still a sex symbol well into his 60s, and ugly-ass Seal with his fucked up face fucked the hottest model in the world in her prime. Music makes up for everything. I guarantee you that if the average Yas Forums-cel wrote Smells Like Teen Spirit, Come as You Are, Lithium, All Falls Down, Jesus Walks, Kiss from a Rose, Sympathy for the Devil, etc., that fat midget would be drowning in pussy.

how much pussy does bradford cox get?

He is handsome and cute now. Fair play to him. Still that will haunt him forever

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I'm glad he made it

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Should I know who that is

>Still that will haunt him forever
No one will recognize him though.

Tell that to Bruno Mars. His career literally died the second he walked on stage.

You have shit taste in music, but then again so do women.

>Still that will haunt him forever
You're overestimating childhood embarrassment. He's normal and handsome now.
>"Hey honey I found this video of a nerdy kid doing a silly dance for a girl not into him, is this you?"
>"Haha yeah I was kind of a dork in middle school, had a crush on this girl and embarrassed myself"
Embarrassing childhood moments aren't a big deal when you're a normal, functional adult. I can't relate, personally, my life is a mess and I agonize over my childhood humiliations, but I'm talking about what I see from other adults.

Lol I remember him standing next to Taylor Swift, the man is like 5'5" tops and he thought going on stage with a 5'10" girl wearing heels was a good idea

>what is STATUS (fame and/or fortune)
Gee i wonder why

Holy shit

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lol, now post her scars and disfigurement

Tell that to Thom Yorke

No I mean you will always remember it and it will ruin your day. I know because this happens to me all the time.

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Yeah, he based

>Those expressions on the womens' faces in the audience

When in doubt an asian chick will help you out

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Would lick that scar...

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